Kobe and Gigi Bryant Memorial Thread (RIP)


All Money In
May 8, 2012
South Memphis
I find myself angry at that pilot for continuing to fly in that poor weather with fog so thick police helicopters were grounded because of it.

I hate him lowkey. his dumbass decision took a black hero and his daughter away from us.
:pacspit:fukking idiot.

That's the power of money.
Transportation/Aviation people hate to let big money clients down.

I'm sorry but Kobe would have cursed me the fukk out about
not going. I wouldn't have cared if I was the 2nd string or back-up pilot.

Everybody would still be alive because of my refusal
to fly in those weather conditions.

These guys have instincts, and I'm sure his gut was warning him.
They all take chances like that. Some make it, some don't :mjcry:
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Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
it’s crazy breh. Even days later the reality just isn’t hitting. I went out on a late night run tonight and a little thru half way I’m headed in the BX and there’s a mall near the Yankee Stadium and it was lit up in purple and gold along the four buildings. shyt caught me off guard because it’s just a regular mall and it just shows the impact this breh had

I found a pic that someone tweeted that shows the back of the mall at ground level but you can see it from above and along the highway near the stadium

This shyt is just crazy. Kobe is dead....

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
So im reading Vanessa Bryant's Instagram post and im having mixed emotions, but im good everything's good. And then i get to the end

And the hashtags is what gets me :to:

I genuinely hate hashtags and think they are lame, but i can't hate on what i saw. Mainly because i needed a tissue, one nostril was tapping out.
May 4, 2012
All I can say man, is that that's a very metaphysical question that I can't answer without verging on blasphemy.
But, I'll do my best.
I think a good starting point for you: google quantum immortality.
The notion that science could discern the will of the creator is laughable, so "scientific results" about things like this are... ridiculous. BUT--based on theoretical physics and philosophical reductions, a "theory" gaining steam is that life is unique to the person experiencing it, and because it is (as far as anyone knows) impossible to "experience" nothing, each individual is--in essence--God, experiencing life as a material being. Which is what Jesus said, 2000 years ago.
So no one individual can experience their own death, but each individual can experience everyone else's death. IE, if you put a shotgun in your mouth and pulled the trigger with your toe.. in your reality, it would jam, it would misfire, it would go off but take off half your face and leave you alive... whichever scenario results in you living, would occur. But for everyone else on the planet, you would die right there and then.
Now, as a person's life goes on, the experience needs to get increasingly more... random... or fantastical... to keep their time line going. Which may account for things like the Mandella effect. So, let's say, in your time line you try to pull that shotgun trigger and it doesn't go off. Maybe for it to be defective, a person at the manufacturing plant needed to be sick that day, so maybe they had to go to the funeral for the guy who wrote the berenstein bears, but in order for him to be at that funeral in your timeline, fewer copies of those books needed to be sold for him to have a funeral at a place and cost that's affordable for him to go, so your universe is retconned to be a universe where they were the "berenstain bears" and a publishing deal was slightly less lucrative. Or something along those lines.
Eventually, as your life becomes increasingly more improbable, you realize that you are, in fact god, you break the machine, the illusion, the maya, and you regain your true form, and come back to do it again, in a new form, forgetting it all over again so you can experience life, eternally.
And because each individual view point is a view point of god, all of these infinite timelines are occurring simultaneously, we're ALL god (as jesus, again, said) and the experience of one is impossible to parse out from the experience of another. And so YES, Kobe is still alive in his timeline, but you might not be alive in his. And his may have branched off from yours 40 years ago, because in his, maybe he doesn't need to BE the Kobe that you needed him to be. Because there "IS" no Kobe, just your view of an energy collected as "Kobe" so you can learn whatever lesson you need to from his life/death.
Like I said man, tough to answer without passing the peace pipe and being face to face.

Caution is my new name but where did you get this theory from?

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
damn that last minute

now im just thinking of them knowing they were going to die :to:
Just cause they were descending for a minute doesn't mean they knew they were gonna die. They couldn't even see. I'm sure Kobe remained hopeful til the last moment. And even if it was a terrifying ordeal, they're at peace now. They're no longer in fear. Not many people get the privilege to go blissfully in their sleep. Death is gonna be a scary moment for most of us. But it's a necessary part of life. And it should be seen as something beautiful.

And also, we should remember that Kobe was not a normal human being like the rest of us. He was very strong. And all of the people who were on board were all hand picked by Kobe himself to be apart of his team. Which means they were strong people as well. Kobe was fearless all through his life. He was never scared of any challenge. He lived life better than most. And I'm sure he handled death better than most as well. And I'm sure Gigi handled it better than any 13 year old possibly could. She had that same mamba mentality flowing through her that Kobe did.

But the transition is complete now. They're at peace. There's no need to reflect on their last moments. Especially when you have no idea how it went down. All we're doing is putting horrible images in people's heads that may not even be accurate. The bottom line is that they're all good now. Kobe is good. Gigi is good. They completed their journey here and they're onto bigger and better things.