Believe it or not, that event changed my perspective on A LOT of things, and made me a die hard Kobe fan.
I was old enough to know how girls/the world worked by that point--and there is no conceivable way he raped that chick.
Put it this way, if my old lady, or for that matter, ANY OL LADY, was in a room, alone, at night, with KOBE... they're begging for that dikk. If my wife came home and said:
"Kobe raped me" I'd be like, "ohhhhh shyt, ski mask way?"
"Nah, I walked into his hotel room with him."

Get all the way the fukk outta here. That's not rape. It just isn't.
If you're a 19 year old chick, you don't go into a hotel room with a man unless you're fukking.
Let me ask any of these c*nts on tv talking out the side of their mouths right now, RIGHT NOW, how would their husbands feel if they got caught playing... fukkin... GO FISH.. or CRAZY 8s, ALONE, in a hotel room, with a man that isn't their spouse? Know what I mean? Doesn't matter how platonic of a picture you want to paint, you still on the hook for explaining what made you cross that threshold into his room with him. ALONE.
Like, if Lebron was in town tonight, and my boy texted me like
"yo I just saw your wife walk into Bron's hotel room with him."
I mean.
Come all the way the fukk on bro. There's no conceivable excuse that she could give that would make me say,

that makes sense. You met him 30 minutes ago, formed a close bond, and just needed to talk about life in a venue that includes a bed and sound proof walls. Cool, what's for dinner?
Oh--and by the way, she changed her story. Twice. Had another guys seed in her panties. Was schizophrenic. And withdrew her case.
If you can't see through that whole mess of trees to understand the forest you're looking at, point blank, you don't have the level of swag necessary to appreciate Kobe Bean Bryant.
For 15 years now, when someone tells me "Kobe's a rapist" I instantly know that they
a) have no experience with p*ssy
b) will believe anything they are told by someone in "authority" and can't think for themselves
And I'll tell you something right now, here's a prediction for ya, for free--
Kate Faber is gonna come out at some point in the next few days/weeks/months and say that Kobe never raped her and the guilt is eating her alive.
It's just how bytches work, she's gonna want that sympathy attention.
That "ohhhh you must have been SO scared of your boyfriend finding out that you were doing anal over a chair in a hotel room with a celebrity you just met, but at least you got 2.5 milly yaaaaaaaaaas slay queen!"