Kobe and Gigi Bryant Memorial Thread (RIP)

Aug 27, 2014
This seems like some bad sub plot of a time travel movie. Like I feel like I literally need to figure out how to go back a day and save this man. I have been a LWO/Kobe stan for so long that this just feels so fukking unreal. I'm blown away right now. I just wish this was some type of mistake. He can't go out like this. Not like this.

literally thought the same thing breh.

it’s crazy sometimes I feel nothing then I get this sudden realization that he’s gone. Kobe is gone. Then my heart just sinks. I’m lost.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
i know we all die and every day younger people die even more tragic deaths but this just stings brehs. I've just been thinking all day since I heard the news how fragile life really is.

We can literally go to bed and not wake up or we wake up like we have done thousands and thousands of times and just go about or regular day not knowing it's the last day for us and it's going to happen to us all, no one escapes death. Money, clothes, how many women you slept with, how many certs stocks, degrees etc. means nothing at the end of the day.

We all make plans that we are going to travel here, do this, save etc. this and that like we are guaranteed tomorrow but nothing nothing at all is guaranteed.

Enjoy life while you can.


Oct 17, 2015
Crazy that the reasons Pac, Nip, and Kobe all hurt so much is that they gave a blueprint to apply in how you live your life, thug life, mamba mentality, the marathon...they just inspired you to think bigger and be more. Pac was still figuring it out himself, but had he made just even five more years, we would’ve gotten to the core of his message
on top of that, the off-court things they did(charities), what they stood for, what they were aiming to be.
with the unfortunte tragic cherry on top of how they went out, is all why their deaths hurt so much.

what also hurts about Kobe's death

is that what he was trying to do was makeup time he missed with his kids, and mentor his daughter now he and his child who he was teaching are both gone.

this is all to sad to be true:mjcry:

Uptown WaYo87

May 7, 2012
Ill be completely honest i havent been into basketball in a very long time. I do watch playoff games and nba finals, it was always an excuse to hit up a bar at the time. But growing up it was all i did and till this day i still have all my basketball cards from when i first started collecting them which happened to be during 96-97 season and i have a bunch of kobe rookie cards as well as everyone else from that year...allen iverson, stephon marbury, ray allen, steve nash etc...just thinking back i practically followed this mans career even if i wasnt totally into basketball i always watched those key moments and i saw the finals whenever he was out winning them...usually hoping he would lose

But since my father told me earlier today, its all ive been thinking about and consumed by it. I hugged my daughter so tight today brehs, this shyt was heartbreaking. My tears havent fully come out today but it feels like any second their going to burst. My social media is filled with pics of him and his daughter happy and it reminds me of me and my little one because her happiness is all i care about i dont want her to ever go a day without it. Rip kobe amd gigi. My condolences to his wife, she will never be the same human being after today that hurts to know as well because any one of us could be in that position. Tomorrow is never promised!!

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
i know we all die and every day younger people die even more tragic deaths but this just stings brehs. I've just been thinking all day since I heard the news how fragile life really is.

We can literally go to bed and not wake up or we wake up like we have done thousands and thousands of times and just go about or regular day not knowing it's the last day for us and it's going to happen to us all, no one escapes death. Money, clothes, how many women you slept with, how many certs stocks, degrees etc. means nothing at the end of the day.

We all make plans that we are going to travel here, do this, save etc. this and that like we are guaranteed tomorrow but nothing nothing at all is guaranteed.

Enjoy life while you can.


Thas why fukk what anyone else thinks/says. Live your life and don’t be scare about who is watching/talking because it’s only words. It can’t hurt you. Like they say, the worse anyone can say to you is “no”.

There’s so much opportunity to go get yours when one door gets closed in your face.

This shyt right here done fukked a lot of us up. I got some real, in person Kobe stories from my time in LA that i don’t even wanna share yet but let me say dude was a real one in person. Hurts that children were affected in this because when you’re young all you gotta do is just be a kid. These were kids spending their weekend hooping. Just some regular shyt.


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
Man was an absolute legend. Very sad news, especially about his daughter, that took me out a bit. Kobe’s a prime example of someone who was put on this earth for a reason.

Him dying the day after Lebron passed him in scoring is one of if not the most surreal things I’ve ever witnessed. 100% a “we live in a simulation” moment.

man went out trying to be a good dad too. Gave 20 years to us and was doing his best to give the rest of his life to his kids. Smh. Life is strange, and if a god does exist it isn’t what we think it is, it must lack empathy.
I’m an atheist but even for spiritual people, life on earth is finite. And no matter how if we believe in afterlife or not, we all know that in an accident like this, there is no higher power that will call a timeout and stop it from happening. No matter who it is, no matter how important or wealthy or irreplaceable they are :to: