Home Run Hitter
on jesus sandals this shyt trash
Saw it last night
Its sillier than the first, but even more entertaining. Elton John
Jeff Bridges had some short scenes but was absolutely hilarious.
I loved the movie but I can see some people hating it.
A few weeks away I don't think I liked it that much.
I keep it 100I'mbut this kind of honesty is needed more in this world.
this was trash compared to the first
That's the thing, they killed the spark. I don't even know if its possible to make a good follow up to it since its going to be catered to the new guys.I won't say it was trash but it just wasn't hitting on much. It lost all the spark of the first ones. Even the action scenes were just ok in comparison. Nothing even came close to the church scene in the first. It as way too long also. Like way too long. I can see why Vaughn was scared to do sequels before this