Tenchi Ryu
Ashtray B!tch

Verify when you play the dlc
I waited for this DLC and it's not part of the regular game at all. Not even if you haven't reached the end game.
i'll start playing tomorrow. why did it have to come out thursday
I'm looking at some leaks here and there. there's saying the next game is teased and it's coming sooner than people think.
I think it'll be a switch game.
When you see yazora the blue and red theme is something serious. it could mean sora and riku but the colors are very similar to the switch joycons.
ohIt was actually the new mobile game pertaining to Xehanort that was announced this morning coming Spring 2020.
How is this $30? It really should be like 20
didn't even start yet. i'm just hearing about the content and i'm likeEven the Frozen Wilds DLC for Horizon had more content and it was only $20.
How far into it are you?
didn't even start yet. i'm just hearing about the content and i'm like
they're lucky the gameplay looks tight.
Oh yeah I heard about that but I knew when they weren’t in the first iteration of 3 that whatever appearance they could have would be minimalSome people are rather pissed about it. Especially since they hyped up the FF characters making a “appearance”.
Oh yeah I heard about that but I knew when they weren’t in the first iteration of 3 that whatever appearance they could have would be minimal
I am salty aboutsephiroth not appearing