
Nov 17, 2017
They need to stop making mobile ports and shyt, literally the only reason people have a hard ass time knowing wtf is going on in the story is they keep releasing games on mobile (gba,ds,phone) with crucial ass plot points in the storying knowing damn well most people aren't stretching themselves out getting all those systems and games.

Like it literally cost hundreds of dollars to play the series till the released everything on consoles mostly
At first I thought those games ain’t matter at all.

To me it was only KH, KH2, and KH3.

Then I’m playing the remixes with all the games and I’m like, wow these games are really important, but why are they released on all these different systems?

I was thinking, why do KH games come out so far from each other, then I look and realize that a game was made a year or two from each other.

That shyt was stupid to me then, and stupid to me now.


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
They are making the same mistakes from the previous saga by creating entirely too many questions that need to be answered. Each game ending seems to pivot the future of the franchise in a new direction. Based on the ending of Re:Mind, one would have thought they’d be pivoting away from the Disney aspect of what made the Franchise as popular as it is.

They could have solved a lot of this by just revealing the MOM and contents of the black box in 3, so people would have felt like some progress was being made. They also need to port over UX as a lot of people don’t know about the Foretellers or even that Ventus is heavily featured in UX.

The fact that they are still using models from KH 1 nearly 20 years later is another discussion itself.

I don't know why anyone would think they would be pivoting away from Disney. Disney owns Kingdom hearts lol.

As far as porting over UX i agree they at the very least need to make a movie about it before the next main game in the same vein that they did 358/2 days and Re:Coded. But with the new reveal of "Dark Road" I think their intent is on keeping the cash flow of the gacha games. At this point fans of the series understand that critical plot elements are wherever Nomura wants them to be. It's not right but it's how it is.

I think people underestimate how much of a core following this series has. Sure the series is no where near as popular as the ps2 days is. But it's not exactly a "niche" franchise either. These are the same fans that sell out the orchestra year after year. KH hardcore fanbase IS big enough for them to cater to just the hardcore following. The casuals are gonna get the next main kingdom hearts game regardless for the simple fact Frozen and Moana will be in it lol. KH3 has already proven this.

But again this new "Phase 2" means that at the very least they have a plan going forward which has been a big issue with this series. The plot is so "out there" Because Nomrua creates the scenario of the game as he goes along. If he has a plan and knows all the critical plot points of the next several games already then the story should be told in a much better manner then the "Phase 1" games

And with so many new characters coming (Foretellers/MOM/Yozora/Skuld etc) on top of all the "phase 1" characters being alive and well at the end of 3(Sora is alive he's just missing) Knowing that there is a plan is good.

Them reusing KH1 assets just prove this isn't a big budget game. And tbh im surprised it took this long for KH to get a rhythm game. KH has one of the best soundtracks in gaming history. I didn't see anyone bytching when Final Fantasy or Persona got their Rhythm games. Why is it a problem when Kingdom Hearts do it?(Other then putting canon plot info in it which i agree is dumb)

But again the main KH team is NOT making this game. They have already stated that the osaka team is working on their next game which everyone believes will be Kairi/Riku centered(It could also be Yozora centered. Who knows lol)

And again this series should of been going crazy with the spinoffs. Bring on Kingdom Karts, Bring on Kingdom Hearts:Dissidia. There are now 4 main Kingdom Hearts teams over at Square Enix. Popping out spinoffs every other year or so while alternating with mainline games is the way to go imo.
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Nov 17, 2017

Do you think they venture more from Disney with their own characters or do you think it’ll be the same as previous games?


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!

Do you think they venture more from Disney with their own characters or do you think it’ll be the same as previous games?

I think the original story of Kingdom Hearts has grown enough and has enough content to hold it's own without the need of traveling to various Disney worlds. This doesn't mean the series has outgrown Disney though. Mickey Donald Goofy Yensid Malificent Pete etc will always be core characters to this series.

What it does mean however is that they have to find some way to make traveling to the various disney worlds mean something. KH3 was 25 hours of nothing (Disney worlds) and then 5 hours of stuff that mattered (Keyblade Graveyard/Scala) This was one of the biggest complaints about KH3. That 90% of the game just didn't matter. There was no actual reason Sora/Donald/Goofy were going to these disney worlds.

And that was before all the new characters they are adding. In this next phase i think were gonna be spending even more time with the original characters then we do the disney characters (Outside of the core list i mentioned above) But at the same time Disney still owns Kingdom hearts. It's not like the Disney aspect will just be thrown out the window.

Just look at all the plot threads we have right now that they have to give answers to in the next couple of games

Kairi is sleep at radiant garden with the Radiant Garden crew going through her memories looking for clues for sora. This obviously is gonna be expanded upon in Melody of Memories
Riku has been having dreams about Yozora. That can be it's own game
Terra/Aqua/Ven went back to the realm of darkness to search for clues for Sora. That can be it's own game
Lea/Roxas/Xion/Isa are in twilight town with Hayner Ollete and Pence searching for clues for Sora. That can also be it's own game
"Subject X" is connected to Lea and Isa(Most likely Skuld)
Maleficent and Pete now knows where the box is and also knows Xaldin is Luxu
We still don't know what the hell is in the damn box.
Luxu in present time has summoned the Foretellers
Luxu and MoM is in Shibuya with Yozora in present time
Luxord is from Yozora's World
Demyx is somewhere doing something.
Young Xehanort and MoM knew each other.
Ven Larxene Marluxia and Demyx are from the time of fairy tales and somehow was brought into present time.
We still don't know who killed Strelitzia(Even though we know it's gonna be Ava)
We don't know what "Nameless Star" connection is to Yozora.
We don't know what "ending" is the "Cannon" ending(Does Sora beat Yozora or does Yozora beat Sora?)
Where the hell is Sora?

And all of this is before Dark road which is introducing another 4 new characters and whatever else zany plot twists comes up in that game. Like where are they gonna fit traveling to 6-8 disney worlds in all of this? Lol.

So yea i do think the format of this series (going to various disney worlds) will change in exchange of more time dealing with the original characters and original story. But the presence of Disney isn't going anywhere if that makes sense. There will still be summons. There will still be mini games. There will still be disney worlds that we will go to for whatever reason. It just won't be the bulk of the game.

Of course i could be dead wrong and KH4 or whatever the next mainline game is will be the same thing. 90% Disney filler with 5 hours of actual plot lol.
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Nov 17, 2017
I think the original story of Kingdom Hearts has grown enough and has enough content to hold it's own without the need of traveling to various Disney worlds. This doesn't mean the series has outgrown Disney though. Mickey Donald Goofy Yensid Malificent Pete etc will always be core characters to this series.

What it does mean however is that they have to find some way to make traveling to the various disney worlds mean something. KH3 was 25 hours of nothing (Disney worlds) and then 5 hours of stuff that mattered (Keyblade Graveyard/Scala) This was one of the biggest complaints about KH3. That 90% of the game just didn't matter. There was no actual reason Sora/Donald/Goofy were going to these disney worlds.

And that was before all the new characters they are adding. In this next phase i think were gonna be spending even more time with the original characters then we do the disney characters (Outside of the core list i mentioned above) But at the same time Disney still owns Kingdom hearts. It's not like the Disney aspect will just be thrown out the window.

Just look at all the plot threads we have right now that they have to give answers to in the next couple of games

Kairi is sleep at radiant garden with the Radiant Garden crew going through her memories looking for clues for sora. This obviously is gonna be expanded upon in Melody of Memories
Riku has been having dreams about Yozora. That can be it's own game
Terra/Aqua/Ven went back to the realm of darkness to search for clues for Sora. That can be it's own game
Lea/Roxas/Xion/Isa are in twilight town with Hayner Ollete and Pence searching for clues for Sora. That can also be it's own game
"Subject X" is connected to Lea and Isa(Most likely Skuld)
Maleficent and Pete now knows where the box is and also knows Xaldin is Luxu
We still don't know what the hell is in the damn box.
Luxu in present time has summoned the Foretellers
Luxu and MoM is in Shibuya with Yozora in present time
Luxord is from Yozora's World
Demyx is somewhere doing something.
Young Xehanort and MoM knew each other.
Ven Larxene Marluxia and Demyx are from the time of fairy tales and somehow was brought into present time.
We still don't know who killed Strelitzia(Even though we know it's gonna be Ava)
We don't know what "Nameless Star" connection is to Yozora.
We don't know what "ending" is the "Cannon" ending(Does Sora beat Yozora or does Yozora beat Sora?)
Where the hell is Sora?

And all of this is before Dark road which is introducing another 4 new characters and whatever else zany plot twists comes up in that game. Like where are they gonna fit traveling to 6-8 disney worlds in all of this? Lol.

So yea i do think the format of this series (going to various disney worlds) will change in exchange of more time dealing with the original characters and original story. But the presence of Disney isn't going anywhere if that makes sense. There will still be summons. There will still be mini games. There will still be disney worlds that we will go to for whatever reason. It just won't be the bulk of the game.

Of course i could be dead wrong and KH4 or whatever the next mainline game is will be the same thing. 90% Disney filler with 5 hours of actual plot lol.
All the stuff you listed breh: is that at the end of remind? I don’t know about any of that stuff lol.

If it is from remind; I need to watch the cutscenes on YouTube.


Nov 18, 2016
I think the original story of Kingdom Hearts has grown enough and has enough content to hold it's own without the need of traveling to various Disney worlds. This doesn't mean the series has outgrown Disney though. Mickey Donald Goofy Yensid Malificent Pete etc will always be core characters to this series.

What it does mean however is that they have to find some way to make traveling to the various disney worlds mean something. KH3 was 25 hours of nothing (Disney worlds) and then 5 hours of stuff that mattered (Keyblade Graveyard/Scala) This was one of the biggest complaints about KH3. That 90% of the game just didn't matter. There was no actual reason Sora/Donald/Goofy were going to these disney worlds.

And that was before all the new characters they are adding. In this next phase i think were gonna be spending even more time with the original characters then we do the disney characters (Outside of the core list i mentioned above) But at the same time Disney still owns Kingdom hearts. It's not like the Disney aspect will just be thrown out the window.

Just look at all the plot threads we have right now that they have to give answers to in the next couple of games

Kairi is sleep at radiant garden with the Radiant Garden crew going through her memories looking for clues for sora. This obviously is gonna be expanded upon in Melody of Memories
Riku has been having dreams about Yozora. That can be it's own game
Terra/Aqua/Ven went back to the realm of darkness to search for clues for Sora. That can be it's own game
Lea/Roxas/Xion/Isa are in twilight town with Hayner Ollete and Pence searching for clues for Sora. That can also be it's own game
"Subject X" is connected to Lea and Isa(Most likely Skuld)
Maleficent and Pete now knows where the box is and also knows Xaldin is Luxu
We still don't know what the hell is in the damn box.
Luxu in present time has summoned the Foretellers
Luxu and MoM is in Shibuya with Yozora in present time
Luxord is from Yozora's World
Demyx is somewhere doing something.
Young Xehanort and MoM knew each other.
Ven Larxene Marluxia and Demyx are from the time of fairy tales and somehow was brought into present time.
We still don't know who killed Strelitzia(Even though we know it's gonna be Ava)
We don't know what "Nameless Star" connection is to Yozora.
We don't know what "ending" is the "Cannon" ending(Does Sora beat Yozora or does Yozora beat Sora?)
Where the hell is Sora?

And all of this is before Dark road which is introducing another 4 new characters and whatever else zany plot twists comes up in that game. Like where are they gonna fit traveling to 6-8 disney worlds in all of this? Lol.

So yea i do think the format of this series (going to various disney worlds) will change in exchange of more time dealing with the original characters and original story. But the presence of Disney isn't going anywhere if that makes sense. There will still be summons. There will still be mini games. There will still be disney worlds that we will go to for whatever reason. It just won't be the bulk of the game.

Of course i could be dead wrong and KH4 or whatever the next mainline game is will be the same thing. 90% Disney filler with 5 hours of actual plot lol.
some very good points
I remember reading that nourma said there would only be one game before 4 so I think MOM is it.
I think if long enough they could cram everything in.


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
All the stuff you listed breh: is that at the end of remind? I don’t know about any of that stuff lol.

If it is from remind; I need to watch the cutscenes on YouTube.

Some is from the Xehanort Reports of Kh3
Some is from the secret ending of kh3
Some is from remind
Some is from the secret episode of remind
Some is from UX

But yea all the cutscenes are on youtube


May 13, 2015
Still can’t believe how choppy and disjointed the narrative became. Japanese content creators come up with some dope ass storytelling elements and characters that defy tropes. However, they need someone to reign them when the story starts to become convoluted for the sake of being convoluted.


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
preordering what? the rhythm game?

Yep. I'm joking of course. :mjlol: But I actually am looking forward to the game. It's a rhythm game and I find them fun. Plus it's coming out this year, so it's not like I gotta wait three years for a couple of (what might be) just cutscenes. This isn't meant to be the "next entry" in the series most likely but if it is... :manny: I'ma still play anyway.

I think the best attitude for going into this is with an open mind, with the intention of just having fun. And if there's lore involved like at the second half of that trailer, that's cool too. But a KH rhythm game has so much potential, because this is a Disney/Pixar game. There's so much that can be done, and I mean, we just got ReMind in January. So I'm fine with whatever. Plus we've had minigames like this already in the past, so this was bound to happen eventually. I'm just glad it's not another phone game like Dark Road.

So I'm cool with it, tempered expectations in check, and just happy to continue being on the KH train. :ehh:


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
Haven't played this game in a min but i do need to go back and finish the data battles on critical. Still got to beat Larxene Ansem Xion Master Xehanort and Yozora

Speaking of Yozora a new "out of bound" glitch came up recently and it works in the secret episode. The amount of detail in this world for nothing more then a secret boss fight is crazy. Not to mention Sora himself has a more "Realstic" look then he does anywhere else in the game. So not only did they go out of their way for this world but they also gave Sora a brand new model. All for a boss fight.

Shibuya in KH4 or whatever the next "main" game is gonna be amazing.

Here's also a render comparison between KH3 Sora and "Shibyua" Sora


May 9, 2012
Just beat this yesterday, overall it was solid but pretty disappointing that it’s not the end where we get some answers but instead it’s a new beginning with even more questions. Also wish they brought back the Coliseum

Organization XIII’s theme music is some of my favorite video game music ever. Captures their mindstate perfectly.

Don Homer

Molto Bene
Aug 25, 2013
If anyone cares, the Soundtrack is available on streaming platforms

I’ve listened to the Toy Box battle theme a few times :wow: