Stop lyin' nicca.
A lot of people are wishing I was a dyed in the wool, doe-eyed MAGA supporter who believed Trump is a Great Man of History who would lock up Hillary and turn America into some halcyon utopia, when in reality I simply arrived at my hatred of America far earlier than most of you, far before President Trump made it fashionable. 2016 was a gamble between a known anesthetic and a wild card vessel of disorder. I admit, I let my due hatred of the former lead me to give too much slack to the latter, but I still haven't heard a good argument for why we'd be better off long-term with the ostrich approach of a 3rd term of the abject failure that was the Obama administration that brought us to this point. That's Bidenism.
Whether Trump followed through on his promises was secondary to the effect he would have on the American political status quo. I don't need daps or reps from people who spent the past few years enthralled with Russian conspiracy fever dreams and prayers to Robert fukking Mueller of all people, I consider the emergence of the progressive revolution my just reward.
So, where do you live now and/or where were you born? Did you answer anyone who asked that?