Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.
These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.
Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.
What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.
Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships. Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.
Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.
And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.![]()
The problem is no one is marrying these women..50% of blackmen are married vs. 24% for black women. So yes, they are being delusional cause it's about results, for all the education, all the degrees, the high paying jobs 80% of black women are having kids out of wedlock, along with the massive amount of debt they have.
64%of black men earn in the middle class, 50% of blackmen are childless.and 50% of blackmen are married. So what does this mean?
Black men are learning from failure, at moderate pace, but were learning.
But what is the data saying about black women?
That there extremely educated an yet still make the same mistakes in regards to choosing a partner and who to have kids with.
Mind you, the black community as A WHOLE is still in bad shape, we've seen progress from both black men an women but in different aspects.
The men they want have standards also and those standards are not what black women think they are.....there's a major disconnect an hopefully ks can bridge that gap.