Kevin Samuels Is Literally the Number One Topic Now


Nov 5, 2015
Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.

These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.

Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.

What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.:mjlol::russ: I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.

Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships. Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.

Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.

And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.:yeshrug:

The problem is no one is marrying these women..50% of blackmen are married vs. 24% for black women. So yes, they are being delusional cause it's about results, for all the education, all the degrees, the high paying jobs 80% of black women are having kids out of wedlock, along with the massive amount of debt they have.

64%of black men earn in the middle class, 50% of blackmen are childless.and 50% of blackmen are married. So what does this mean?
Black men are learning from failure, at moderate pace, but were learning.

But what is the data saying about black women?
That there extremely educated an yet still make the same mistakes in regards to choosing a partner and who to have kids with.

Mind you, the black community as A WHOLE is still in bad shape, we've seen progress from both black men an women but in different aspects.

The men they want have standards also and those standards are not what black women think they are.....there's a major disconnect an hopefully ks can bridge that gap.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
On his Facebook he has a group called the mix full of single professionals who are dating for marriage out of 600 people in the group 8 marriages have happened.

What are your personal thought about ks and his you agree or disagree. your a pretty, in-shape single mothers, how is dating been for you in terms of quality men, what kind of men do you want.

has he had that Facebook dating group since he went from talking about fragrance to talking about women? Or has he always had that group?
I’m in a relationship. I’ve been dating the same man since July.


Feb 12, 2015
I want to rep you girl. You doing the damn thing in this thread. I commend you. So many truths in this post alone.
Thank you sis! You too! I just don’t see how this ain’t obvious to people...then again I also think he’s tapping into the resentment a lot of men are feeling as a result of women coming into their own power and the power many are wielding through social media. Backlash is inevitable.

It’s just funny though because men been talking shyt about women since the Dawn of time from entire music industries being created off calling women bytches and hoes, and men waxing poetic about their disdain for the feminine from Hammurabi’s Code to the billions of followers of Christianity to Confucius to Trump followers. Women literally been demonized as harbingers of original sin worldwide, but dudes crying over chicks on social media clapping back.

But then when women do it they can’t get mad if men clap back either. On and on and on.
I’m one of those men who agree with women having their own shyt. That way they don’t have to depend on my money and if she wants she can spend it on me.

I’m not on that wave of what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is yours. That shyt don’t fly with me.

That’s the only problem I have with the money issue.
l think too many women are oriented with money. And it ain’t even money. There’s a deeper inadequacy at work here. It’s them not having felt like they were valued by a man. Women associate men spending on them as care. And in many cases it can be, but in some cases a man can trick on you and that just makes you a prostitute. (Not that I have anything against transactional sex if that’s what you wanna do), but the problem is these transactions are occurring under false pretenses. They want the trick but they don’t want to be prostitutes. Basically they just want the men they like to demonstrate how much they care.:yeshrug:
And there’s nothing wrong with this either but when you go into a relationship with a hungry heart or a need for some sort of validation, it’s never going to work. And unfortunately a woman, in the age of relative economic equality, STILL overemphasizing money in a partner (note I said overemphasizing b/c you can’t just discount finances in a mate), is usually indicative of some deep-seated emotional insecurities.
I feel like you and honestly the model I grew up with of marriage demonstrated to me that it didn’t even matter b/c money was pooled for the family ANYWAY.:yeshrug:
I remember my dad giving me wads of cash he’d win in Blkjack games with no issue and I’d take it home to mom. They had one account. He didn’t care b/c he didn’t even want to deal with paying bills. I’ll never understand the money issue to be honest.


Feb 12, 2015
The problem is no one is marrying these women..50% of blackmen are married vs. 24% for black women. So yes, they are being delusional cause it's about results, for all the education, all the degrees, the high paying jobs 80% of black women are having kids out of wedlock, along with the massive amount of debt they have.

64%of black men earn in the middle class, 50% of blackmen are childless.and 50% of blackmen are married. So what does this mean?
Black men are learning from failure, at moderate pace, but were learning.

But what is the data saying about black women?
That there extremely educated an yet still make the same mistakes in regards to choosing a partner and who to have kids with.

Mind you, the black community as A WHOLE is still in bad shape, we've seen progress from both black men an women but in different aspects.

The men they want have standards also and those standards are not what black women think they are.....there's a major disconnect an hopefully ks can bridge that gap.
Where are you getting the stats in bold? :dwillhuh::patrice:Just curious because all the stats I see indicate that
“In 1990, 43% of black men had never been married. In 2019, it was 51%. During that period, the percent of black women who are unmarried increased from 37% to 47%.”

Moreover we have to be careful about using stats to demonize blacks.

For instance, there was a study done that analyzed some of the doom and gloom stats associated with black female marriage rates and they found “75% of Black women marry before they turn age 35 after examining census data from 2005 to 2009. Plus, Black women in small towns have higher marriage rates than white women in urban centers such as New York and Los Angeles, Toldson remarked in the New York Times.”

The Top 4 Myths About Black Marriage

However, sure marriage is hard in our community but it isn’t because of black female delusion. That’s a comfortable narrative some black men want to believe to shift the failure of some black families solely to women along with other fallacious beliefs like women are solely choosers. :mjlol: In reality, there is a shortage of black men. This isn’t a bashing point or an exhortation for swirling. This is just a fact. For every 100 black women, there’s like 81 black men. Soooooo statistically even if black women were saints, roughly 20% of em are gonna be single no matter what they do if they want black men and that’s actually not due to any flaw in black men...that’s due to early death and incarceration.

So think of how incredibly disingenuous it is for black men like Kevin to sit here and tell blk women that they delusional without even addressing the elephant in the room which is that even if they were perfect, somebody would STILL be getting left out. That’s not even considering other factors like self-hate, IR dating, and marriageability or single motherhood. That’s just stark numbers wise.

Here’s a rather balanced break down where researchers took into account a woman’s status as a single mom into gender marriability. Even accounting for that, just purely numbers wise they concluded
“Sawhill and Venator also find that concerns about a shortage of marriageable men among black Americans are likely due to high rates of incarceration and early death among black men.”

Do you see how it’s problematic to ignore reality trying to focus on demonizing black women instead of putting energy towards working together to stop these issues.
Before we can even tear each other apart about whether you too ugly or ain’t gotta degree or got too many gotta actually have just warm bodies and a 1:1 ratio to even play those games...which we don’t.:mjlol:Which makes Kevin even more irrelevant.

We ain’t even got all the crayons but worried about who coloring what.

It’s kinda disappointing for black men like him to sit there and insult black women without even considering this reality. If we wanna talk about delusions...let’s start there.:yeshrug: In order to play the game...there has to actually be...well...players.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
The problem is no one is marrying these women..50% of blackmen are married vs. 24% for black women. So yes, they are being delusional cause it's about results, for all the education, all the degrees, the high paying jobs 80% of black women are having kids out of wedlock, along with the massive amount of debt they have.

64%of black men earn in the middle class, 50% of blackmen are childless.and 50% of blackmen are married. So what does this mean?
Black men are learning from failure, at moderate pace, but were learning.

But what is the data saying about black women?
That there extremely educated an yet still make the same mistakes in regards to choosing a partner and who to have kids with.

Mind you, the black community as A WHOLE is still in bad shape, we've seen progress from both black men an women but in different aspects.

The men they want have standards also and those standards are not what black women think they are.....there's a major disconnect an hopefully ks can bridge that gap.
have you seen this video?

You should watch. Also the stats you’ve thrown out appear to be made up breh.


Nov 5, 2015
Where are you getting the stats in bold? :dwillhuh::patrice:Just curious because all the stats I see indicate that
“In 1990, 43% of black men had never been married. In 2019, it was 51%. During that period, the percent of black women who are unmarried increased from 37% to 47%.”

Moreover we have to be careful about using stats to demonize blacks.

For instance, there was a study done that analyzed some of the doom and gloom stats associated with black female marriage rates and they found “75% of Black women marry before they turn age 35 after examining census data from 2005 to 2009. Plus, Black women in small towns have higher marriage rates than white women in urban centers such as New York and Los Angeles, Toldson remarked in the New York Times.”

The Top 4 Myths About Black Marriage

However, sure marriage is hard in our community but it isn’t because of black female delusion. That’s a comfortable narrative some black men want to believe to shift the failure of some black families solely to women along with other fallacious beliefs like women are solely choosers. :mjlol: In reality, there is a shortage of black men. This isn’t a bashing point or an exhortation for swirling. This is just a fact. For every 100 black women, there’s like 81 black men. Soooooo statistically even if black women were saints, roughly 20% of em are gonna be single no matter what they do if they want black men and that’s actually not due to any flaw in black men...that’s due to early death and incarceration.

So think of how incredibly disingenuous it is for black men like Kevin to sit here and tell blk women that they delusional without even addressing the elephant in the room which is that even if they were perfect, somebody would STILL be getting left out. That’s not even considering other factors like self-hate, IR dating, and marriageability or single motherhood. That’s just stark numbers wise.

Here’s a rather balanced break down where researchers took into account a woman’s status as a single mom into gender marriability. Even accounting for that, just purely numbers wise they concluded
“Sawhill and Venator also find that concerns about a shortage of marriageable men among black Americans are likely due to high rates of incarceration and early death among black men.”

Do you see how it’s problematic to ignore reality trying to focus on demonizing black women instead of putting energy towards working together to stop these issues.
Before we can even tear each other apart about whether you too ugly or ain’t gotta degree or got too many gotta actually have just warm bodies and a 1:1 ratio to even play those games...which we don’t.:mjlol:Which makes Kevin even more irrelevant.

We ain’t even got all the crayons but worried about who coloring what.

It’s kinda disappointing for black men like him to sit there and insult black women without even considering this reality. If we wanna talk about delusions...let’s start there.:yeshrug: In order to play the game...there has to actually be...well...players.

Not everyone is going to get married, not everyone can have kids, and yes about 1 million blackmen have been incarcerated, now factor in, deadbeat, rachettes, gays, gangsters..the playing field levels out.

Alot of black women are gay or bi so some of them will be taken out of marriage which in turn increases their chances, now factor in 50% of blackmen have no kids, some of those black men are gays so theyll be taken off the board too.

Now there's more women then men period that's for every race an group, not everyone is marriage material and not everyone wants to get married.

The stat we need are, how many black men want to get married who have no kids vs. How many black women want to get married who have no kids.

We know 50% of black men have no kids, how many out of that group want marriage

Once everything is broken down men will have slight advantage due to their being more available women, which means everyone will have to compete.

Women now have more liberation in every aspect then ever, but the complaints of unhappiness from women have never been higher.

Women genetically want to nurture an be taken care of which goes against modern feminism.
This is the battle that is going own within women.

Its accomplishments, money, do for self independent, and loneliness vs. Home maker, dependant, and solely reliance on the man

The only middle ground is 2 high earners ( like my situation) where you combine incomes and go way north of 100k, but there struggles that go along with because your partnering on every aspect and both parties do all the roles that's wife hates this by the way but the results are indisputable but alot of relationships end up failing because in this model were all out of our natural roles.

Which is why Kevin pushes for married women not to work and the man to provide everything.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.

These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.

Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.

What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.:mjlol::russ: I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.

Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships.
Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.

Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.

And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.:yeshrug:
He actually does. You are projecting a whole lot. He says all the time fukk the gender war. Everyone talks about misogyny. We don’t talk about degendering misandry and predatory stereotypes in a academia that justify death and incarceration. Too much SIGN’ing going on
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Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Haha breh it's clear dude ain't really for us.

His main message to get married and become a better target for marriage. Lmao how the hell does that help black men today.

I have never seen any content posted on here about dude trying to teach nikkas about some actual worthwhile shyt. Cause buffoonery like shytting on delusional women and helping us to be better targets for women to get us caught up in the marriage scam ain't it.

Adding the fact he's clearly suspect and interested in just shytting on whores.

Make it completely goofy that nikkas will fight tooth and nail to defend dude.

If people were just finding him as entertainment, cool but championing of him like he should be the pillar of the black community I see on this site.

Lol it's a no from me.

Some of these dudes are resentful and want to see career type women get shytted on. Now saying that some of what KS says to these women is true and necessary but is delivery is very sassy and feminine. Which is off putting masculine men.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Not everyone is going to get married, not everyone can have kids, and yes about 1 million blackmen have been incarcerated, now factor in, deadbeat, rachettes, gays, gangsters..the playing field levels out.

Alot of black women are gay or bi so some of them will be taken out of marriage which in turn increases their chances, now factor in 50% of blackmen have no kids, some of those black men are gays so theyll be taken off the board too.

Now there's more women then men period that's for every race an group, not everyone is marriage material and not everyone wants to get married.

The stat we need are, how many black men want to get married who have no kids vs. How many black women want to get married who have no kids.

We know 50% of black men have no kids, how many out of that group want marriage

Once everything is broken down men will have slight advantage due to their being more available women, which means everyone will have to compete.

Women now have more liberation in every aspect then ever, but the complaints of unhappiness from women have never been higher.

Women genetically want to nurture an be taken care of which goes against modern feminism.
This is the battle that is going own within women.

Its accomplishments, money, do for self independent, and loneliness vs. Home maker, dependant, and solely reliance on the man

The only middle ground is 2 high earners ( like my situation) where you combine incomes and go way north of 100k, but there struggles that go along with because your partnering on every aspect and both parties do all the roles that's wife hates this by the way but the results are indisputable but alot of relationships end up failing because in this model were all out of our natural roles.

Which is why Kevin pushes for married women not to work and the man to provide everything.
Your wife hates it... breh this is the second post you made about her not liking that she has to work and where you admitted that you aren’t high value. I’m dead. Your very honest lol.

These days most households are two income. I actually don’t mind working, I do make a very good salary, on top of that I live down south and I work remotely. So I can’t even complain about life right now.

Maybe it’s because I’ve done the sahm thing before—but I actually like working and hated staying home. I also have a different perspective on the matter. I don’t think hvm are out of reach or impossible to meet for certain women. I work with many hvm (black and white). My dad was also hvm (based on Kevin’s criteria). I have two sisters who went to Ivy League schools. Many of their friends married men who also went to Ivy League schools. All have great jobs and are doing well. Looks wise everyone seems equal to each other.

On top of that a couple of my girls are with men who make a little less than they do. There are bw that are willing to work with brehs. And I don’t see very much delusion offline from the women I know in terms of who they’re actually dating/going for.
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The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
These femcels are becoming more and more dangerous in their rhetoric
It’s borderline klan rhetoric. The projection is black men want aspire to be white men (mimesis) or Eldridge cleaver, yet it was white suffrage talking points and certain female “ancestors” saying they should try to be like white women that got us here. Mrs.Davis also sure did love Herbert Marcuse. Black Macho was recanted and yet it is still used as a reference even though the authors mother told her she was wrong for it. Some say miss Steinem wrote that book as a ghost writer. We are the most progressive men in world, American black men do not look at manhood solely based on masculinity. That is a fact

Not every black man is Brian Banks, but not every Black man is a latent Elderidge Cleaver obsessed with actualizing him as their supreme and final form
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old boy

Oct 25, 2017
Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.

These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.

Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.

What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.:mjlol::russ: I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.

Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships. Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.

Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.

And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.:yeshrug:

have you ever seen a bbw ride shotgun in a lambo? no. we both know this, so stop it with the hairy fairy word salad iyanla

the most beautiful women are always going to be first choice for men with resources and vice versa. the fact that someone on youtube has gone viral spitting this obvious objective truth says a whole lot about the delusional arrogance of black women and their incessant need to revel in subjective truth devoid of logical inspection & real world application. who does this bytch think she is? lol you gotta be hard on them and that's why hoes are mad. it's the fact that it was truth no chaser and it made her soul burn slow. bytch wasn't checking her phone she was trying to stop the tears from falling with a diversion lmao