Kevin Samuels Is Literally the Number One Topic Now

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
:dwillhuh:Your platform is called “every single society and historical text in the world since the beginning of time”:what: Feminism would never have happened in the first place if a few men at the top didn’t convince other men to try and fukk over 1/2 of the world’s population since the Dawn of time. Where you been?

The male movement is called “Life: The Status Quo and how to keep our feet on these bytches necks so we can make money and buy p*ssy to maximize our opportunity to procreate even if that means telling them to do shyt we would never do ourselves like put up with sharing a partner with 8 other partners and other silly shyt like that” :why: That movement been in effect since the advent of agriculture:deadmanny:
Ma’am feminism happened because the sufferagates were conniving little racists like their men. The base ethnology is that black men are demons. They were mad that black men got the right to vote before them (which was really the right to die at the polls). And truth be told, a certain segment of black women who were allowed to read held that against the men as an original sin, but the consensus was at the time was that black men made sure to always keep their wives involved before going to vote. Sojourner Truth taking cues from Elizabeth Cady Stanton did not help this community. There is a reason why the suffragette movement coincided with the KKK coming back(white women resurrecting the clan with 1/3rd of white Americans joining). They wanted equal rights to hang us, straight from their own mouths.


Your broad loves me.....
May 19, 2012
Harlem, NYC
Ma’am feminism happened because the sufferagates were conniving little racists like their men. The base ethnology is that black men are demons. They were mad that black men got the right to vote before them (which was really the right to die at the polls). And truth be told, a certain segment of black women who were allowed to read held that against the men as an original sin, but the consensus was at the time was that black men made sure to always keep their wives involved before going to vote. Sojourner Truth taking cues from Elizabeth Cady Stanton did not help this community. There is a reason why the suffragette movement coincided with the KKK coming back(white women resurrecting the clan with 1/3rd of white Americans joining). They wanted equal rights to hang us, straight from their own mouths.
The spew all that rhetoric but read none of the feminist literature.

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
:yeshrug:you're clearly out of touch with most black folk then tbh breh

Yeah yeah yeah he gay. What about that interaction was wrong?

I have to remember, this is a black man speaking for black men. This board is full of white dudes.

I don’t even agree with dude encouraging dudes to get married. I think dudes should never marry until the environment change. Until women want to be wives again and not partners. This generation of women ain’t worth marriage period((Only a very small group). And even though I strongly disagree with him on marriage I’m not about to do some female shyt and call him gay because I don’t agree with what he said.

Only White men and bytches play that game.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
He's suspect at the least. Asking a nikka for his dikk size and consistently having an back and forth with women is unbecoming of a man.
The reason I don't think he's gay is because of how excited he gets whenever an attractive woman calls in.

I'm surprised women aren't calling him out on his clear bias against ugly women. He speaks so much differently to them.

You can feel his energy change.


Nov 5, 2015
@Booksnrain :lawd:

It seems like an echo chamber in all his threads. But I don’t see that him telling black women about themselves is going to result in anything beyond entertainment for brehs. Unless action follows, behaviors change and women adjust their standards and do what he advises(hint most will not) nothing monumental will be accomplished. That’s what makes it strange to see brehs, even those that aren’t high value worshipping him just because he’s telling women about themselves.... if all he’s doing is telling women about themselves but those women still don’t move differently and nothing changes then...?

Y’all say he promotes black marriage but I don’t see that those rates will increase either or shift because of him. I mean the women who call in to his show are low self esteem and women with issues—there’s a psychology to those women. They get something out of the way he treats him, because those women already seek a certain type of validation and treatment from men(which is why they continually attract shytty relationships and crazy situations and called him in the first place) The kind of help some of them probably need is counseling. trust and believe that after they talk to Kevin, his harsh message might hit them for a few days but then they jumping right back into the same shyt they were doing before they called in.

The more unfortunate thing about Kevin Samuels “way” though is that we’ve already seen this method before, it was just done differently. srgtpetewillie and tommy and all those others did it, and it went well at first until it didn’t. Lol. And brehs supported those men too at first. But what eventually happened is bw began to respond because those brehs pissed them off. They went after those men to get those channels taken down. They began to push this swirl shyt extra hard and those anti bm messages were amplified and it’s been that way ever since.

So my prediction? No matter how popular Kevin gets, broken and delusional women will still continue to be broken and delusional. Women are not going to adjust or do things differently to get a high value men, women won’t be anymore accountable. And bw are probably going to start clapping back now that his video went viral.

They've been clapping back even before this, go listen to paris, listen chrissy or cynthia g their content is anti bm based.

Ks is the result of see more ks typ content to balance it out..before it was just bw bashing black the playing field is being leveled. However ks wants to unit black people


Nov 17, 2017
That’s what you took from my post? I said that brehs on here say that Kevin is for black marriage, but that I myself dont believe that those numbers(black marriages) will change because of Kevin. I said that I don’t really believe any change will take place from women because of his show. Because I don’t believe that outside of the delusional and broken women who call in(and even they probably won’t change even after talking to him) that other bw are receptive to his messages.

I don’t believe they like him. I believe bw are going to respond in a negative way and that no they will not adjust their standards or follow Kevin’s advice. I look at the big picture, the end result. And what I see happening is the same thing I’ve already said: there will not be a monumental shift in the behaviors of women where they will lose the delusion or follow what he says. In order for him to be impactful in the areas of black marriage, (since brehs are arguing that the big issue is that women are delusional and have crazy standards that need to be adjusted) then IMO Kevin would have to “inspire” those changes in bw. If he does not because the average bw is not receptive to his critique and they continue to be delusional or continue doing what they do, then what did it accomplish? How did it shift marriage rates?

it seems from these threads that brehs are excited about him. But I don’t believe that the average bw is receptive to him. I also believe that’s what’s about to take place is that bw are going to clap back at him and his followers. Not in a positive way, not in a meaningful way. But in a “oh hell nah who the fukk does he think he is... I am so sick of these men. I am not changing my standards because xyz. I am xyz.. bleh bleh” type of way. I predict more anti bm messaging, promotion of swirling, them coming for his channel until it dies down, more division and the same ole cycle of shyt. Same cycle. Different day.

Nothing productive will take place. Now if brehs are hyping him up because they find value in watching him tell women about themselves and aren’t expecting change or that anything monumental will happen with bw then thats fine. But no he isn’t going to change the black marriage rate or cause a positive shift in the relationships between bw and bm. He’s entertainment.
I see what you’re saying. The women are combative by nature. They do not want to be told what to do, especially by a Black man.

He’s said this many times before, and black women are coming out of the woodworks to talk shyt about him and bm.

There are some good Black women that agree with what he’s saying, but the dirty c00n wenches get even angrier.

They do not want Black men empowered or for them to be self improvement focused. They get their rocks off talking about how bm don’t have this and that, and if they start working on themselves the wenches won’t have anything to say.

What I see is that everything is amplified; the Black women who love Black men will appreciate them more, the dirty disgusting wenches will hate more.

The best thing Black men can do is know this, and avoid these wench bytches and work on themselves. They finally get to see how delusional and messed up in the head these women who call in the show are. They call in the show and most likely won’t take any of the advice he gives.

Black men have to see this, understand this, and to continue to work on themselves.

That’s the only benefit that can come from this.


Feb 12, 2015
lmao c'mon ma not like this... had to edit because it was so age of aquarius irrational. but that's how sistas do though. gynocentrically talk that mustard, relish, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, horse radish, steak sauce, tartar sauce, wasabi, tabasco, salsa, and worcestershire when the discussion is ketchup. true they are all condiments just like ketchup is, but are they ketchup? no, so get that outta here. you done threw in lgbtq+, beating up women, misogynoir, alt right influencing us (hi jamele), being swindled by internet hustlers, looking for youtube father figures, etc etc. well goddamn lil mama, you forgot that we're ashy and don't love our mothers lol

look, women are free to find whoever they want attractive, no one trips. but the delusion was this average basic bytch overrating HERSELF. a man who is average looks, average height, average whip, with an average income is just trying to get some p*ssy and get in where he fit in. talmbout nah i'm holding out for a bytch who looks like ryan destiny who gon' come fukk with a boss playa that just got a promotion at kinko's. lol but when it comes to hoes, yall really want us to cosign lizzo having the same value as lori harvey and if we don't agree it's misogynoir and gay. wow, black women are in a really bad state ma. salute to any nikka or bytch who is courageous enough to be honest with this delusion in the illogical age of aquarius
Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.

These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.

Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.

What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.:mjlol::russ: I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.

Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships. Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.

Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.

And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.:yeshrug:


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.

These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.

Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.

What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.:mjlol::russ: I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.

Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships. Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.

Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.

And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.:yeshrug:
I want to rep you girl. You doing the damn thing in this thread. I commend you. So many truths in this post alone.
Feb 5, 2016
Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.

These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.

Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.

What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.:mjlol::russ: I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.

Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships. Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.

Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.

And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.:yeshrug:

Kevin is part of the new breed @Booksnrain

He a entertainer And advisor

On the woman that made him more famous a couple weeks ago many women agreed wit him.

Anytime u brutally honest people will like u

Cause so many hide how they feel about people out of fear of backlash

I dont think black men view kevin as a god or father figure he a entertainer giving brutally honest advice

Alot of bw need to hear from bm. To kno and understand what expect from a man

Your other points are great but i think women need to understand that cause we being honest wit u dont mean we hate u its what black women need to hear


Feb 12, 2015
I see what your saying about the messenger, your not use to seeing someone that looks like him saying what he's saying. Yes he does give off alot of feminine energy, he was raised in the church, also raised with no his feminine energy is going to show...he's also a metrosexual, doesn't have alot of bass in his voice, dresses to the extreme..yea I see it.
RIGHT?!! I’m like COME ON MAN. I know ya’ll see this shyt!!!! And I am used to seeing it. It’s kinda a common trope which is why I’m surprised so many are falling for it:dwillhuh:

However, I he is saying is not wrong, the white supremacy angle has been done to death an isnt going away anything time soon therefore kevin doesnt allow women or men to use it as a crutch.
Yeah I don’t agree with his advice if it can be called that. Identifying and acknowledging the impact of white supremacy isn’t a crutch. He isn’t solution oriented. He’s sensationalism oriented and he has some deep-seated resentment against women. IMO it comes from him being gay or bi and struggling with shame from being in the closet and hurt he experienced with black women in the past. So he’s not just trying to humble them. He’s trying to be them and replace them. And even the advice he gives men is reminiscent of female Twitter $400 date mentality. He’s like a dyke that turned to carpet munching after being hurt by dudes. So now she both resents men while also trying to identify with them. I need to bookmark this thread because I wouldn’t be surprised if that came out in the future.:ld:

You keep saying "pick me" when what's wrong with women wanting to be picked to be taken care of or picked for marriage.
Ohhh ho ho. Lmao! Pickmeism goes WAAAAAAAAY beyond wanting to be chosen. We need another thread for that mentality. Lol!

No one is make post or thread about cynthia g or crissy for continuing to attack black men without introspective, discernment or regard, context for putting us all in "one size fits all" group.
They get attacked all the time. Just like all of these internet frauds do. Wasn’t there an entire beef between one of these females and a male personality?

But they go in waaaaay harder then kevin...its not even close, I use to watch cynthia an crissy but there overboard.
I never followed them. All of them just seem like scammers capitalizing off black pain and insecurity.
Kevin is trying to bring black people together, you can debate an arguement his methods, but he doesnt hate black women, he doesnt discourage black men from dating black women, he is pro black families an black couples.

How can you go against someone who wants black women to be stay at home mom's and raise the kids while the men out an work an build.

That is heart of his whole message that people tend to over look.

There is almost no one out there saying this.
Men need to work a job plus 20 extra, need to connect and build with other black men.
Need to provide a environment for black women to rest in their femininity.

When if he wasnt straight, even if he was bi, what he is saying almost 100% correct. Even with white supremacy back in the 50's-60's thr heart of the jim crow era, the black family as a unit was better off, black men were building, united and pooling resources...the white supremacy angle cant be used today although it's still affective, but were more successful when white supremacy was at its peak..why is that?

This is what Kevin is trying to get both sides to understand.
The fact that the black family unit has been nuked is the reason for the issues we have to today which is why kevin is so polarizing.
It's the reason why we get Kevin today but not malcom, it's why we get obama but not martin.

Both Martin and malcom had extremely strong father's. There masculine energy was always present but controlled.
Do you think we get malcom an Martin if they were raised by single mom's.

Corretta Scott king was amazing for what she's done and been through, but there's reason why none of Martin an malcolm's kids have the impact of their fathers...because the fathers were not present for obvious reason no disrespect

So as far as black people are concern messenger most likely isnt going to have the total package looks an sound an impact wise due to the nuclear family being nuked and the ones that can do it dont want too...this is why were in shambles.

But someone has to step forward and try and what what you getting from kevin, is he corporate, yes, feminine church going Moma's boy energy from cogic pastor energy...yes.

But what he is saying isn't wrong, it could be hard to hear but he isn't wrong...
Yeah it’s gonna be a no for me. First off, I’ll level with you. I actually don’t have an issue with him being gay, :lolbron:as I’m not homophobic. I mean I can be silly and crack jokes but I honestly don’t care. It’s just funny to troll notoriously and LOUDLY homophobic dudes when they all of a sudden hit a heel turn and think acting like a fruit roll up is A-okay as long as said Twizzler is saying what you wanna hear:laff:. These fruit snack jokes not gon tell themselves. Kidding! KIDDING!:russ:

I’m just having fun with it.

But besides the hilarity of that issue, his message is shallow, materialistic, fatalistic, unrealistic and flamboyant. Worrying about a man dikk size and telling people during an economic depression and pandemic that they gotta make 10k to be high value is about the dumbest shyt I’ve ever seen. And horribly reductive. Men are more than dikks that shoot money.
Similarly, telling SINGLE MOMS of all people to gon head and buss it open for every guy there after because she did it with one guy...I mean...this post long enough!!! Do I really have to spell out how destructive this shyt is? None of this “fixes” the black community. He doesn’t love the black women he wants to emulate and in line with his feminine energy he giving hoe babble advice to men playing on harmful tropes, mixing in some false traditionalism when it suits him, and rocking ya’ll to sleep with flaming hot fairy tales.

This ain’t it. But if you like him, do you. I remain hilariously unconvinced and incredulous that he has somehow managed to convince large swaths of people that the emperor’s wearing new fits even though I can see his balls hanging out on the throne. Then again, Trump convinced nearly 70 million people to vote for him on a complete troll campaign. I gotta stop being befuddled at human stupidity.
But I’ve only seen snippets of him so maybe I haven’t gotten to these gospel truths yet. Any recommendations of his best content?
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2015
Kevin is part of the new breed @Booksnrain

He a entertainer And advisor

On the woman that made him more famous a couple weeks ago many women agreed wit him.

Anytime u brutally honest people will like u

Cause so many hide how they feel about people out of fear of backlash

I dont think black men view kevin as a god or father figure he a entertainer giving brutally honest advice

Alot of bw need to hear from bm. To kno and understand what expect from a man

Your other points are great but i think women need to understand that cause we being honest wit u dont mean we hate u its what black women need to hear
To be honest, and maybe this makes me sound like a lunatic but for all the shyt I say about men, I actually think women are just as bad. This shyt will just continue to flip flop until a hero comes along with a clear, fair balanced perspective free of ego to take both genders to task.

Apart of me is actually glad men are being more communicative because I think everybody needs a voice. So while I may vehemently disagree with his entire steez and I KNOW that nikka hustlin (hell I could do the same damn thing if I wanted to and talk trash money shyt to incels and have some poor saps begging me for more and scores of women hi-fiving.) But like @caramelbarbie mentioned so eloquently, this shyt will only flip back and forth and back and forth.

Black men and black women are searching for love and reciprocity in a world that is being turned upside down in its search for equilibrium. I’ve been saying the same shyt for years now on this thread. Until men and women learn how to love themselves and treat others the way they want to be treated, none of this is going to get any better. I honestly don’t know how people can’t take a step back from this entire process, view it against the backdrop of human history and see that the realization of the Golden rule is what will break the pattern.

But in the meantime, it’s entertaining to watch if nothing else.


Nov 17, 2017
Men don’t have ground to stand on when it comes to physical delusions anymore even though they have traditionally reigned in this arena. That’s what some don’t like to hear. Men used to have economic ground to stand on to leverage wealth for attractive female mates and they also used to have social systems that shamed women into forgoing physical attraction to focus on just getting a man in the past. Much of the power of these systems have been deincentivized by changes in opportunities for women and men remaining unyielding despite reality shifting.

These social shaming systems worked because of a lack of ecobomic opportunities for women in the past. But while men will bytch and moan about not caring about a woman’s economic status, what they don’t understand is the larger picture—namely that these social safety nets are no longer in place to ensure that even an ugly dude gets the girl in the end. Economic equity provides audacity in mate selection. Let me say that again. ECONOMIC EQUITY PROVIDES AUDACITY IN MATE SELECTION. Doesn’t matter whether you care about her degrees. She no longer cares to overlook a short dikk and a surly disposition to survive economically because she ain’t got to anymore. It’s not “female delusion”. It’s actually reality. We live in a world now where someone can elect to forgo interacting with stressful individuals altogether if they not on the same page.

Men want a time where women don’t have many opportunities outside of choosing up on a man whether she is attracted to him or not.

What angers men in this new set up is that women aren’t choosing to go along with the flow anymore. To be relegated to quiet, disrespected, submissive housewives who cook/clean, fukk and say nary a peep if the dude steps out on her or even hits her. Men legit angry that a whole nother human being with a job that pays as much if not more than him isn’t willing to go along with that dumb ass plan and court early death from stress and being played, and raising kids for dudes who low key think they worthless outside of reproduction and got “submission” on his tongue before shyt like “respect” or “reciprocity”.:mjlol::russ: I call it the “Vinegar Courtship”.
This is the only thing that’s really changed in relationships. Social shaming systems for women have been rendered obsolete by their entrance into the workforce.

Meanwhile This hustler dude peddling men are the prize nonsense is just feel good dykk babble without any solutions. He isn’t digging into what black men and black women actually need to work on.
Which is self-love. Healing the issues passed down from old relationships. Misogyny. Resentment some blk women and black men hold against one another. Hypersexualization. Low self-esteem. A need for validation. Female inconsistencies.

Instead he is grossly oversimplifying blk men and blk women and distilling their human value down to wealth for men and looks for women which is ridiculous and dangerous to our community because we’ve always had to be more than ass and titties and stacks to build good relationships.

And the reason I brought up all the other topics in the former post is because all of that is connected to how blacks will worship anybody who tells us the negative stuff we want to hear about the opposite sex.:yeshrug:
I’m one of those men who agree with women having their own shyt. That way they don’t have to depend on my money and if she wants she can spend it on me.

I’m not on that wave of what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is yours. That shyt don’t fly with me.

That’s the only problem I have with the money issue.


Nov 5, 2015
That’s what you took from my post? I said that brehs on here say that Kevin is for black marriage, but that I myself dont believe that those numbers(black marriages) will change because of Kevin. I said that I don’t really believe any change will take place from women because of his show. Because I don’t believe that outside of the delusional and broken women who call in(and even they probably won’t change even after talking to him) that other bw are receptive to his messages.

I don’t believe they like him. I believe bw are going to respond in a negative way and that no they will not adjust their standards or follow Kevin’s advice. I look at the big picture, the end result. And what I see happening is the same thing I’ve already said: there will not be a monumental shift in the behaviors of women where they will lose the delusion or follow what he says. In order for him to be impactful in the areas of black marriage, (since brehs are arguing that the big issue is that women are delusional and have crazy standards that need to be adjusted) then IMO Kevin would have to “inspire” those changes in bw. If he does not because the average bw is not receptive to his critique and they continue to be delusional or continue doing what they do, then what did it accomplish? How did it shift marriage rates?

it seems from these threads that brehs are excited about him. But I don’t believe that the average bw is receptive to him. I also believe that’s what’s about to take place is that bw are going to clap back at him and his followers. Not in a positive way, not in a meaningful way. But in a “oh hell nah who the fukk does he think he is... I am so sick of these men. I am not changing my standards because xyz. I am xyz.. bleh bleh” type of way. I predict more anti bm messaging, promotion of swirling, them coming for his channel until it dies down, more division and the same ole cycle of shyt. Same cycle. Different day.

Nothing productive will take place. Now if brehs are hyping him up because they find value in watching him tell women about themselves and aren’t expecting change or that anything monumental will happen with bw then thats fine. But no he isn’t going to change the black marriage rate or cause a positive shift in the relationships between bw and bm. He’s entertainment.

On his Facebook he has a group called the mix full of single professionals who are dating for marriage out of 600 people in the group 8 marriages have happened.

What are your personal thought about ks and his you agree or disagree. your a pretty, in-shape single mothers, how is dating been for you in terms of quality men, what kind of men do you want.