Kevin Samuels Is Literally the Number One Topic Now


May 1, 2012
This dude is a fukking master...

I dunno how he’s doing it but he stays on y’all mind 24/7. He’s been on the front page of TLR for like a month. Y’all might as well just make an official thread for him and sticky it.


Your broad loves me.....
May 19, 2012
Harlem, NYC
These are the types of people that cant stand seeing someone get that much praise and attention. In their eyes it has to be something wrong with him, they sound offended that he is telling people if you want better than do better.
What’s crazy is these broads have nothing but gay friends that do their make up(which makes them look like transformers) and give them advice. So if he is gay what’s the problem?

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
The idea that black chicks are delusional for wanting someone that is attractive to them is ridiculous, ESPECIALLY given the way blk dudes been showing out about they “PREFERENCES”.

lmao c'mon ma not like this... had to edit because it was so age of aquarius irrational. but that's how sistas do though. gynocentrically talk that mustard, relish, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, horse radish, steak sauce, tartar sauce, wasabi, tabasco, salsa, and worcestershire when the discussion is ketchup. true they are all condiments just like ketchup is, but are they ketchup? no, so get that outta here. you done threw in lgbtq+, beating up women, misogynoir, alt right influencing us (hi jamele), being swindled by internet hustlers, looking for youtube father figures, etc etc. well goddamn lil mama, you forgot that we're ashy and don't love our mothers lol

look, women are free to find whoever they want attractive, no one trips. but the delusion was this average basic bytch overrating HERSELF. a man who is average looks, average height, average whip, with an average income is just trying to get some p*ssy and get in where he fit in. talmbout nah i'm holding out for a bytch who looks like ryan destiny who gon' come fukk with a boss playa that just got a promotion at kinko's. lol but when it comes to hoes, yall really want us to cosign lizzo having the same value as lori harvey and if we don't agree it's misogynoir and gay. wow, black women are in a really bad state ma. salute to any nikka or bytch who is courageous enough to be honest with this delusion in the illogical age of aquarius


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
lmao c'mon ma not like this... had to edit because it was so age of aquarius irrational. but that's how sistas do though. gynocentrically talk that mustard, relish, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, horse radish, steak sauce, tartar sauce, wasabi, tabasco, salsa, and worcestershire when the discussion is ketchup. true they are all condiments just like ketchup is, but are they ketchup? no, so get that outta here. you done threw in lgbtq+, beating up women, misogynoir, alt right influencing us (hi jamele), being swindled by internet hustlers, looking for youtube father figures, etc etc. well goddamn lil mama, you forgot that we're ashy and don't love our mothers lol

look, women are free to find whoever they want attractive, no one trips. but the delusion was this average basic bytch overrating HERSELF. a man who is average looks, average height, average whip, with an average income is just trying to get some p*ssy and get in where he fit in. talmbout nah i'm holding out for a bytch who looks like ryan destiny who gon' come fukk with a boss playa that just got a promotion at kinko's. lol but when it comes to hoes, yall really want us to cosign lizzo having the same value as lori harvey and if we don't agree it's misogynoir and gay. wow, black women are in a really bad state ma. salute to any nikka or bytch who is courageous enough to be honest with this delusion in the illogical age of aquarius
Great analogy. I think after reading all of this and seeing how this guy gets under people skin for being real. You can’t teach or help everyone, some people don’t want to admit their faults or that they had it wrong the whole time. They rather just discredit the messenger so they can ignore the actual message.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
@CarmelBarbie people want to see his marriage rates but never have these demands for the likes of people like Derrick Jaxn. I have yet to see any women ask how many people he helped get married and yet he has millions of followers more so than Kevin.
That’s what you took from my post? I said that brehs on here say that Kevin is for black marriage, but that I myself dont believe that those numbers(black marriages) will change because of Kevin. I said that I don’t really believe any change will take place from women because of his show. Because I don’t believe that outside of the delusional and broken women who call in(and even they probably won’t change even after talking to him) that other bw are receptive to his messages.

I don’t believe they like him. I believe bw are going to respond in a negative way and that no they will not adjust their standards or follow Kevin’s advice. I look at the big picture, the end result. And what I see happening is the same thing I’ve already said: there will not be a monumental shift in the behaviors of women where they will lose the delusion or follow what he says. In order for him to be impactful in the areas of black marriage, (since brehs are arguing that the big issue is that women are delusional and have crazy standards that need to be adjusted) then IMO Kevin would have to “inspire” those changes in bw. If he does not because the average bw is not receptive to his critique and they continue to be delusional or continue doing what they do, then what did it accomplish? How did it shift marriage rates?

it seems from these threads that brehs are excited about him. But I don’t believe that the average bw is receptive to him. I also believe that’s what’s about to take place is that bw are going to clap back at him and his followers. Not in a positive way, not in a meaningful way. But in a “oh hell nah who the fukk does he think he is... I am so sick of these men. I am not changing my standards because xyz. I am xyz.. bleh bleh” type of way. I predict more anti bm messaging, promotion of swirling, them coming for his channel until it dies down, more division and the same ole cycle of shyt. Same cycle. Different day.

Nothing productive will take place. Now if brehs are hyping him up because they find value in watching him tell women about themselves and aren’t expecting change or that anything monumental will happen with bw then thats fine. But no he isn’t going to change the black marriage rate or cause a positive shift in the relationships between bw and bm. He’s entertainment.


Nov 5, 2015
Great. I see the male perspective. It’s not that I don’t get this. Its just that dudes lash out at me when I share the equally important female perspective. But first, as for Kevin. Nothing you say will make me doubt that he isn’t absolutely a hustler.
He’s b*stardized personality tropes from the most trusted sources of the black community and wrapped them up in a caricature. These include sistagirl auntie energy, gay appropriated black female “gurrrrl lemme tell you something” energy, and Christian church woman “youse got yo submit to dat man” energy. So what you get is an auntie, church woman pickme cosplaying as a black man.:wow:
Many black women eat this shyt up because the church auntie pick me “you gotta iron his shirts everyday JESUS” shyt is comfort food for black women instead of them facing the meanness of this world. Meanwhile black men eat this shyt up because he telling the women what they think black women need to hear and they will overlook the zest and even the dumb shyt he says to black men, as long as the message gets to black women that their successes ain’t shyt to protect their own egos.
Moreover, him dragging a couple of people while they are down isn’t going to fix black relationships. And the entire high value/low value dichotomy is nonsense. You cannot quantify something as complex as a human being. But he oversimplifies people and gives insulting sensationalized gender pandering in the form of “advice” and because there is a leadership vacuum in our community, people eat this shyt up. I know a hustle when I see it. It’s not just the messenger that’s the message. His message is wack too because it’s not healing any of the deep seated issues black men and black women have that is at the root of our romantic failures like white supremacy and low self-esteem. These chicks will go from having crazy delusional standards and being alone, to dating complete bums and settling on anybody and making babies that get abandoned because they so easily led that a nikka in a Fanny pack can tell them who to date. He knows the types callin into that show and he taking advantage.:yeshrug:

I see what your saying about the messenger, your not use to seeing someone that looks like him saying what he's saying. Yes he does give off alot of feminine energy, he was raised in the church, also raised with no his feminine energy is going to show...he's also a metrosexual, doesn't have alot of bass in his voice, dresses to the extreme..yea I see it.

However, I he is saying is not wrong, the white supremacy angle has been done to death an isnt going away anything time soon therefore kevin doesnt allow women or men to use it as a crutch.

You keep saying "pick me" when what's wrong with women wanting to be picked to be taken care of or picked for marriage.

No one is make post or thread about cynthia g or crissy for continuing to attack black men without introspective, discernment or regard, context for putting us all in "one size fits all" group.

But they go in waaaaay harder then kevin...its not even close, I use to watch cynthia an crissy but there overboard.

Kevin is trying to bring black people together, you can debate an arguement his methods, but he doesnt hate black women, he doesnt discourage black men from dating black women, he is pro black families an black couples.

How can you go against someone who wants black women to be stay at home mom's and raise the kids while the men out an work an build.

That is heart of his whole message that people tend to over look.

There is almost no one out there saying this.
Men need to work a job plus 20 extra, need to connect and build with other black men.
Need to provide a environment for black women to rest in their femininity.

When if he wasnt straight, even if he was bi, what he is saying almost 100% correct. Even with white supremacy back in the 50's-60's thr heart of the jim crow era, the black family as a unit was better off, black men were building, united and pooling resources...the white supremacy angle cant be used today although it's still affective, but were more successful when white supremacy was at its peak..why is that?

This is what Kevin is trying to get both sides to understand.
The fact that the black family unit has been nuked is the reason for the issues we have to today which is why kevin is so polarizing.
It's the reason why we get Kevin today but not malcom, it's why we get obama but not martin.

Both Martin and malcom had extremely strong father's. There masculine energy was always present but controlled.
Do you think we get malcom an Martin if they were raised by single mom's.

Corretta Scott king was amazing for what she's done and been through, but there's reason why none of Martin an malcolm's kids have the impact of their fathers...because the fathers were not present for obvious reason no disrespect

So as far as black people are concern messenger most likely isnt going to have the total package looks an sound an impact wise due to the nuclear family being nuked and the ones that can do it dont want too...this is why were in shambles.

But someone has to step forward and try and what what you getting from kevin, is he corporate, yes, feminine church going Moma's boy energy from cogic pastor energy...yes.

But what he is saying isn't wrong, it could be hard to hear but he isn't wrong...


Mar 19, 2015
I don't understand why the coli stans certain men and hang on to their every word. this dude

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Great. I see the male perspective. It’s not that I don’t get this. Its just that dudes lash out at me when I share the equally important female perspective. But first, as for Kevin. Nothing you say will make me doubt that he isn’t absolutely a hustler.
He’s b*stardized personality tropes from the most trusted sources of the black community and wrapped them up in a caricature. These include sistagirl auntie energy, gay appropriated black female “gurrrrl lemme tell you something” energy, and Christian church woman “youse got yo submit to dat man” energy. So what you get is an auntie, church woman pickme cosplaying as a black man.:wow:
Many black women eat this shyt up because the church auntie pick me “you gotta iron his shirts everyday JESUS” shyt is comfort food for black women instead of them facing the meanness of this world. Meanwhile black men eat this shyt up because he telling the women what they think black women need to hear and they will overlook the zest and even the dumb shyt he says to black men, as long as the message gets to black women that their successes ain’t shyt to protect their own egos.
Moreover, him dragging a couple of people while they are down isn’t going to fix black relationships. And the entire high value/low value dichotomy is nonsense. You cannot quantify something as complex as a human being. But he oversimplifies people and gives insulting sensationalized gender pandering in the form of “advice” and because there is a leadership vacuum in our community, people eat this shyt up. I know a hustle when I see it. It’s not just the messenger that’s the message. His message is wack too because it’s not healing any of the deep seated issues black men and black women have that is at the root of our romantic failures like white supremacy and low self-esteem. These chicks will go from having crazy delusional standards and being alone, to dating complete bums and settling on anybody and making babies that get abandoned because they so easily led that a nikka in a Fanny pack can tell them who to date. He knows the types callin into that show and he taking advantage.:yeshrug:
Always on point...dap + rep

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
:dwillhuh:Your platform is called “every single society and historical text in the world since the beginning of time”:what: Feminism would never have happened in the first place if a few men at the top didn’t convince other men to try and fukk over 1/2 of the world’s population since the Dawn of time. Where you been?

The male movement is called “Life: The Status Quo and how to keep our feet on these bytches necks so we can make money and buy p*ssy to maximize our opportunity to procreate even if that means telling them to do shyt we would never do ourselves like put up with sharing a partner with 8 other partners and other silly shyt like that” :why: That movement been in effect since the advent of agriculture:deadmanny:
You are on fire in this thread :wow: