Your wife hates it... breh this is the second post you made about her not liking that she has to work and where you admitted that you aren’t high value. I’m dead. Your very honest lol.
These days most households are two income. I actually don’t mind working, I do make a very good salary, on top of that I live down south and I work remotely. So I can’t even complain about life right now.
Maybe it’s because I’ve done the sahm thing before—but I actually like working and hated staying home. I also have a different perspective on the matter. I don’t think hvm are out of reach or impossible to meet for certain women. I work with many hvm (black and white). My dad was also hvm (based on Kevin’s criteria). I have two sisters who went to Ivy League schools. Many of their friends married men who also went to Ivy League schools. All have great jobs and are doing well. Looks wise everyone seems equal to each other.
On top of that a couple of my girls are with men who make a little less than they do. There are bw that are willing to work with brehs. And I don’t see very much delusion offline from the women I know in terms of who they’re actually dating/going for.
When you've been as successful as I have...I've taken my fair share L's..Lower an uppercase..my parents although very loving raised me hard...I've never been afraid to say the truth or to use myself as a example of failure, I've made poor discussions, not many, but the ones I made mattered however I've stayed away from making the type of choices you cant bounce back from, an I learn from my mistakes
With regard to not being a "high value man" according to the standard definition I'm not..

And that's okay......I'm not going to change the terms to make myself fit, if I dont make the cut, i dont make the cut.
I'm a hustler, unconventional, I make my own way, I always have, i had bought 2 houses by the time was 33..I'm 39 now..my networth pushes north of 500k...I know what it's like to net 140k off a single deal kept ALL the profits......trust me, I'm not walking around with my head down, it is what it is.
There is alot a value in being a hvm, doesn't mean that men who dont consistently make north of 100k are valueless...doesnt mean I'm not valuable...
As for wifey, having multiple kids she wants to be at home to raise them, it's not that doesnt like to work, she wants to be able to raise the kids to make sure they grow up the way they need too, if we had no kids she wouldnt mind working at all, she'd probably work 2 jobs so it's not about work ethic it's about wanting to be there for the kids cause you dont get those years back once there gone.
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