And the gay man get paid off of alladat.@Booksnrain
It seems like an echo chamber in all his threads. But I don’t see that him telling black women about themselves is going to result in anything beyond entertainment for brehs. Unless action follows, behaviors change and women adjust their standards and do what he advises(hint most will not) nothing monumental will be accomplished. That’s what makes it strange to see brehs, even those that aren’t high value worshipping him just because he’s telling women about themselves.... if all he’s doing is telling women about themselves but those women still don’t move differently and nothing changes then...?
Y’all say he promotes black marriage but I don’t see that those rates will increase either or shift because of him. I mean the women who call in to his show are low self esteem and women with issues—there’s a psychology to those women. They get something out of the way he treats him, because those women already seek a certain type of validation and treatment from men(which is why they continually attract shytty relationships and crazy situations and called him in the first place) The kind of help some of them probably need is counseling. trust and believe that after they talk to Kevin, his harsh message might hit them for a few days but then they jumping right back into the same shyt they were doing before they called in.
The more unfortunate thing about Kevin Samuels “way” though is that we’ve already seen this method before, it was just done differently. srgtpetewillie and tommy and all those others did it, and it went well at first until it didn’t. Lol. And brehs supported those men too at first. But what eventually happened is bw began to respond because those brehs pissed them off. They went after those men to get those channels taken down. They began to push this swirl shyt extra hard and those anti bm messages were amplified and it’s been that way ever since.
So my prediction? No matter how popular Kevin gets, broken and delusional women will still continue to be broken and delusional. Women are not going to adjust or do things differently to get a high value men, women won’t be anymore accountable. And bw are probably going to start clapping back now that his video went viral.

We don’t even need white people anymore. We colonizing ourselves at this point

To be honest, I ain’t even mad at him anymore. Because if they take him out, he’ll just be replaced. The honest to God truth is that he’s tilling fallow ground. You can’t sell sand to a beach and water to an ocean. There’s a rift between some black women and black men that has sent us to other races, the LGBTQ community, the church, alt-right conservatives, liberals, witchcraft, Hotepism, anime, the internet, social media and the edges of the universe to avoid addressing. We’ll basically support and weaponize ANYBODY who talks shyt about the opposite sex in our race.
It’s existential procrastination and delaying the hard psychological and emotional work that black men and black women have to confront in ourselves. We try to self medicate with roast sessions instead of digging deeper.