Bytch get the fuk over it- what happened, no ‘Pick me’ retort this time?? that “pick me” label y’all like to give out ran out of power when another woman holds you accountable. This dumb bytch said incel bc I’m negating all of her talking points. Whose her coli poster boyfriend?? She has dude out here looking like a beta simp. This is not the first time either. Like the time she let another man (not her boyfriend) dance with her at a meetup then exposed for lying about it- after which she claims they weren’t an “official couple”.
Imagine emasculating your “fiancé” to the point where he won’t even show up to defend her on Threads or speak in her favor - yet she’s the one always on here showing out on a male dominant site. Dafuqqqq- he’s the one who SHOULD be posting.