Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


May 20, 2012
He started out saying dude should be honest. In the most recent show, he went even further, saying that cheating should be expected. But! He agreed with a caller that there should be rules. So im assuming those rules cover the 'no babies, no embarrassment, no stds' thing he mentioned before.

He glossed over the point that men should be honest. The basis of any relationship is trust so you can't gloss over it seeing that most men are NOT honest about their desire to sleep with multiple women. Even HVM lie about it. Cheating should be expected of hvm BUT if a man looks you in the eye and tells you he is not going to sleep with anyone and be faithful to you alone then I cannot fault a woman for believing him. If you cannot trust what your man or husband tells you then what kind of relationship is that?

A guy discussing "rules" upfront with a woman is the rare exception and not what normally happens. Kevin knows this. He always gets on women for trying to use exceptions to make a point but in this case he is doing the same thing.


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
He started out saying dude should be honest. In the most recent show, he went even further, saying that cheating should be expected. But! He agreed with a caller that there should be rules. So im assuming those rules cover the 'no babies, no embarrassment, no stds' thing he mentioned before.

His theory is not wrong, it's just disjointed bc this may be the first time he's explaining the concept to total newbies. These are well known rules.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that my mother was mistress to a hv(b)m. She followed these rules, tho she later halfway regretted it bc they really had been madly in love. I saw it with my own eyes and we all benefited from that connection.
I agreed with the bolded statement. However, making an agreement to be opened in a relationship is an arrangement; it's not cheating. Kevin needs to be cleared on his take on HVM having affairs with multiple suitors. There are some rich couples who have made an agreement with each other to have an open relationship or get involved in swinging.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
the "HVM cheat" narrative is actually not that controversial to the audience he's talking about.

the reason why that top 5 - 10% of men "cheat" is because their wives get old and fat alot of the times

meanwhile the men keep growing and expanding as they get older..... those men got elite diets, invest in home gyms, etc.... the same discipline they apply to work & business - they also apply to health and fitness.... Men's looks increase as their financial status increases.

dudes be out here 55 looking 35, but alot of HVM wives are washed up.

the reason why the women stay is because they understand they're washed up & they know their man is elite, and they also have children that they are invested in - who go to elite schools and have inheritances. etc etc

I dont recommend regular dudes making 40k to cheat on your wives.... thats for the dudes with driveways full of foreigns and children who go to private schools with multiple properties in different states (and continents)

It is tho because its still taboo to express non traditional POV's about relationships to the average audience. See the issue people have with him is they have never had someone challenge their way of thinking, its been the same lies for so long that people just assumed that was the only way.

I can tell you when you start hanging around a different type of community, the "kink or fetish" world, you would be shocked how different their views on relationships are. they are truly ahead of the average person in regards to how they think. Them people have no issue with what KS be saying but they are the "outcast/deviants" of society still so their opinions hold no weight wit the common folk

great post
He's basically tapering the expectations women have of men at the elite level. Even if those dudes don't cheat, they need to understand that the opportunity and temptations will exist.
Some broads have already called up admitting that much while some still call up all shocked and shyt.
That's why dude stay harping on women keeping competitive even after they get married cuz falling off can either create or speed up the cheating process.

I think the biggest takeaway is he wants women to get rid of the notion that they can find the perfect nikka. Not the perfect man for them, but just perfect period. Rich, super loyal, good looking, etc...Like nah you gon have to deal with something damn it. :francis:
Why is this simple concept so hard to accept? I have had disagreements with men and women about him because of them thinking his delivery is to harsh or he is popular on youtube so he has to be a gimmick or I even heard he was hurt by a woman thus discrediting his talking points.. When in reality its simple stuff that we should ALL be understanding of. People really let their emotions get in the way of being able to learn something helpful
He glossed over the point that men should be honest. The basis of any relationship is trust so you can't gloss over it seeing that most men are NOT honest about their desire to sleep with multiple women. Even HVM lie about it. Cheating should be expected of hvm BUT if a man looks you in the eye and tells you he is not going to sleep with anyone and be faithful to you alone then I cannot fault a woman for believing him. If you cannot trust what your man or husband tells you then what kind of relationship is that?

A guy discussing "rules" upfront with a woman is the rare exception and not what normally happens. Kevin knows this. He always gets on women for trying to use exceptions to make a point but in this case he is doing the same thing.

He said that if the man was cheating with a married woman and not being disrespectful or making his wife look bad then it shouldnt have been a deal breaker. Because in that instance the wife wouldnt have known the man was cheating had it not been for some hating ass co worker and the fact that she was married meant he saw no future with her.. He said cheating should only be a problem if STD's. Babies or disrespect is involved, Women cheat for emotion men cheat just to have sex, it really be meaningless..Its not the same and women need to stop acting like because they want it to be the same that it will ever be the same.. The rules thing was for the chick that knew her man wanted a poly relationship but her ego wouldnt let her be ok wit it, he told her to go to him and set some rules. Because in that scenario the man was upfront with the wife about what he wanted.

He explained to another caller that men and women are just different when it comes to sex drive, she tried to say hers was higher than normal but he told her its still not equivalent to the average man, and even if it was in that rare case she should be wearing him out so he wouldnt want to be with anyone else.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
great post
He's basically tapering the expectations women have of men at the elite level. Even if those dudes don't cheat, they need to understand that the opportunity and temptations will exist.
Some broads have already called up admitting that much while some still call up all shocked and shyt.
That's why dude stay harping on women keeping competitive even after they get married cuz falling off can either create or speed up the cheating process.

I think the biggest takeaway is he wants women to get rid of the notion that they can find the perfect nikka. Not the perfect man for them, but just perfect period. Rich, super loyal, good looking, etc...Like nah you gon have to deal with something damn it. :francis:


Aug 3, 2013
Incels aren’t married at all.

Kevin Samuels, on this issue is pandering to the element of his base that thinks when should bow down no matter what if the man is high value. He’s not coming from a pragmatic place. He’s not saying that if cheating happens u should work it out he’s saying the woman should have no qualms about it at all.
Incel has nothing to do with being married breh. You’re distorting the definition to fit your agenda towards KS.


Sep 11, 2015
He glossed over the point that men should be honest. The basis of any relationship is trust so you can't gloss over it seeing that most men are NOT honest about their desire to sleep with multiple women. Even HVM lie about it. Cheating should be expected of hvm BUT if a man looks you in the eye and tells you he is not going to sleep with anyone and be faithful to you alone then I cannot fault a woman for believing him. If you cannot trust what your man or husband tells you then what kind of relationship is that?

A guy discussing "rules" upfront with a woman is the rare exception and not what normally happens. Kevin knows this. He always gets on women for trying to use exceptions to make a point but in this case he is doing the same thing.

Goes back to women not knowing men.

It's in a man's nature to want other women, thus there being more women than men on this planet, will he do it, maybe not, maybe so, but she should know that one day he may or may not step out on her.

Her going into the relationship thinking her man is "never" going to cheat on her, is her fault, not his.

Trust? I don't trust anything,

Everybody has a weak point/price. You just need not to run into that situation.

Asking a man to be with 1 woman for 30-50 years is a tough task for that man, especially if he's nice looking or such with a personality added with resources.

Getting married doesn't stop temptation and as Kevin stated, these women that are single are going after those type of men...many women only want men who other women want anyway.

Hell it's hard for many to stay with a job for over 10 years, but we are expecting men to be with one woman for 20-50 years and not attempt to want some other ass at the status he's at??

If women knew men, a man shouldn't have to be honest about his nature. Only thing that should be discuss is the respect thing if he was to step out as HH stated, the stds, outside babies, keeping it under wraps. That's should be the woman establishing this part..a woman who already knows what a man is....

It's ok for a man to state that there may be a time when he may do x, y, and z, when the woman ask, because a woman will ask the question "Will you ever cheat on me"

That question will get ask 6-8 times before the marriage...and that's where a man should be honest about what a man is, explain the nature of men...and allow that woman to digest the nature of men...and leave it at that.
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All Star
Jul 8, 2017
She is pretty, but she need to work on her speech. When she speaks, she adds and -uh to the end of her words.

But, aside from that, it seems like KS is really fishing for a debate with these women. I think many of his female listeners/callers are afraid to challenge him. KS know that the more debates he can encounter, his ratings will skyrocket!
Man, she from the IE ain’t no fixin nothin


Dec 2, 2015
Man, she from the IE ain’t no fixin nothin

I live in the IE, but I guess her upbringing has a lot to do with it. shyt is a lil annoying, but she will be alright. She mixed, so I am sure she will get some dude pushing up on her real quick.


May 20, 2012
Goes back to women not knowing men.

It's in a man's nature to want other women, thus there being more women than men on this planet, will he do it, maybe not, maybe so, but she should know that one day he may or may not step out on her.

Her going into the relationship thinking her man is "never" going to cheat on her, is her fault, not his.

Trust? I don't trust anything,

Its his fault if he is lying to her. HVM dont need to lie. That's the point of having options. There are plenty of women that are cool with open relationships, you having multiple women or even joining in on the fun as long as you are taking care of business. But there are some women who are not cool with that if you know that up front and mislead her thats on you.

Trust is everything. And if you are married are you using a condom everytime you have sex with your wife? You said you dont trust anything right? But im you trust that your wife aint letting the mailman hit raw while you at work so you dont wear condoms with your wife. Trust is the basis of any relationship. If I dont trust you I cant wife you. You gonna have someone you dont trust raise your kids? Stop it.

Everybody has a weak point/price. You just need not to run into that situation.

Asking a man to be with 1 woman for 30-50 years is a tough task for that man, especially if he's nice looking or such with a personality added with resources.

Getting married doesn't stop temptation and as Kevin stated, these women that are single are going after those type of men...many women only want men who other women want anyway.

Hell it's hard for many to stay with a job for over 10 years, but we are expecting men to be with one woman for 20-50 years and not attempt to want some other ass at the status he's at??

If women knew men, a man shouldn't have to be honest about his nature. Only thing that should be discuss is the respect thing if he was to step out as HH stated, the stds, outside babies, keeping it under wraps. That's should be the woman establishing this part..a woman who already knows what a man is....

It's ok for a man to state that there may be a time when he may do x, y, and z, when the woman ask, because a woman will ask the question "Will you ever cheat on me"

That question will get ask 6-8 times before the marriage...and that's where a man should be honest about what a man is, explain the nature of men...and allow that woman to digest the nature of men...and leave it at that.

Women cheat just as much as men do. And they are much better at it than men. So if you think a woman that actually knows or finds out her man is cheating but doesnt make an issue about it is not doing her own dirt on side then I would say you don't know women very well. Many women will stay with a cheating man who takes care of them, but they will be having their own affair behind his back and he will never know. I've known married women who were able to give dome in the parking lot during a quick run to the grocery store. Probably kissed her husband on the mouth when they got home. That's why its better to be upfront and tell women what the deal is. Some are cool with it. some aint. But if you got a lot to offer or are a hvm you would be surprised how many are cool with it. No reason to lie to a woman.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Kevin might have just changed the game wit the "HVM cheat" narrative

alot of chicks are ready to throw in the towel and marry the mail-carrier now that they've discovered that elite-level men have options.

they didnt wanna listen before - but I think this topic has convinced them to lower their expectations and aim for the UberEats driver - instead of the 6-figure brother.

salute KS :salute:


Sep 11, 2015
Its his fault if he is lying to her. HVM dont need to lie. That's the point of having options. There are plenty of women that are cool with open relationships, you having multiple women or even joining in on the fun as long as you are taking care of business. But there are some women who are not cool with that if you know that up front and mislead her thats on you.

Trust is everything. And if you are married are you using a condom everytime you have sex with your wife? You said you dont trust anything right? But im you trust that your wife aint letting the mailman hit raw while you at work so you dont wear condoms with your wife. Trust is the basis of any relationship. If I dont trust you I cant wife you. You gonna have someone you dont trust raise your kids? Stop it.

Women cheat just as much as men do. And they are much better at it than men. So if you think a woman that actually knows or finds out her man is cheating but doesnt make an issue about it is not doing her own dirt on side then I would say you don't know women very well. Many women will stay with a cheating man who takes care of them, but they will be having their own affair behind his back and he will never know. I've known married women who were able to give dome in the parking lot during a quick run to the grocery store. Probably kissed her husband on the mouth when they got home. That's why its better to be upfront and tell women what the deal is. Some are cool with it. some aint. But if you got a lot to offer or are a hvm you would be surprised how many are cool with it. No reason to lie to a woman.

Ok. I'm not about to debate you about the word "trust" and who you put your trust in, but what I will say, women lie and men lie and to think that your wife won't ever lie to you while being married or be dishonest aint reality.

Going into a marriage trusting someone 100% is what you want to do then by all means do that . I don't put nothing pass anybody is what I am saying. I don't care if she says yes to my proposal, I still don't put nothing pass a person.

Do you trust that your wife won't wake up in year 3 after being in a marriage with her, just leaves you or cheat on you?

How's your 100% trust with her, stopping her from getting with the next breh?? Because you've told her that you trust her, you think that she won't ever cheat? Just because you said and told her that you trust her? ok breh

You having 100% trust in someone or the relationship or anything, doesn't stop the person or something from acting indifferently and that's what I mean. shyt can go wrong at anything time with anyone.

You're making it seem like having trust in a person (wife) in this case, is all peaches and cream as if no wrong can't be done.
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