Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Nov 17, 2017
I'll answer your last question first and go backward.

That women you described usually gets the leftovers of men or an average man that can't really provide for her completely, if she gets married at all. It's more likely she's getting ran through. Regardless of what Kevin says, that's what I've seen. I don't disagree with most of what KS says, I just think (especially reading the comments) that alot of his male audience uses his talking points to justify their own issues.

I'm not blaming anyone I'm assigning responsibility. What kind of King (black man) has a kingdom (our community) in disarray and blames the queen (black women) for it? Women talk down on black men that either have high standards for women that they'll never get or when they are over the internet. And so what if they do? Who gives a shxt, im not chasing her so let her talk. It has no effect on my life.

Women don't talk crazy to me (to my face anyway), I don't stay around birds, don't chase them or thirst for them, and my demeanor and conversation doesn't scream fukboy or desperation. If she starts talking like a bird I move her to the smash category, or out of my life completely. I don't value the opinion of a bird or a fukboy.

KS never said date a broke man ever but always asks women "do you want to have to work while your pregnant?" The average man (40k-50k) can't support a 2 person household for 9 months by himself let alone some kids. Im assuming he does this to show women their standard is to high but no women (and most men) don't want to have to work in any situation if they don't have to.

So he aint broke but he can't support a family almost anywhere in the country either.
The people I know who are together make all kinds of incomes and they seem to make it work. It just depends on how you wanna live and budget.

I also don’t think a man making less than 50k can support a whole family alone, but a lot of these women are not getting taken care of out here like that.

50k is average income though, so most people have to budget with that income.

The blaming of black women is new to me. I haven’t heard black men blame women for anything and I also wouldn’t say it is their fault.

I agree that men leaving the family is a problem, but I also think that this new wave of “divesting” can ruin the black community too because these women have so much anger and hatred towards their own kind.

Idk breh, things aren’t perfect, but a lot of what I’m hearing now is new to me.

I haven’t heard black men bashing black women and blaming everything on them. I also haven’t heard of real life black men staying at home while the woman takes care of the bills and the family.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
I think the snag that some of the listener base doesn't see is that KS is realigning these women callers up based on their desire for a man in the top 10% of men, which most of his primarily male audience is never going achieve in either thoughts or actions.

My concern is that the half dusty guys listening will think they can talk to the average woman like this and it's going to go well, or that women are the only ones that have a share in the dysfunction in our community.

The other concern is for guys that are listening to this guy as a way to boost their self esteem or a way to educate themselves. It's dangerous because a random guy on YT should have that type of effect on you unless you already lack confidence. And this delusion that women have is something you should know is par for the course if you've dated a substantial number of women.

Men in KS position can afford to be this stern with women because their fiscal achievement gives them access to "higher quality" women and they are what women desire anyway. That average guy can't move the same way and expect the same results.

The blind cant lead the blind. If shes deluded and you're dusty then you don't have any high ground to talk to her from.
Shyt os funny and he definitely found a lane.

But it's really the men who need more game. Women typically date up so typically the men have to lead in most relationships. The women calling in don't know any better and are going off of what they have learned their whole life. To break the cycle, the change has to start with men because the more men are up on game (financial, health wise, love wise, how to actually lead a family, how to maintain structure) the more choices there will be for women and the more women and children in turn will be put on game (and i include myself in this too, i think we all need to get more game). And when i say game, I mean learning how to live and thrive. Game can be used for good or evil. But eother way we need more of it on the men's side.

But i understand there is more profit in catering to women than men generally so I'm not hating on him at all.

I definitely think that he should start back mixing it up more and putting dudes on game. You can tell that a lot of dudes who aren't walking the walk just geek out and jerk themselves off watching him be hard on women. Because every time he does a male-centered episode, the lamest dudes who aren't doing anything call in starting off with "As a high value man... :mjpls:", until Kevin quickly asks a few questions and puts his foot in their ass.

What we as men need to truly internalize is that all of the battles of the sexes verbiage, volumes of text written on toxic masculinity, and uncooperativeness that certain women throw your way can't hold a candle to a man on his purpose. Women will always give you some act right and get down with your program when you're living your raps and staying the course with your mission while also pouring into her to make her a better woman. The dudes that are most easily hurt and distracted by the tests women throw their way aren't doing their work as men or don't completely understand this yet.

If we build a community of better men, husbands, fathers, and community members, good women will always be attracted to that. So I'm hoping he eventually gets back to putting men to the fire too. Not just to have balance for the sake of balance, but because nothing in this world can touch a man that is truly driven and on his purpose. If we get on our G and build with each other, the community can't help but improve.

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah great point. Most men aren't high value and most men aren't dusty either. Most people are average, all KS is saying is that if you're an average woman, adjust your expectations to fall in line with your average male counterpart (like women have been doing since the beginning of time) and you will be more likely to obtain a great outcome versus waiting for the rare high value man that's clearly out of your league and dying alone.

exactly my G, salute, we are on the same page here. kevin is just breaking through the arrogant delusional subjective truth of the black female collective and letting them know there is no way jill scott has the same sexual market value as janet jackson. does it mean jill is butt ugly? of course not. does it mean jill does not deserve happiness? dear god no. all it means is that janet has a way better chance of getting morris chestnut than she has. the fact that he has to explain this to these dumb ass bytches is mind boggling. they're like fukkin kids

us black men understand this concept just fine. you're average height, average income, average mode of transportation, and average dwelling then you have to be realistic and realize you're not gonna bag the same hoes spider mitchell and blueface does. but you can still eat good in your lane though. bytches talmbout some high value male when what we get wrong about closing the racial wealth gap william a. darity 2018 tells us the truth about our broke ass community:

Blacks, while constituting just under thirteen percent of the nation’s population, collectively own less than three percent of the nation’s total wealth (Moore 2015).

so these funky ass hoes need to get realistic and not just about the state of black men but themselves. ole broke ass bytches always acting like they olivia pope balling outta control and going to the moon and back. bytch you not getting the nikkas lori harvey curves daily when yo ass look like fukkin issa rae, get over it


Aug 7, 2019
Explain why breh. I know adam22 is a weird dude, but what u think might happen?

I guess the chess move would be for him to target the “gen z” / akademiks type of brehs, try to inspire them to be productive, successful and urge to be high value.

But He could also be trying to gain traction through the hood route, since Worldstar and Urban central already keep promoting him.

It’s just Adam’s brand isn’t exactly isn’t the best platform to be on. Especially with his porn star gf, the women that hop on his platform that sleep with athletes and expose athletes.

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92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
KS would consider it dusty and has stated such.
I only consider a man dusty if he meets any of the following:

- Doesn't have a life plan
- Desn't provide for himself in full (has roomates/stays with Mom) in areas outside of the most expense metropolises
- Is financially insecure (living pay check to pay check)
- Doesn't have a legit career

If he's over 26 and is any of the above hes dusty by my definition. That man is not prepared to have a wife because he can barely take care of himself.

I think it shifts back to men because many of us expect women to submit. We are supposed to be leading in our community. Leaders have the lion share of the responsibility. Objectively many of us aren't leading well. The ones that are have no issues getting women and don't blame them for anything. KS used to tear into guys but pivoted based on how is following and views jumped when he started getting on women.

KS says his show is catered to HVM but im willing to wager that most of his male audience is not HVM, is not anywhere close to HVM, and will never be HVM.
28yo dusty here checking in :myman:

Funny thing is most people period live paycheck to paycheck so most people are dusty :mjlol::manny:


Nov 17, 2017
I guess the chess move would be for him to target the “gen z” / akademiks type of brehs, try to inspire them to be productive, successful and urge to be high value.

But He could also be trying to gain traction through the hood route, since Worldstar and Urban central already keep promoting him.

It’s just Adam’s brand isn’t exactly isn’t the best platform to be on. Especially with his porn star gf, the woman that hop on his platform that sleep with athletes and expose athletes.

Yeah I feel he’s trying to get the younger crowd to watch. It’ll be interesting.


Dec 11, 2012
Imagine I told you should go wife up a woman that's a 4 or 5 physically. Because that's the male equivalent for a dusty guy.

A lot of the half dusty guys are going red pill before they even turn 30. Women want marriage but alot of dusty men don't because it "doesn't hold any value for them"(even though they barely hold any value themselves). For many women a dusty man isn't worth competing over (understandably). He doesn't have his shxt together enough to have a gf let alone a wife. But at the same time they don't qualify for an HVM.

What is a dusty man?


Dec 11, 2012
He said it was a dude who is 26+ living with roommates or family, no career, living paycheck to paycheck.

But you can find women(of all levels) that are ATTRACTED to all these types of men...

That's the name of the game...

Homeboy is gonna have nikkas running in circles when they dont get the desired results...And I think he wants that because that's how he stays in buisness...

If women not feeling you, you just a nikka with money:manny:


Nov 17, 2017
But you can find women(of all levels) that are ATTRACTED to all these types of men...

That's the name of the game...

Homeboy is gonna have nikkas running in circles when they dont get the desired results...And I think he wants that because that's how he stays in buisness...

If women not feeling you, you just a nikka with money:manny:
Yeah, it’s a shame that people think a dude is dusty because he doesn’t have it all together but still isn’t a complete bum, but that’s how people think.

It basically sounds like you as a man have to have it all together with no issues to even think about dating any of these women and not be considered a “dusty”.

dusty sounds worse than a bum to me lmfao.

You see the nicknames black chicks give black men? fukkin terrible.


Are you talkin about Kevin making it sound like money is the only way to get bytches and to forget about having game?

If that’s what you’re saying then yeah, he isn’t really a game type dude.

He doesn’t really say exactly when men should do things or how they should spend their money except spend it all when she’s your wife.

I believe he said something about men shouldn’t think about marriage until 35, he said he’s red pill, then he says he doesn’t like if a chick says she doesn’t do coffee dates even though he doesn’t like those either, it’s just the principle.

That’s why I tell dudes to pick and choose what they want from KS’ advice, but game is needed or else you’ll be a sucka ass trick.