What’s his relationship status?
He’s rude and does not give accurate information..
she’s 42 and 155lbs. What makes her a lost cause?
Children and 42... and the weight.
That's just the external.
What’s his relationship status?
He’s rude and does not give accurate information..
she’s 42 and 155lbs. What makes her a lost cause?
Let’s break it down - men in their 40s with a job, car or house otherwise (and that’s on a basic/ non upper level) are really going to choose a 42 yr old with multiple kids as opposed to a 30something with no kids, job and in shape- you don’t think the value decreases with other outliers. I know I’m at the point where I’m not waking up and thinking - what kind of man can I get today- my priority is stacking my money, focusing on career, personal development and my kids (education, future, finances etc); if a man happens to come along that I vibe with and we mesh with one another then, cool - that’s whats up. I’m not living or dying by the priority of dating, having a man or calling in to talk shows for validation about my stake in the dating game if I’m in my 40s or whining about what I’m owed in the dating world
I see alot of hoes mad he keep it honest
Let’s break it down - men in their 40s with a job, car or house otherwise (and that’s on a basic/ non upper level) are really going to choose a 42 yr old with multiple kids as opposed to a 30something with no kids, job and in shape- you don’t think the value decreases with other outliers. The same as when we have expectations that we have of men - you have “reformed” strippers/ sex workers talking (demanding is the better word) about they want to settle down with these expectations after being out in the field. But have nothing to offer but expect a man with everything to offer. Let’s not act like it’s a knock on a man to have opinions about who he chooses to level up with. I know I’m at the point where I’m not waking up and thinking - what kind of man can I get today? my priority is stacking my money, focusing on career, personal development and my kids (education, future, finances etc); if a man happens to come along that I vibe with and we mesh with one another then, cool - that’s whats up. I’m not living or dying by the priority of dating, having a man or calling in to talk shows for validation about my stake in the dating game if I’m in my 40s or whining about what I’m owed in the dating world- she had chances and now she expects someone to live with her series of mistakes and getting mad off of entitlement
Lol I wouldnt take anything that bitter femcel says seriously
and for someone who claims they have a fiance she sure does spend a lot of time on here lol
IlyYou like to cheat and beat up women. Nothing you say should ever be taken seriously.
My fiance is upstairs..I'll tell him you said hi since he's on your mind.
Yeah, you rarely hear a woman get called a "loser". that's generally reserved for underachieving and undesirable males. But there are undesirable and underachieving woman out there.Fam I'm 36 I've been hear since the crack how and why black men NEED to do better . The minute the tables are turned and you ask a women "hey what can you do better " ? Everybody looses they dam minds . Society as whole is very comfortable telling me how much we anit shyt .... personally I don't get .
the dating game changes as you get older. I'm 35 and i'd say like 80 percent of women I've met up this year are like 25-28. Even at 35 just talking about the age factor why would I get with a woman whose 34,35 when if I'm alive and then single at 40, 45 I could get with someone of that age then?
Then take into account someone who is 42 she can no longer have kids and if you don't have kids suddenly your in a situation with someone who has two kids = more $$$ spent
Then take into account she is overweight and if it's been 8 years without anyone not even close to an engagement basically she is not really attractive. If you are an older woman in your 40's and you can't offer kids, and have two kids at least be attractive just saying.
They wish they were like duke but they're not.who is this nikka and why yall keep posting him?
He prefaces it with “ i dont mean to be disrecptpful” then proceeds to call these woman old, fat, damaged, etc.i actually agree with some of the things he says but why is he so hostile all the time?
He's not rude at all, he's using facts, not feelings that so many women use to make decisions. A lot of women out there are broke, single, with kids and struggling, this man is trying to help them and make them realize their mistakes.