Are you really expecting her to skim from the cream of the crop as far as the selection of men; being middle aged, obese, multiple kids (more than likely teenagers or above) ; as if men should be jumping over hurdles for her, when they could seek out a woman more compatible with less burden and baggage at least 10 years younger and With whom they could be build with instead of opting for a ready made responsibility that they didn’t have a hand in making??on top of that she admits that she’s not in the best shape or financial status, along with the fact that she has a load of self esteem issues..
Putting aside the bitterness, breaking down what he said is that for her to think she’s in the top echelon of the dating pool is not realistic - while she shouldn’t just accept any dude that gives her attention, she needs to be real with herself as far as options. You can’t be over 40 and out here geeked off dating like 20s or 30s - we all have to live with the sum total of our decisions. Choose wisely when you have choices to make or don’t choose at all, prepare to be a last resort and keep setting yourself up for failure or accept what your circumstances are.