Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
50/50 for me here , I've known guys to go out the country mostly South America and the Caribbean and "come back" with a chick and it be fine, and by be fine i mean these were mostly guys who wanted chicks that there 8s & 9s physically but those chicks wont pay attention to them here, so they go get a foreign bring her here marry , kids etc. Then Ive known dudes who have had horrible fails.

One older cat stands out in particular, am going to switch the details a bit just because. This guy went to school with me at one of the large university's in the state, he was 20 years older than everyone else but was going back to get his master in business or something, he ran a very successful limo renting business and had been running it since his early 20s. Very easily fell into the Kevin Samuels "HVM" category. He was also already married and had several kids all of which at the time were teenagers give or take. I had a single class with him and we chat it up and became friends , he wanted to take his family on vacation and asked me for suggestion i recommended Puerto Rico, dude goes out with the fam they spend two week sat luxury resort etc. Dude comes back we go out for drinks and he proceeds to tell me how he feel in love with one of the room cleaning chicks that works at the resort :snoop:

Said the chick cleaned up after them way better than his wife ever cleaned up the house, said she never complained etc but the line that got him was one day she told him "if i ever had a man that took my family on a trip like that i would never complain about doing anything for him"

:skip: over the next month he continues to talk her on the phone while he is at work , chick (who was a dime) sends him nudes, he sends money, the old man thinks he has his fire back. I tell him to be careful he has a good thing going with his wife and kids and he does need of them young chick (she was 22) problems. Dude doesn't listen and makes up a fake business trip in FL as an excuse to fly out to PR and see the chick

:snoop: dude came back from the second trip obsessed, already had a lawyer on deck to divorce his wife and get this chick over here. This is were i learned his issues with his wife were the standard ones. Sex was limited and boring, she didnt cook, didnt really clean, nagged all day and let herself go (they had been married for almost 15 years). I once again warn that things arent always what they seem and he should avoid what he is about to do.

:bryan: a month later this guy stops cominng to school , i call him up and come to find out not only did he bring the chick here he brought her here, took his wife out to dinner and the chick come , that how he would tell his wife there marriage was over, over the next 12 months the following happended

:huhldup: wife gets a bunch of alimony and he has to pay a crazy amount of child support

:huhldup: because of the stress he loses a few major limo rental contracts his income plummets

:huhldup: the puerto rican chick gets really comfortabel in america and decides she doesnt wanna do none of the chick she promised and is bored

:huhldup: in order to keep her unbored he sells his companys, cashes out for a few hundred grand which he blows between a house and a couple new cars for the new chick (which he now marries)

:huhldup: he fails at launching a new business and has to go work at book store

:huhldup: new chick goes back to PR, gets knocked up by another guy, tries to pass it off on him, that fails, she divorces him, gets a bunch of money and moves back to PR

:huhldup: Dude becomes and acholic and i never hear from him again

Serves him right :yeshrug:


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
:mjlol: This dude last podcast I believe why are modern women angry had a woman called in and said SHE WAS BLESSED WITH A GIFT in other words said she has a permanent STD and told Kevin she wants a high value man

I’m literally done now

5"10 and over 200 pound with std

Wants a man making more than 100k.

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
Randomly got online this morning and this dude is premiering a video right now, and this chick on here is PURELY delusional. 200 pound college student talking about she can't find a man "on her level" because of her "gift".

Edit, not sure if it was an actual premiere or if it just came up on my feed like that.

Only Thing Wrong With Me Is My "Gift" | Want Man On My Level - YouTube
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
These chicks don't want quality man, a high value man doesn't mean a good man by Kevin Samuels definition. All these chicks want is a guy with money

But Imagine me working at a cashier at mcdonalds, kfc, taco bell (no offense to anyone who is a cashier) for 10 years then at 31 expecting to be a Director at Goldman Sachs you'd be laughed at out of the building

but why do women think they can date thug a, thug b thug c and then when they are washed up expecting a role they don't have the qualifications for? :mjlol:
I had a few conversations with women on Cynthia G’s channel. Not all feel a high value man needs to make six figures. It encompasses more than that. They are referring to things like protection and to be taken care of etc., but also Black men as a collective doing better. So for example, creating our own distribution channels and a strong hold economy. With this I do agree with them. And with that being said, I am above the average income.

Now let’s look at the facts.


Black families still earn far less than White families and all families nationwide.

The median annual household income for Black households in 2018 (the last year for which data are available) was $41,692, about $29,000 less than for White households and household income sits at 59%, still significantly below its peak of 65% in 2000. about $21,500 less than for all households in 2018.

Median weekly earnings for full-time Black men and women workers were only $769 and $704 per week in 2019, about 84 percent and 77 percent of the national median, respectively

White Families Own Nearly Ten Times the Wealth of Black Families
Median Family Net Worth, 2016

Whites $171,000

Blacks $17,150
(Joint Economic Committee, The State of Economic Progress for Black Americans
Martin Luther King Day 2020,

Ignoring the above is only fooling ourselves.
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Sep 15, 2019
These recent IG clips got crazy women


This is her btw. She also lied about being a treh, to get into the industry.




she’s actually a model? I thought she was trolling.