Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
It's not blame shifting, it's the required infrastructure to create the society you (rhetorical) claim to want.

I have to admit, it does rub me the wrong way for black men to be all "latinas are amazing!!!" while also gmb and/ or bytching about child support. How do you think those women are made??

My situation as an ados woman is unique. Imo, it's unreasonable to hold us to those more extreme expectations, and then to shame us publicly for not meeting them. Weight, grooming, and attitude is one thing. The additions are, frankly, expensive.

But then again, I also find it uncouth to publicly chastise bm for our global lack of wealth, so maybe I'm just built different. :ld:
Both need to be taken into consideration. Black men and Black women were mentally subjagted in two different ways. Both move like a virius creating, trauma, mental issues and ultimatley dysfunction. You are one of "our kind of people" if I'm not mistaken?


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Both need to be taken into consideration. Black men and Black women were mentally subjagted in two different ways. Both move like a virius creating, trauma, mental issues and ultimatley dysfunction. You are one of "our kind of people" if I'm not mistaken?
:deadmanny: Not at all. I grew up in section 8, from simple ados folk. Dad's side was hood, moms side was classy but no money. My parents were married but I was raised by a single mom.

I did manage to improve my position, though. I thank my father for legit offering up child support. He knew my mother was on point and how else could she afford ballet classes across the street from Lincoln center and algebra tutors? Real shyt. :ld:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
It's not blame shifting, it's the required infrastructure to create the society you (rhetorical) claim to want.

I have to admit, it does rub me the wrong way for black men to be all "latinas are amazing!!!" while also gmb and/ or bytching about child support. How do you think those women are made??

My situation as an ados woman is unique. Imo, it's unreasonable to hold us to those more extreme expectations, and then to shame us publicly for not meeting them. Weight, grooming, and attitude is one thing. The additions are, frankly, expensive.

But then again, I also find it uncouth to publicly chastise bm for our global lack of wealth, so maybe I'm just built different. :ld:

this is my thing, at what point do women take responsibility to groom their daughters to be wives? You cant use ADOS as being the reason when there are generations of women who were groomed to be wives. What we see today is a recent occurrence that came around the 80s. You have plenty of mothers who proactively ingrained in their daughters "dont be a housewife like me, go get your career and focus on yourself", these daughters listened, and end up miserable and alone, and instead of telling the next generation "dont be like me", they more so create a false sense of "I'm happy, I'm a boss" while they are miserable inside. It's almost as if they want more women to join them in living in misery.

This is my thing, people need to be honest, Marriage IS NOT for everyone, children ARE NOT for everyone, if you want to be 100% career driven then go for it, but being married is a career in itself. Men dont put up with working themselves to death to say "I'm a career man", they do it to obtain capital to provide for their family and build. Why is it that women dont have this same mindset? Why is it women who become "boss B's" dont say "Im going to provide for my husband and my family and build? Why is it that you (I'm not saying you im` speaking in general) are a "Boss" who dont need a man a man for nothing, still say you need a man who makes more and he has to provide for you? It's because alot of women are living in a state of confusion and going against their nature. This is why you see a trend of burnt out 30 yr olds, who spent their 30s catching hell from white supremacist in the work world, racking up debt, over eating, and binge drinking to ease their depression, and they see how miserable they are and now they want a man to save them and be stay at home mothers. And thing is they dont even want to be home makers they just want to not work, still have a nannie, not cook, just have the man pay off their debt, take them on vacation, and take care of their kids they bring in.

IMO all of these women are getting what they deserve and this should be a lesson to the future generation of men and women.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
I also agree with this and I wasn't shifting blame, just outlining the field, if it's redundant my apologies.

I understand that there are women that use HVM or men in general as janitors and that thinking is given the go ahead by people who make the society go round. They can do bad all by themselves but want to shame dudes into cleaning up their messes.

IMO the world has created the perfect storm.

They conditioned men to think Women = Your purpose, thus men dont focus on themselves and actually becoming men, and end up Eternal Teenage Simps. They condition women to be men even though their literal nature battles them, and you see women racking up children and stds and not knowing how to be nurturing (just look at all the women pissed off their kids have to stay home and not go to school due to covid).

Alot of these women who call into Kevin dont want men, they are looking for Suckers to be the clean up man, but Kev is telling them that these women literally serve zero purpose to actual men hence why they are stuck in an eternal cycle of being a side chick.

You literally have broke ass 20 yr old women thinking a broke ass 20 yr old man should be taking care of them. Like do they not realize the 20 year old man is in the same position they are in, so why would they expect different? And then when you say he get with an older man, they like "ewww he boring". The women who got the men these women want, were groomed early on how to be a wife, and got with older established men who could teach them and provide. Right now Black people are living in some bizzaro world were we are ignoring millions of years of nature and history telling us how to properly mate.


Aug 7, 2019
I liked her (bc she reinforced my own upbringing, lol), but you're glossing over quite a bit if you think its bc she's latina.

However, it's important to remember that women like lucia (multi gen hvw) are only created in certain environments. Those environments require a good percentage of hvm :usure: (to pay for etiquette classes, horseback riding, skiing, etc).

The cycle starts with enough hvm creating families to create a sub culture of men and women raised to continue it.

Now where you see that at among bp in the US??? :usure:

Latinas, meanwhile, have hundreds of years of chasing white colonizers with the express purpose of lightening the line and securing the bag. Naturally, they'd be better at it. :ld:

You're right. I confused their "latino family bond" with HV.

Our people would be different if we started creating a HV sub-culture. But sometimes, theres one person that blows it.

Makes me think about Floyd Mayweather and his daughter


Side bar: What age did you take horseback riding, skiing and tennis classes?

I think i was about.. 9-10. I didn't realize how valuable they would be until I reached college & upper-echelon environments


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
this is my thing, at what point do women take responsibility to groom their daughters to be wives? You cant use ADOS as being the reason when there are generations of women who were groomed to be wives.
You're african, right? No disrespect, you just don't know bc y'all haven't been here long.

Crack killed that last mass generation of ados women raised to be wives. I was little but I watched it happen in real time. What happened most often was, the husband got addicted and dragged the wife in. (I'm not "blaming bm", pls don't take it like that. It's just, wives used to be in the house so it was the husband who brought in anything new, really).

There was a nice couple in my building, the super and his wife, a son. They used to babysit me. The husband got sucked in bc a teenage girl in the bldg was given some shyt to get new customers. Those who had just come from the south were vulnerable bc they missed the effect of heroine in Harlem.

After that, watching decent women get turned out so easy, city girls 'smartened up', got harder, more able to withstand all the wild shyt going on around them. Can you blame them? I never have.

I, otoh, was protected. In fact, my mother created an artificial environment of high value men around me. She volunteered for the local historical society. She took me to openings at the studio museum of Harlem. We went to museums, tavern on the green, plays, to the point where I got tired of it. I lost my first tooth at a steak house, i thought it was a bone at first, lol. I've been interacting with high value men, black and white, since I was a child. But it was personal for her, in the sense of things she had missed, which is why she did so much.

Women alone aren't meant to create wives. It takes a lot of knowledge and effort (and preferably two incomes).


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Side bar: What age did you take horseback riding, skiing and tennis classes?
Hmm... about 8-15. Good thing too bc my man is very good at tennis. My hs was in the poconos, so skiing was a thing. Im decent enough at both to slide, but horseback riding is where I shine.

There was no other move for floyd mayweather. We have no structure to absorb him (and his money).

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
You're african, right? No disrespect, you just don't know bc y'all haven't been here long.

Crack killed that last mass generation of ados women raised to be wives. I was little but I watched it happen in real time. What happened most often was, the husband got addicted and dragged the wife in. (I'm not "blaming bm", pls don't take it like that. It's just, wives used to be in the house so it was the husband who brought in anything new, really).

There was a nice couple in my building, the super and his wife, a son. They used to babysit me. The husband got sucked in bc a teenage girl in the bldg was given some shyt to get new customers. Those who had just come from the south were vulnerable bc they missed the effect of heroine in Harlem.

After that, watching decent women get turned out so easy, city girls 'smartened up', got harder, more able to withstand all the wild shyt going on around them. Can you blame them? I never have.

I, otoh, was protected. In fact, my mother created an artificial environment of high value men around me. She volunteered for the local historical society. She took me to openings at the studio museum of Harlem. We went to museums, tavern on the green, plays, to the point where I got tired of it. I lost my first tooth at a steak house, i thought it was a bone at first, lol. I've been interacting with high value men, black and white, since I was a child. But it was personal for her, in the sense of things she had missed, which is why she did so much.

Women alone aren't meant to create wives. It takes a lot of knowledge and effort (and preferably two incomes).

I disagree, because while Crack was occurring more and more ADOS were entering Universities than every before and being indoctrinated into the world we see now. The Women screaming "I dont need a man Im independent" were in college during the crack era. You can't conflate the two.

The removal of jobs wasn't caused by the crack era (Jobs where men could be HS educated and legally provide for their family, by a house, etc). The breaking up of the Black Family happened before Crack, Crack was more so one of the many tools to keep the destruction going, but it was not that cause.

The data is out there, and the "you're African" thing won't work on me because my family comes from Liberia, which is literally a result from what went down in the USA.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I liked her (bc she reinforced my own upbringing, lol), but you're glossing over quite a bit if you think its bc she's latina.

However, it's important to remember that women like lucia (multi gen hvw) are only created in certain environments. Those environments require a good percentage of hvm :usure: (to pay for etiquette classes, horseback riding, skiing, etc).

The cycle starts with enough hvm creating families to create a sub culture of men and women raised to continue it.
Now where you see that at among bp in the US??? :usure:

Latinas, meanwhile, have hundreds of years of chasing white colonizers with the express purpose of lightening the line and securing the bag. Naturally, they'd be better at it. :ld:

Which episode was Lucia on?

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
You're right. I confused their "latino family bond" with HV.

Our people would be different if we started creating a HV sub-culture. But sometimes, theres one person that blows it.

Makes me think about Floyd Mayweather and his daughter


Side bar: What age did you take horseback riding, skiing and tennis classes?

I think i was about.. 9-10. I didn't realize how valuable they would be until I reached college & upper-echelon environments

This is the thing, people keep throwing around High Value and don't know what it is.

HV has nothing to do with Family units or anything. HV is a specific socioeconomic/class grouping. You have dudes who drive trucks calling themselves High Value because they make 100k, lol no.

This is why Kevin puts emphasis on the Network aspect that people seem to ignore. High Value that Kevin talks about in the context of Black People is the Boule/Black Elite. Kevin has been speaking in Code and because the average black person has never been in these circles they think Kevin is talking to them. This is why Kevin also has the HENRY and AARON classifications.

I can see Kevin getting more and more annoyed as people throw around the High Value term. You have women calling in talking about they High Value and working on associates degrees in their late 20s, thats not High Value lol.

High Value grooming is
1.Going to the Right University
2.Going to the Right Church
3.Joining the Right Black Greek Organization
4.Joining the right social clubs
5a.High Income (for Men)
5b.Being in shape (for Women)

These things put you in specific networks that allow you to do things that the "lone wolf" or smart person cant do because they are not connected. This is when your Wife can help you land a business deal because her Sorority sisters husband is a big dog at some Real Estate company.

Keisha Bottom Lance is a great example. Her Husband is an Exec for Home Depot, they both went to the right schools, right greek organization, and his connects helped her get plugged in politically and her political pull helps him economically.

Right now people are talking this High Value stuff and are literally clueless about this world because they are not cut from that cloth thus you have a bunch of people speaking out their ass on youtube about a world they aren't even invited into.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
I disagree, because while Crack was occurring more and more ADOS were entering Universities than every before and being indoctrinated into the world we see now. The Women screaming "I dont need a man Im independent" were in college during the crack era. You can't conflate the two.

The removal of jobs wasn't caused by the crack era (Jobs where men could be HS educated and legally provide for their family, by a house, etc). The breaking up of the Black Family happened before Crack, Crack was more so one of the many tools to keep the destruction going, but it was not that cause.

The data is out there, and the "you're African" thing won't work on me because my family comes from Liberia, which is literally a result from what went down in the USA.
:patrice: You're being kinda hostile. I'm telling you what happened bc, unlike you, I was actually there. (As an aside, funny how when *I* pull data on various african countries, I'm told to shut up unless I was there, but somehow you think it's appropriate to try to school me on history I actually observed.)

:beli: Yes, de industrialization occurred in the 70s. But your question wasn't what happened to the men, you were asking about the last generation of ados women raised to be wives and I told you, take it or leave it. :yeshrug:

Also, women didn't start screaming I don't need a man until the 90s. :coffee:

Nobody is tryna make anything "work on you" and what the hell does Liberia have to do with ados life in the 70s-80s? :skip:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
:patrice: You're being kinda hostile. I'm telling you what happened bc, unlike you, I was actually there. (As an aside, funny how when *I* pull data on various african countries, I'm told to shut up unless I was there, but somehow you think it's appropriate to try to school me on history I actually observed.)

:beli: Yes, de industrialization occurred in the 70s. But your question wasn't what happened to the men, you were asking about the last generation of ados women raised to be wives and I told you, take it or leave it. :yeshrug:

Also, women didn't start screaming I don't need a man until the 90s. :coffee:

Nobody is tryna make anything "work on you" and what the hell does Liberia have to do with ados life in the 70s-80s? :skip:

How am I being hostile. you are trying to dismiss facts.

What exactly are you trying to argue? And why are you in this thread? I was born in the USA in the 80s so I was literally alive in the Crack Era so you can miss me with the passive aggressive "Oh you African you wasn't here" nonsense.

At this point you'd be better off placing me on ignore because I don't even see what you are trying to argue or the point you're trying to get across, and I honestly don't care any more lol. My goal is to talk to other black men looking to build, so convos like this you'd be better off having with other women or your husband,


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
How am I being hostile. you are trying to dismiss facts.

What exactly are you trying to argue? And why are you in this thread? I was born in the USA in the 80s so I was literally alive in the Crack Era so you can miss me with the passive aggressive "Oh you African you wasn't here" nonsense.

At this point you'd be better off placing me on ignore because I don't even see what you are trying to argue or the point you're trying to get across, and I honestly don't care any more lol. My goal is to talk to other black men looking to build, so convos like this you'd be better off having with other women or your husband,
:dahell:You're being weird, breh. Nobody asked you to jump into the conversation I was having with @The Hierophant.

The only reason I'm interacting with you at all is because you quoted me. Did you forget?

at what point do women take responsibility to groom their daughters to be wives? You cant use ADOS as being the reason when there are generations of women who were groomed to be wives


Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
:dahell:You're being weird, breh. Nobody asked you to jump into the conversation I was having with @The Hierophant.

The only reason I'm interacting with you at all is because you quoted me. Did you forget?


And my point is you dismissed the facts with the "you african" line. I literally provided the information and you had no response thus you try to dismiss the point.

Like I said in my last post, in reality I'm not going to knock you from being in here since this is the TLR, but the fact of the matter is these convos should only be in male only spaces because majority of the women use the "men should be leading" as an excuse to shift blame from their role. Like I said you cannot blame crack on the current state of things, when the seeds were planted before Crack and the indoctrination of this mentality happened in Liberal Arts universities in the 70s & 80s. Like I said Crack was just throwing more gas on the flame. Women won't have the honest discussion amongst themselves nor take the stand to say "ok we need to save our next generation of women", instead they cheering on girls younger than them like Meg The Stallion to continue down a life of destruction and join them in the point of no return.