It's aml
Yo where you been hiding?I thought you did well with women.
I think your second post highlights it. They’re met with skepticism and due to the behaviors of other men they don’t always get a fair chance with women. I’ve found that there are levels to it though—I’ve never been involved with a man that didn't simp in the beginning stages, it just may not be on the same levels as others.
I’ve said it in another post, but I think a lot of it is tied to sex, I’ve seen men you wouldn’t expect lose all sense of focus on p*ssy or attractive women. It’s also how thots and ig hoes stay getting paid—whether they are attractive or not. The whole fact that men pay to watch these onlyfan women when they could just watch porn for free, is an example of what i mean—it don’t even make sense lol.
In these covid times it’s intensified—I’ve seen all kind of Brehs even with their families and even with their girls, ogling, but what’s crazy is that we have on masks so they don’t know what we look like... sinbad joked about it, he said that once he got to a point where he didn’t care about sex anymore because he was old, he stopped gaf about how he came at his wife. She get mad at him. Oh well. She want him to do something he don’t want to. Oh well.
If more men moved like that, I think the game would change. I also think before social media dating/relationships werent as complicated. Most people knew their lanes. Nowadays there’s a lot of delusion because social media as a whole is a big delusion that everyone buying into. You have average and fat women that have gotten ahead of themselves because they’ve gotten blown up by online attention. And then don’t get me started on all these amateur people hustling sheep as gurus. my parents and many others did just fine dating and navigating life without listening to online gurus or looking up things online and whatnot. A lot people are lost and deluded, it’s impacting a lot of areas of life, dating/relationships being one.
But as long as you know yourself and truly know what lane you fall into, as Brehs get older I feel like it gets easier. Every older breh I’ve met is no nonsense and pretty straight forward.

But his YouTube channel was more entertaining when it was talking about money, clothes and status. Now you have all of LipStick Alley rising up to crush all black make YouTube channels. This ain't gonna end well if these guys all start getting reported.

If more level headed women tuned in maybe it will counteract the feminazi's like @Chelsea Bridge.
You know your girl done went rogue in your absence. She fighting and beefing with everybody now not just me.