Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Doesn't exist. :unimpressed:
I agree but I'm curious as to what duke thinks this war looks like and how he's been personally affected by it. Online dudes love telling others war stories but don't have any of their own. The average guy which most of is are will be good unless they doing some stupid stuff.
Mar 23, 2013
Instead trying to learn game you dudes need to learn how to be masculine. And that will solve all of your female problems.

I thought about a MANHOOD 101 thread In the fall but nikkas wouldn't appreciate at it . I probably could have gotten the Kevin Samuels the BGS and Angryman and others to write a word a two here on the coli but nikkas don't appreciate shyt because we see this also in the black manosphere on YouTube we are going back to the basics of being masculine over there . It a lot of young men and some older that need to learn thoe .


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Yep. It's a nice hustle especially these days with the economy collapsing. Chicks are looking for a meal ticket rather than struggle financially.

Just last year he was all about fashion, fragrance and style. But this new hustle of telling chicks the stone Cold truth is way more lucrative.

I wish he would go back to talking about picking up women

I thought you did well with women.
basically non-simps, brehs who are genuine and not trying to ultimately trick, run game or manipulate.....

This is spot on and aligns with my thinking....the low key down earth are my type and they have a better barometer and feel for phoniness so you can work with them....I have always believed you shouldn't worry about outsiders and get in where you fit in....but when brehs say the simps have fukked up the game I get it now, just from the aura of skepticism it has created and the amount of pushback it has created when trying to properly approach and vet a women....its not exclusive to one group either cause i see and hear it all over.....

I think your second post highlights it. They’re met with skepticism and due to the behaviors of other men they don’t always get a fair chance with women. I’ve found that there are levels to it though—I’ve never been involved with a man that didn't simp in the beginning stages, it just may not be on the same levels as others.

I’ve said it in another post, but I think a lot of it is tied to sex, I’ve seen men you wouldn’t expect lose all sense of focus on p*ssy or attractive women. It’s also how thots and ig hoes stay getting paid—whether they are attractive or not. The whole fact that men pay to watch these onlyfan women when they could just watch porn for free, is an example of what i mean—it don’t even make sense lol.

In these covid times it’s intensified—I’ve seen all kind of Brehs even with their families and even with their girls, ogling, but what’s crazy is that we have on masks so they don’t know what we look like... sinbad joked about it, he said that once he got to a point where he didn’t care about sex anymore because he was old, he stopped gaf about how he came at his wife. She get mad at him. Oh well. She want him to do something he don’t want to. Oh well.

If more men moved like that, I think the game would change. I also think before social media dating/relationships werent as complicated. Most people knew their lanes. Nowadays there’s a lot of delusion because social media as a whole is a big delusion that everyone buying into. You have average and fat women that have gotten ahead of themselves because they’ve gotten blown up by online attention. And then don’t get me started on all these amateur people hustling sheep as gurus. my parents and many others did just fine dating and navigating life without listening to online gurus or looking up things online and whatnot. A lot people are lost and deluded, it’s impacting a lot of areas of life, dating/relationships being one.

But as long as you know yourself and truly know what lane you fall into, as Brehs get older I feel like it gets easier. Every older breh I’ve met is no nonsense and pretty straight forward.
Mar 23, 2013
I thought you did well with women.

I think your second post highlights it. They’re met with skepticism and due to the behaviors of other men they don’t always get a fair chance with women. I’ve found that there are levels to it though—I’ve never been involved with a man that didn't simp in the beginning stages, it just may not be on the same levels as others.

I’ve said it in another post, but I think a lot of it is tied to sex, I’ve seen men you wouldn’t expect lose all sense of focus on p*ssy or attractive women. It’s also how thots and ig hoes stay getting paid—whether they are attractive or not. The whole fact that men pay to watch these onlyfan women when they could just watch porn for free, is an example of what i mean—it don’t even make sense lol.

In these covid times it’s intensified—I’ve seen all kind of Brehs even with their families and even with their girls, ogling, but what’s crazy is that we have on masks so they don’t know what we look like... sinbad joked about it, he said that once he got to a point where he didn’t care about sex anymore because he was old, he stopped gaf about how he came at his wife. She get mad at him. Oh well. She want him to do something he don’t want to. Oh well.

If more men moved like that, I think the game would change. I also think before social media dating/relationships werent as complicated. Most people knew their lanes. Nowadays there’s a lot of delusion because social media as a whole is a big delusion that everyone buying into. You have average and fat women that have gotten ahead of themselves because they’ve gotten blown up by online attention. And then don’t get me started on all these amateur people hustling sheep as gurus. my parents and many others did just fine dating and navigating life without listening to online gurus or looking up things online and whatnot. A lot people are lost and deluded, it’s impacting a lot of areas of life, dating/relationships being one.

But as long as you know yourself and truly know what lane you fall into, as Brehs get older I feel like it gets easier. Every older breh I’ve met is no nonsense and pretty straight forward.

I can disprove this. One person that is a Straight G is Dr. Curry who wrote the book man-not . I say he is a corner stone and should be respect for one simple reason . He is what many call the founder of black male studies and is trying to get that course in all college and get the world to see what black men see and experience in all realms of life . His book is a must read for men and womens and especially not you have a son . BGS is soooo dangerous with the shyt he know somebody in board day light has climb a pole and cut his cancel line twice. He got off YouTube for some months cause that shyt . This wasn't about no damn women ...BGS has a very metaphysical way of understand human nature and politics especially geo politics . That's why BGS can give his back ground too much because between him and rom will both have been admitted as such that they are being watch . Rom has said that back in the day he was in politics and that all he will give away . Brothas likes these aren't for play play they are actually the community needs . Our parent did have this stuff around it was the civil right movements and all the nuclear family things that came with the different movements . This is a different time period . The info them brothas give just anit about women that not even the tip of the Ice Berg .....


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Instead of trying to learn game you dudes need to learn how to be masculine. And that will solve all of your female problems.
Keeping it funky if dudes having trouble getting women after like mid 20's they're most likely never going to be shyt in that category. It will always be outliers but for the most part cats are done straight up. Dudes in here knowing all the tactics and reading all the books you're not about to tell me these dudes getting women like that sorry. Getting women isn't the end all either but on that front they're done straight up.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Honesty is the best policy :manny:

It may piss off a lot of people, but they will respect you even harder in the end.
This is facts. People may not want to hear but I would rather be told the truth than to be gaslighted into delusion. This is what I take from him- straightforward and direct. My dad is like this so I guess it’s true that daughters gravitate toward men that possess qualities like their fathers. If people took offense, I knew that was his way. People didn’t like what he had to say even though it’s what they needed to hear but he was going to speak his mind, whether you liked it or not; he commanded an aura of respect.
Regardless of all the complaints and criticisms, the honest truth is more respected than a complicated lie.
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Instead of trying to learn game you dudes need to learn how to be masculine. And that will solve all of your female problems.

Even so, learning the game is about overcoming mindgames that modern feminism and superficial behavior is trying to hold back males from reaching their fullest potential. The more you know, the better off you'll be.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Today's agenda is taking the power away from non-wealthy men that don't have social clout, and giving it all away to women that are hoes, thots, lazy bum bytches, and so on to drop the birthrates worldwide and to break down the family unit.

If you know how women work and what makes them respond you know that they can never take a man's "power".

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

Its true. These PUA dudes who know everything about the game, need to give that game away for free because their current strategy isn't doing any societal good in the relations between men and women. Too few men know how to overcome these feminist games and refuse to share the entire info to other guys on how to dead the system of the simping epidemic.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
If you know how women work and what makes them respond you know that they can never take a man's "power".

I'm talking about the millions of young dudes who dont know where to search for life-changing info, who living life hopelessly. Not everyone has a father or uncle or OG that gives them that particular knowledge.....that game needs to be shared for free.