The album is average.
A lot of these posters in here are praising it like it's the second coming. But Tetsuo & Youth as well as 2014 Forest Hills Drive are better.
To be honest, it's kinda boring. I guess you could say it's sonically consistent, but that's not really a good thing. Nothing really stood out to me as inspiring or innovative. His attempts to be conscious seemed hollow. It's a letdown, especially after GKMC.
There are some highlights, some moments of depth, but nothing that would elevate it to classic status.
If anyone besides Kendrick had released this album, it would not get a quarter of the praise it's received.
On top of that, I think it's somewhat socially irresponsible. Kendrick is using his platform to recite meaningless platitudes and promote concepts like "respectability politics". To see that receive such acclaim in the mainstream, or for it to be promoted as the salvation of hip-hop, is disheartening.
I'm not saying the album is trash. It's just disappointing.