MOST media attention is focused on radical Islam, or something related to radical Islam. If you just watch CNN outside of them talking about Charleston, you'd think Muslims were the only violent group of humans on the globe. In America its made abundantly clear that Blacks kill Blacks in record numbers(Chicagoland on CNN made sure of that) and they make it abundantly clear that Radical Islam is a problem. Buuuuuut, who's focusing on the thousands of Whites killed by other Non-Muslim/Christian Gun-Toting Whites annually? I don't think the media doesn't focus enough on Radical Islam. They focus on it quite enough. They focus so much on Muslim/Non-White violence in this country so much, that whenever the perpetrator of mass violence is Non-Muslim White, and the victims of said violence are "Other"(as in Non-White and or, Muslims) the validity of the racial/xenophobic elements of said tragic events are questioned, and sometimes folks deny the event happened altogether. Just like when the media claimed those Muslim students at UNC Chappell Hill were killed by that radical WHITE atheist over a "parking space dispute".I think it's embedded in people of European descent (including Hispanics) to have a sick obsession with Black people
There are CACs in rural parts of Eastern Europe who live in countries being terrorized by Gypsies and Muslims yet skip over that to their true obsession, Black people when they've never met a black person in their lives. It's disgusting.
The media has all the power in the world so it is something everyone should be concerned about. Nobody is in control of their own image anymore. Not even white people.
The media has the ability to change cultures.
The media had its own agenda. But don't get it twisted, systemic White supremacy exist. I think the problem lies in folks using the media agenda of "Sparking a Race War" as an excuse to deny any sort of REAL problems related to White supremacy. They could just say "Look, the media lied to us about Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and Charleston. Those were all hoaxes, clearly White supremacy doesn't exist"This is not news. The media's been trying to do this since always. Nothing new, but he should keep his feelings on the hush I'd hate to see such promising talent be brought to instant demise.
BINGO!!! We get inundated with so many images of black on black crime, on a daily basis, that "9 blacks killed in a mass shooting by a White Gunman" AUTOMATICALLY before the killer is even CAUGHT turns into "Whataboutchicago#", "Whataboutcompton#", "Whataboutrapmusic#""i just lost a homie last week" sounds to me like "nikkas get shot everyday b, why are these 9 people in charleston so special and why is there so much attention towards blacks getting killed by police/white terrorists all of a sudden"
as if a powerful white man in a suit woke up one day and put the word in to news stations about putting an emphasis on these types of shootings when thats not the case, the reason this shyt is so common in the news now is because the trayvon martin situation opened a lot of eyes that this type of shyt still happens and the emergence of twitter, camera phones, and social media being the #1 news source these days, these types of situations spread quicker and wider than it wouldve had something like this happened 10 years ago where it wouldve probably just stayed local.. its not like the shyt ever stopped happening it just got swept under the rug and now its harder to do that in the technology age
kendrick been a fukkboy in my eyes since that billboard interview about mike brown and this only further pushes me away from him and this nikka was my favorite rapper before this.. then he made an overrated ass album that got gassed as some powerful pro-black shyt when all he did was rap about how we needed to respect ourselves before telling others to do the same
while I can kinda see why kendrick and q feel that way considering they come from one of the most crime ridden places in the country like compton where gangbanging and black on black crime is as common as anything else in the neighborhood so they have a different perspective on things concerning black people getting killed because theyve seen it happen by the hands of another black man so much.. but what they fail to realize is that the world doesnt revolve around compton, every neighborhood isnt like that and theres actual black people out there in places around the country who arent gangbangers and dont deserve to be killed by a white supremacist terrorist or a racist cop
he's right, they are
plenty of people falling for it too
it's like they always go from one story to the next providing some narrative to rile different groups up at each other
shyt like this has been happening for centuries though. It's just now being reported on a regular basis. It happens daily, but gets reported weekly. There's church black burnings all over the country just like there was in the 60s and just like there was in the 90s. The only difference now is that we got social media putting a spotlight on it. If it wasn't for the internet, I wouldn't have known about Trayvon, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Freedie Grey, Eric Garner, or any of the other major cases that's been in the spotlight
It's not some media conspiracy, this is the reality of life in America for black people. Y'all nikkas need to stop playing stupid and wake the fukk up![]()
yeah, but im also talking about the stories of tem reporting on black on white crime. they're showing both heavy imo to rile every side up. i think they're trying to raise the hostility on all sides. this is coming from someone who barely watches tv though, this is just my perception of it from observation
I turned my cable off about 4 years ago, but the people that says the media are trying to "start a race war" are just a bunch of scared negroes. The media has ALWAYS had negative depictions of black people, going back centuries. It's why Dylan Roof said "you're trying to rape our women" because that's an old racist belief held by whites
This shyt has always been going on. The only difference is you got scared negroes trying to tell black people not to pay attention to it as we're getting slaughtered.
breh i agree withou that comic has mebut i'm saying just from an outside POV both sides seemed to be getting more and mroe amped with each story that comes out. it's like for every story about an innocent black man getting killed the media will push something about making blacks look bad. to me it just seems like they're trying to heighten racial tension even more than it is
i'm mexican btw, and this isn't something i have studied a lot. just agreed with the title alone based on observation
There's nothing funny about that comic though. The lie of black men raping white women was the justification to burn down Tulsa, OK; Rosewood, FL; and Wilmington, NC to name a few. It was also the justification for Emmit Till getting murdered.
Historically this is nothing new, and our response to this sort of violence has always included us picking up arms and defending ourselves.
i added some shyt on the post you quoted, i see what you're syaing now. i honestly believe that some people solely became racist from media alone.
i don't think it's super funny, just the ridicioulessness of it makes me laugh
I don't get it to bruhBruh i've noticed that shyt about kendrick since he first came out, never heard not oneworthy thing come out of dude's mouth yet people swear he stay dropping gems/saying some next level shyt
he's poetic and raps nice, i don't know why dudes can't just leave it at that![]()