Bruh i've noticed that shyt about kendrick since he first came out, never heard not oneThis shyt us worthy if 100,000 notes on tumblr

he's poetic and raps nice, i don't know why dudes can't just leave it at that

Bruh i've noticed that shyt about kendrick since he first came out, never heard not oneThis shyt us worthy if 100,000 notes on tumblr
This is not news. The media's been trying to do this since always. Nothing new, but he should keep his feelings on the hush I'd hate to see such promising talent be brought to instant demise.
Honestly, not reporting stories on the plight of Native Americans, can also be seen as the media not exposing the full spectrum of White Supremacy. Honestly, only focusing on the Black stories is best for the White Supremacist agenda, given how much America twist, and contort Black victimization at the hands of Whites as a "Non-Racial" issue not worthy of media attention. How many Americans are killed by Islamic related violence per year? We come across Muslims daily with no violent outcomes, but Islamic violence is talked about as if we're all affected by it daily.Some news stories shouldnt be blown up though and they're blown up for no other reasons other than to stir shyt up
Dylann Roof's shooting and the burned churches are the only recent black stories that should have been blown up.
As far as the cops shooting unarmed black men stories, those are unfortunate but they shouldnt have been blown up. Let's be real here, it's not a epidemic. Most of the people on this board see cops daily/weekly and everything goes smoothly. The media nitpicks these stories involving black men because everyone has a sick twisted obsession with Blacks so stories involving Black people get ratings. Stories involving Native Americans. Hispanics or non race related stories in general dont get ratings. Therefore the media wants to keep black people in the spotlight
Iiiiiiiii don't know buddy, I think this White Supremacy thing just might be real. Whether or not you blame the Jews for starting a race war, you're still blaming SOMEBODY for kicking it off. Do you suppose Whites and Blacks come together to overthrow the Jewish media?Yea, he's right....
The people who control the media don't identify as black or white and they have the money to be removed a race war....![]()
If a real race war popped off in America tomorrow it would just be population control and nobody with power would care.
Thousands of black people from the ghetto and low income cacs could kill each other off and it would mean absolutely nothing.
The black people the coli considers "c00ns" and the liberal whites would just fall back andwatch the news report it.
The world would go on like nothing ever happened both sides would take their losses and charge it to the game.
I dont care.@Barnett115 looking pretty funny in the light right now.![]()