You're proving my point
It's not about playing individual songs. I like to play albums front to back no skips. Spoken word or talking about your trans aunt isn't putting me in the right zone to bang out reps on the bench. Count Me Out is too damn smooth. I'd play that on the stair master. I prefer to work out to aggressive, grimy, street music. Some M.O.P. or Griselda is more my speed. . That's my personal preference. Not listening to what you listen means I'm not not making gains? You sound ridiculous

. If you workout to Miles Davis or Beethoven than I don't have a problem with that. It's your choice so to each his own.
I said this album didn't move me while not trashing it so why yall getting offended I don't know. I gave my opinion and kept it moving. I'm not in this thread with 100 replies trying to force my views on anyone. I see plenty of mixed reviews in here so stop acting like this is some universal classic.