Super Ugly is proof that “tea” doesn’t always win battles.
Yep. Also proof that temperament and perception matters. Whatever your perception is you gotta stay that way or it’s instantly not believable. Nas always been calm and collected while still being street, so Ether wasn’t outside his normal energy. Takeover was Jay’s normal energy, cocky, talk down on you, etc. But with super ugly he got out of character, then sounded all introspective on BP2
So with Drake, he’s painted himself in a box of his same nasal feminine catty petty arrogance. Hard to explain but we all know it

So if he raises his voice 1 iota we not havin it
Kendrick has always been animated so he can get away with a ‘I hate you

‘ bc he’s always been like that. ‘Bum!’…’hope none of your core fans ever heard of you’.