You do realize the link you posted is clearly from a bible thumper? Now the most important part: Do you realize the link you posted has dates ranging over thousands of years? Did this magical worldwide flood last thousands of years? Don't you think the most logical and rational thought is that different parts of the world flooded at different points in time? You know, like how it still happens to this date? Logic is not a religious mans friend.
I said scroll to the bottom to see the tabelts, but thats the physical evidence
I don't have time to look up each one individual
it doesn't matter if he's a bible thumper or not the TABLETS ARE REAL
I don't discriminate evidence when it is verifiable t
Once again the region where the bible takes place is in Africa, Eastern and South Africa stll have undiscovered ruins that were buried by the flood
the stone circles in South Africa are evidence, but you just IGNORE IT