ken said that he was not going to change his mind, he was a christian, he starts with his belief in the bible and works from there. nye said that he would change his mind if there was evidence. that right there sums up the problem in a nutshell. the christian is free to say what ever he wants and never change, the scientist has to consider evidence and adjust accordingly. that's why debates like these are pointless. their philosophy on knowledge and truth are fundamentally incompatible. a creationist might discuss evidence like a scientist when it is convenient, but when it is not convenient, they can resort to pseudoscience or blind faith. nye does not have that luxury. how can you ever get anything good from such a debate?kinda.
For scientific things you can, but once you start trying to explain things by saying, "God did it" then yeah you're not speaking the same language.
For instance we can discuss the big bang and the evidence we see that might support it, that doesn't touch on religion. We can discuss computer science, medicine and science fields like that but once we cross the point where you ask me HOW we run into problems.
If we ask, "what happened before the big bang" when we get down to the "facts" neither one of us can prove shyt unfortunately.