Only SA could have given him that 5 year 219 million....that is gone forever he will never be able to be offered that contract again...
NBA players pay taxes in every state they visit...not just nba players but all professional athletes do...but since Kawhi was playing in texas...and it does not have a state tax...he is not paying that for 41 games...since half his games are played in san antonio...then on top of that there is the federal tax...which i don't remember off the top of my head but I remember Toronto was the highest...the line that "you don't pay any state tax in texas" is only partially true because you only play half your games in texas...
you get taxed at whatever the state rate is for the games you play outside of texas...
Here is a 2017 breakdown of how Toronto taxes's even more hilarious than I thought...the federal tax is over 50%

...they don't allow like in the nba
whatever you pay your agent you can deduct that on your taxes...yeah...not in canada
No Longer a Myth: American Athletes Pay More in Toronto
On top of that...Toronto traded for him in the off season so since they get a full season of him they get his bird they can offer him a 5th year...but since only Toronto has his bird rights only they can offer him a 5th year...anyone else can only offer him if he leaves Toronto for any other team knock off another year of salary and something between 25 and 35 million dollars...what his salary would be between in that 5th year...closer to 35...
On the flipside...Derozan is bringing home quite a bit more money now...just off the difference in the federal tax and the fact he is not paying a state tax for...simplistic state...half his salary...he bringing home something like..2.7 more a year at least...