
Nah, the Dems just don't have any fight nor a scorched Earth mentality. The GOP constantly blocked, delayed, made huge issues out of non stories, spun losses into wins, whatever they could do to energize their base and throw off the Obama agenda. The Dems on the other hand will wrong their hands (weakly) and resign themselves to a loss. The only reason they fought so hard this time is because it looked like a sure victory. With a little effort how can you NOT get a nominee disqualified with sexual assault accusations against him in 2018? Well, looks like we're about to find out. It's like they are ignoring who and what they are dealing with. I remember in 2012 people said the GOP was DEAD, that they would not win another Presidential election in our lifetime. Now they control all three branches of Government. How do you think they went from dead man walking to the party that controls all?
Please shut up.The idiots who refused to vote this election are now blaming democrats, bernie or busts morons are now blaming the democrat. I just wish manchin voted no because i knew this vile hacks and bernie or bust who stayed home and alt left supporters and the purity left will use this as an excuse to say see democrats and republicans are the same. These people stayed home, voted jill stein or third party. Jimmy dore said the supreme court was not important to vote hillary and you have idiots on this site posting jimmy dore and TYT and the intercept like they are credible.
The republicans knew trump was not perfect unlike the far left and purity left they understand politics and knew trump would give them majority on the supreme court for decades to rule against black people and take away peoples right. The arrogant far left stayed home. That is the difference.
TYT had a video nearly daily criticizing hillary , the same for the intercept, the right united because they could reason long term.
What good has bernie sanders had except sow discord among liberals to stay home? his movement has promoted purity politics and he has made people believe delusional promises.
@Regular_P and Susan Sarandon can bern in hell.The idiots who refused to vote this election are now blaming democrats, bernie or busts morons are now blaming the democrat. I just wish manchin voted no because i knew this vile hacks and bernie or bust who stayed home and alt left supporters and the purity left will use this as an excuse to say see democrats and republicans are the same. These people stayed home, voted jill stein or third party. Jimmy dore said the supreme court was not important to vote hillary and you have idiots on this site posting jimmy dore and TYT and the intercept like they are credible.
The republicans knew trump was not perfect unlike the far left and purity left they understand politics and knew trump would give them majority on the supreme court for decades to rule against black people and take away peoples right. The arrogant far left stayed home. That is the difference.
TYT had a video nearly daily criticizing hillary , the same for the intercept, the right united because they could reason long term.
What good has bernie sanders had except sow discord among liberals to stay home? his movement has promoted purity politics and he has made people believe delusional promises.
Hold this negThe idiots who refused to vote this election are now blaming democrats, bernie or busts morons are now blaming the democrat. I just wish manchin voted no because i knew this vile hacks and bernie or bust who stayed home and alt left supporters and the purity left will use this as an excuse to say see democrats and republicans are the same. These people stayed home, voted jill stein or third party. Jimmy dore said the supreme court was not important to vote hillary and you have idiots on this site posting jimmy dore and TYT and the intercept like they are credible.
The republicans knew trump was not perfect unlike the far left and purity left they understand politics and knew trump would give them majority on the supreme court for decades to rule against black people and take away peoples right. The arrogant far left stayed home. That is the difference.
TYT had a video nearly daily criticizing hillary , the same for the intercept, the right united because they could reason long term.
What good has bernie sanders had except sow discord among liberals to stay home? his movement has promoted purity politics and he has made people believe delusional promises.
Nothing he said was wrong though...and I didn't vote for Hillary in the General, I wrote in Bernie. I live in NYC so it was an empty gesture but there were thousands like me in places all around the country where it mattered and it counted.Please shut up.