Ford is credible because she quite obviously ran in the same circles as him. She didn't remember all the details but she named the people who were at the party and it's the same people who Bart ran with and who he wrote on the calendar for the July 1st party. She never seen these calendars so that in itself is something that only someone who was there would know about.
Once you are able to put Ford in the same house as him.. that's where it starts to become credible. She also knew where his homie was working that summer, Inside Edition actually visited this guy Tim's house and it matched the description of the house she claims this happened in..
Does this prove it happened? No.. but now let's factor in she passed the lie detector test. Let's factor in that she has told this story several times to people before he was up for nomination. Her counselor has records of it. Also, what does she have to gain.. nothing. She's a doctor, she has a good career, if she's found to be lying under oath it could completely ruin her.
Does all this prove anything? No, but it's not a criminal trial. Then you factor in Bart's rapey letters that he wrote and the yearbook shyt and everyone his friends and former friends have said and he does look like a possible drunken rapist..
Why are we gonna put a possible drunken rapist on the highest court? I don't see this as a dangerous precedent. Never mind his behavior displayed in front of the court, his lying under oath and that it's clear he is partisan