Dems allwoing? You acting like the Dems have the majority
There's a crew of folks who stay in HL acting like they have a majority. And you just can't make folks see that they have to roll a certain way with everything they do. The worst part? These folks running their mouth might not even vote!
The left has brought about investigations. And now the left is out protesting(yeah yeah yeah but at least they aren't on a forum or you critics). Without a majority that isn't a bad course of action and is better than simply rolling over, which they have not done but people love to accuse them of. To me, it's pro trump to jump on the left for any and everything. If you hate the way they roll, drag yourself and everybody you know to the polls to give them some power. That's where we are right now. It sucks but that's where we are! You'll have to stop bytching at some point and get involved. This love of expecting super powers from the left is part of why we're here now!(cue folks listing a laundry list of reasons they couldn't vote for Hillary...basically proving my point but in denial about that fact)
@Rarely-Wrong Liggins Kavanaugh is not to be a poster child for wrongly accused men. Not sure why so many dudes want to put him there. Look for somebody a little less rich and spoiled and not right wing. You can tell by his lies and his behavior during questioning that this dude is guilty as all get out and has a serious drinking problem.