It's not an issue of standards...
He denied All allegations under oath...In other words if he did it, he flat out committed perjury...
Same thing with his drinking, nobody cares that he drank too much in college and got stupid drunk...The issue is he told the committee he didn't drink excessively, never got stupid drunk or blacked out...
Don't let CACs change the narrative into young kid drinking too much and doing stupid things in school to cover his ass from perjury...
The narrative should be grown man deliberately lying to the judicial committee under oath...
And the reason why he lied is because he knows that anyone objectively looking at whether or not this dude is suitable to be on a Supreme Court that's about to decide if women in this country have control of their own bodies, would take a step back and wonder to themselves "Well if that's how dude was THEN...what is he like NOW....and why is he trying to conceal what he was like THEN if he was just a 'kid' when those things happened...."
Hint: Dude is likely an alcoholic (nothing wrong with this, as it's a disease that affects millions) and probably suffers from EWCMS (Entitled White Christian Male Syndrome) which causes him to believe that he can do and say whatever he wants because he's a "devout" follower of Christianity and that even if he's done something wrong (like sexually harass/assault a woman or accumulate thousands of dollars in debt via gambling) only God can judge him.
And these are vices that any man can have...problems that any person can deal with...but not something that someone who sits in the highest court in the land and decides the fate millions of lives should have in 2018.
Doesn't mean that prior justices or people who hold high office were perfect human beings...but knowing that...we should be striving to appoint better human beings rather than forcing this cat in