Maximus Rex
Jay is about black empowerment. As long as Kanye is richer than 90% of white supremacists Jay is proud of him. Think about how many cac celebrities and cac musicians are mad at Ye right now because he's a black man with 50x more money than them. It's so many broke and poor white supremacists thats mad right now to see this rich successful black man with a net worth of 3 billion with the most famous white woman rubbing his feet. He's richer than justin bieber, justin timerlake,ed sheeran, and eminem. Jay and Ye is richer than all 4 of them combined. That's a L for them. Think about how mad those 4 are right nowThink about how mad alot of cac celebrity and musician women are because Bey is 50x richer than them
. You're comparing the wrong people. Jay and Ye are on the same team which is team Black Excellence
Those white people don't give a damn about Kanye and his riches, just like they don't give a damn about Jay and his riches you know cares though Jay he wants to be the only one, Kanye was like nope I'm here too, Respect