KamalaHarris.com can yall help me find her policies? I wanna know what im voting for. I only see donations #drumar 👀


May 21, 2012
Show me a four year period between 1980 and 2020 that has seen rulings as consequential as the Chevron ruling, abortion, affirmative action, etc...

Damn, so we're just outchea conjuring up figurative strawmen :francis:

Yeah... we're now in a situation where some other 3 letter agencies have less administrative power due to Trumps's judicial nominations thanks to the chevron Ruling. I'm talking about the FDA, CDC, NOAA, EPA, etc... That's a hell of a lot concerning for me since it will effect our health.

Yes, the heritage foundation has been gunning for these policies for 40+ years but until Trump they were never actually as successful at implementing their plans as they were with him as the POTUS. 30-40 years ago they tried to implement their plans primarily through legislative actions but they finally figured out that you can implement regressive policies through the stacking of the federal court. So for the 3rd/4th/5th time having someone else selecting the judges so we can avoid a "Whoops! There goes your rights!!" situation like you mentioned earlier is a plus for all of us (Unless you're a libertarian of course).

You're really lowering the standard there :pachaha:
But I guess "Proxy wars that no one wants" doesn't have the same gravity as "Wars that no one wants"
You can try that debate bro shyt with someone else.

I don't have time to be a pedant who sucks off the Democrats :laff:
If that's what you wanna do, be my guest breh. :banderas:


"show me a....","google this", "Do you have a reference for ?"
:laff: fukk off man :laff:


May 21, 2012
It's amazing that the same people who'll downplay what a President can and cannot do based on their limited understanding of the office will also be the ones telling you Trump is going to get in there and flip the American government upside down, eliminate democracy, reinstitute slavery, declare himself ruler of America, eliminate Congress, blah, blah, blah, spooky, over the top fantastical dictator shyt (but also remember reparations is something that's unrealistic to them).

The President can do anything they put their mind to when it's time to scare MFS into accepting conservative status quo politicians. :unimpressed:
And no one bats an eyelash when these posters say this.

DemShill - "Trump can be a dictator bro!". :sitdown:

SmartBreh - Okay, doesn't that mean Biden or Kamala could also be "Dictators"? And presumably push their own policy
through and actually deliver on the platforms they run on? :leon:

DemShill - :beli::pacspit:

I hate when they get on here and SmolBean comically wealthy and connected individuals like these motherfukkers
are just helpless and hapless idiots.

It's just silly man.
How are you not embarrassed? :gucci:
Because I know the Democrats have repeatedly failed to institute platforms they run on.
That every single election cycle where they win (or at the very least close to it) they lose
out to their very aggressive republican opponents who can apparently get policy passed.

Because I also realize that the American project is really a large battle between Workers and Capital.
We all somehow, someway can acknowledge the geopolitical things happenning (Israel, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, Iran etc.)
but don't see how that can be tied to the political interests in corporations (Defense Contractors, Oil Companies, Fruit Companies,
Medical & Pharmaceutical industries etc.).

Because for whatever reason you have all defaulted to "Democrats good".
And ironically enough you all don't see that as embarrassing especially when as posters like myself and @UpNext have pointed out
many people within the Democratic establishment are money hungry ghouls and/or former or current racists, a perfect fukking example being
Joe biden.

Like y'all act like we're attacking your parents when we're critical of the Democrats.
And the worst part of it all is you don't hold them accountable or take them to task, INSTEAD the response is always:


If the goal is to get MY VOTE, then I really don't are about the the republicans, I care about the DEMOCRATS and their FAILURES.
Last edited:


Sep 11, 2015
Here's my question: (I am not voting so miss me with the Trump shyt)

If she saying "what she's going to do when she becomes president" Did we not forget that she is 2nd in command?

She's been in this position since 2020 and you mean to tell me that she didn't pass off none of the plays to Biden?

So her input is null and void?? Like wtf?

2020- 2024 shyt is fukked up, shyt is high and out of control and you mean to tell me: Her as the VP and Biden couldn't fix this shyt?? But she's going to fix this shyt when she replaces Biden, but she can't do it now as VP??

(Before you fukkers say, we'll she's the VP, ok then if that's the case, why are you fukkers all giddy over her pick for VP) He's going to be just like her too right??

Of if you fukkers say, "well, she can listen to her VP and grab ideas from him" so you are telling me the shyt that she is saying she wants to do as President, She didn't give some of those things/ideas to Biden to keep the country from being fukked up as it is NOW??

Like Help me understand this shyt.


Jun 1, 2012
All you guys do is talk about Trump.

This is ahistorical.

Our rights have been under assault for decades,

This is a dance that continues over and over again, the problem with this
stance is it doesn't fit reality at all.

Where was Trump when Reagan shipped jobs overseas?
Where was Trump when people died just to get weekends off?
Where was Trump when we expanded the powers of all of the alphabet agencies?

A lot of the things that are spoken about in Project 2025 and frankly issues like Roe v. Wade or LGTBQ+ rights
or Police Brutality etc.
All of these things existed BEFORE and will OUTSTRIP Trumps presidency.

The sooner we acknowledge that this is a continued problem in America and one that won't go away.

We can get away from "Orange man bad" and start talking about the Democrats repeated failure to achieve...well anything.

The US is literally funding two proxy wars.
For all intents and purposes we are at fukking war. :laff:
You see it. I mentioned Reagan in another thread in a similar manner

In these nikkas heads, if Kamala wins the great dragon Trump will be vanquished and we'll return to glorious democracy. What they fail or refuse to see is that Trump, much like Reagan, has left a mark that won't go away anytime soon. Hell everybody thought he was gone for good in 2020 and this nikka still didn't go away:manny:

A more coherent, charismatic, non rambling Trump is on the way and then what? Because these old browbeating strategies are already dying off

Yall treat this shyt like wrestling and get off on these stan wars, thinking you accomplished something by arguing with nikkas on a message board.


Dec 18, 2017
This honestly isn't true. If this campaign was normal I would agree. People literally wanted anything but Biden and Trump. The only things she will have to do is continue looking competent and nor act crazy.
She eventually has to show how she'll be differ from those two agendas.

Does she have to right at this moment? No. She should continue to ride her momentum up until the DNC. But, eventually she's going to have to start answering questions. I don't think it's wrong for people to ask that.

Granted, I know there's a ton of concern trolling, but I don't think these are terrible questions.


May 21, 2012
You see it. I mentioned Reagan in another thread in a similar manner

In these nikkas heads, if Kamala wins the great dragon Trump will be vanquished and we'll return to glorious democracy. What they fail or refuse to see is that Trump, much like Reagan, has left a mark that won't go away anytime soon. Hell everybody thought he was gone for good in 2020 and this nikka still didn't go away:manny:

A more coherent, charismatic, non rambling Trump is on the way and then what? Because these old browbeating strategies are already dying off

Yall treat this shyt like wrestling and get off on these stan wars, thinking you accomplished something by arguing with nikkas on a message board.

I'm glad you see it.

I try not to fault them to much, I realize they've been propagandized and often think everything will return to "Normal" while
ignoring that "Normal" was pretty screwed up in the first place.

I post links.
I post articles.
I post audio documentaries etc.

I know much of it will never be listened to but I hope some people actually pay attention.
Once Trump fails or dies off, the ideas he represents will stick around and will remain, this is hard for many people
on here to accept.

There are even "Black" people on here who think racism got bad under Trump and once we get a Democrat in office
those things will just disappear. And I think that comes from a refusal to accept that racism is systemic and a complex
thing that needs to be dismantled at every level of society, not just when people are overtly racist.

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
She eventually has to show how she'll be differ from those two agendas.

Does she have to right at this moment? No. She should continue to ride her momentum up until the DNC. But, eventually she's going to have to start answering questions. I don't think it's wrong for people to ask that.

Granted, I know there's a ton of concern trolling, but I don't think these are terrible questions.
I'm not saying it's wrong for people to ask. Im just saying it doest matter in this particular election. I think if this is a normal election this would be 100% true. Trump is self imploding. She literally just has to seem normal and not :flabbynsick:.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
You can try that debate bro shyt with someone else.

I don't have time to be a pedant who sucks off the Democrats :laff:
If that's what you wanna do, be my guest breh. :banderas:


"show me a....","google this", "Do you have a reference for ?"
:laff: fukk off man :laff:

I post links.
I post articles.
I post audio documentaries etc.


Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
I was only asking. Why does that make us dumb. I thought it was good to do some research
You're not just asking questions; you're trolling. The fact that you're ignoring the posts answering your question and engaging with other trolls proves you're full of shyt and concern trolling. Why did this account lie dormant for seven years before you made a post?