Kamala Invites Central Park 5 Victims To Speak At DNC Convention!

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
Well for one, Kamala Harris is notorious for imprisoning black men for crimes they didn’t commit. She was endorsed by the SFPD, one of the most racist police departments in the nation. I’ll be back in the morning to shut this thread down with facts.

She literally laughed at a black man who was sentenced for a crime that he didn’t commit. He ended up being exonerated and the government had to pay him $13 million. Why didn’t they invite him to speak?

You misrepresenting the facts based on what I read. It's fine to criticize her, but based on the article I read yesterday it was police misconduct and a lying witness for this case. Where is there evidence she's notorious for imprisoning black men for crimes they didn't commit? I need evidence she did this and not evidence of police misconduct. I know you will post evidence of police misconduct and not anything that directly implicates her.


Dec 16, 2015

Trump took out a front page advert to call for this brothers to be put to death for a crime they never commited and even after the courts acquitted and found them innocent, insisted they were still guilty and never apologized. Kamala invited them to the Convention and is going to give them a platform to speak. Regardless of your politics, this is a good and moral thing. Compare this to the republican convention where they had the bigot hulk hogan who is on tape calling black folks the n word and hurling racial slurs to speak at the convention, this two political parties are not the same, you insult peoples intelligence when you claim they are similar.

check and mate. Dems finally pulling out the big guns


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
He can bring out the guys kamala Harris locked up for crimes they didn’t commit.

At least trump can say “all I did was write a letter, you actually did the prosecuting”

Trump ‘24 🍊

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
You misrepresenting the facts based on what I read. It's fine to criticize her, but based on the article I read yesterday it was police misconduct and a lying witness for this case. Where is there evidence she's notorious for imprisoning black men for crimes they didn't commit? I need evidence she did this and not evidence of police misconduct. I know you will post evidence of police misconduct and not anything that directly implicates her.
There’s no way you came to the conclusion that it was just police misconduct unless you’re being intentionally dense. But I’ll break it down for you nonetheless.

It was not just police misconduct and a lying witness. It was prosecutorial misconduct.
Kamala Harris’ office (assistant district attorney Linda Allen) bribed a witness to coerce them into testifying against Jamal trulove. The “witness” literally picked a black man just because she saw him on reality TV. In case you want more evidence than the following, just google “Linda Allen”


“In 2014, a California appellate court overturned Trulove’s conviction. The court found Allen had committed “highly prejudicial misconduct,” adding, “The People did not present a scintilla of evidence . . . that defendant’s friends and family would try to kill [the witness] if she testified against him . . . This yarn was made out of whole cloth.”

Here’s another post about it where we go into more detail:

In May 2009, shortly before a key hearing in Trulove’s case where Lualemaga would identify him as the shooter, the San Francisco DA claimed it was necessary to move her from public housing into witness protection. A Jan. 12, 2010 memo filed as an exhibit in Trulove’s civil rights lawsuit shows that this arrangement was approved by Larry J. Wallace, a longtime Harris aide who followed her to the California Department of Justice when she became attorney general in 2010, and later to her Sacramento field office when she became a United States senator in 2017.

They literally bribed this women to testify against this Black man. You Democrat apologist are shameless :scust:

Just in case you want to know what a real progressive district attorney does. Here’s what the next district attorney did, he fired Allen and 6 other corrupt prosecutors:

Just two days into his tenure as San Francisco's District Attorney, Chesa Boudin fired at least seven prosecuting attorneys. Boudin said the actions were necessary to carry out the progressive policies he campaigned on.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
this is an incredible form of outreach. in fact, i would argue this is a concession that she has a record marred by prosecutorial conduct that contributed to the inequities of our criminal justice system. as a former prosecutor she can’t escape her ties to a system that allowed - and continues to allow - injustices like this to occur.

atonement of this sort, while only one step in what has to be a series of reparative measures , is to be commended.

if this isn’t proof enough that she has the black community’s back, the “no tangibles, no vote” crowd will never be satisfied.


Trying to troll trump by inviting a Central Park 5 member to speak meanwhile she has an avalanche of wrongfully convicted black men under her belt that she never apologized to is your definition of “atonement?” :gucci:

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Can't wait to see Trump's reaction to this considering his comments about them lol

This is a bait and Trump will fall for it.
Want if trump invites an army of black men that Kamala Harris wrongfully locked up? Like this guy:

  • Kamala Harris, 55, served as the San Francisco District Attorney between 2003 and 2010 before becoming California's Attorney General
  • Known for her tough stance on crime, Harris oversaw a number of prosecutions that ended with a wrongful conviction
  • One of her final acts as San Francisco DA was to send the case of Caramad Conley, now 50, back to trial after he was cleared of a 1989 double murder
  • Now, speaking in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, Conley describes Harris as an 'opportunist'
  • He said: 'I would hope she's learned from those mistakes. That's all I can ask from her. Because you did ruin a life, you know. A few lives. A lot of lives'
  • Conley was accused of the deaths of Roshawn Johnson and Charles Hughes
  • In December 2010, his case was vacated and dismissed without prejudice, but because it was dismissed without prejudice, it opened the way for a retrial
  • In her last month as San Francisco DA, Harris decided to send Conley's case back to court and he was sent back to jail to await his new trial
  • He said: 'Had Kamala not played those games, I would have walked out of the prison I was in straight home'