Building more homes... How about stopping institutional investors/wall-street from buying up single family homes?
Did you keep reading?
" ...also take on predatory landlords and Wall Street investors who drive up housing costs."
She would be increasing the budget of regulatory agencies. Right now the FTC lead is someone who actually wants to break up Monopolies. She's young, not coming from millionaires and billionaires and these companies dislike her intensely because she's forcing them to spend money defending their shytty practices in court.
The budget of regulators will go up which increases their staffing and allows them to keep putting pressure on these companies and forcing them to follow the law.
With zoning laws, federal funding can be given to states that have changed their zoning laws to increase capacity for more housing. This is why it's importantt to vote in your municipal and state elections. They control the zoning laws, not the president. Federal funding is up for grabs for construction projects if your governor and senator aren't maga dikkheads who won't access that cash out of spite.