I wish Tariq and his cult followers would stop using "Trickle down economics" in the wrong context:
Trickle-down economics - Wikipedia
Trickle-down economics, also called
trickle-down theory, refers to the economic proposition that taxes on businesses and the wealthy in society should be reduced as a means to stimulate business investment in the short term and benefit society at large in the long term.
Proposals like this are the exact OPPOSITE of trickle down economics.
I wish DNC operatives would stop inserting and deleting words to bend my statements. I said "Trickle Down DEMOCRACY", nikka. That hasn't been used in any context but this one...since I just came up with that one in REAL TIME.
I update the collective lexicon on my own and that man takes content from ME, be accurate.
I don't follow TN nor do I promote his ideals. I called it TRICKLE DOWN DEMOCRACY due to the "lift" reference, and another poster's reference to boats rising with water.
The Nasheed bogeyman technique does not apply here. I don't listen to or follow that man, and you try to frame every argument and response you have around these figures, while disregarding true concerns and issues. Just like a paid poster and forum slider.
Trickle down democracy:
This will primarily benefit poor whites. A wikipedia article about Reagan"s failed economic policy won't change population demographics or funding allocation in North America, nor will your half-cocked "gotcha" posts stifle any opposing voices.
The name association shaming tactics are quite obvious.