Kamala Harris Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Bid - Kamala Bear... GRRRR!!!

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
You keep asking the same question as if you're dense and don't know she fukked someone who said he helped her with her career because they were fukking . What else do you need?

I'm no quite sure , you said it's nepotism...so you admit she was helped to the top but it was because she was fukking someone who was in positions to help her directly

I need to know how those appointments helped her get to the top (ie become a Senator and the potential 2020 nominee).

You said she slept her way to the top and cited to those appoints as evidence. Actually, you didn't even cite them I brought those up, you just vaguely stated she sexed her way to the top. That notwithstanding, I'm saying she earned her way "to the top" by winning elections.

District Attorney is the position that launched her political career. What qualified her to run for DA is the fact that she is an attorney. What made her a good candidate was that she had prior experience in criminal law (former ADA). Her appointment to those commissions had no impact on this race or any of her future races.

You clearly lack knowledge regarding municipal and county politics. You're trying to act like her being the beneficiary of patronage is some kind of scandal. Newsflash, most politicians appoint staffers/aides/patrons to commissions like those. Most politicians will endorse former staffer/aides when they seek office themselves.

Hell, Willie Brown is up there with Richard Daley when it comes to patronage politics and Harris' appointments are never cited as examples of his power.

Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign (Official Thread)


Aug 9, 2014
I need to know how those appointments helped her get to the top (ie become a Senator and the potential 2020 nominee).

You said she slept her way to the top and cited to those appoints as evidence. Actually, you didn't even cite them I brought those up, you just vaguely stated she sexed her way to the top. That notwithstanding, I'm saying she earned her way "to the top" by winning elections.

District Attorney is the position that launched her political career. What qualified her to run for DA is the fact that she is an attorney. What made her a good candidate was that she had prior experience in criminal law (former ADA). Her appointment to those commissions had no impact on this race or any of her future races.

You clearly lack knowledge regarding municipal and county politics. You're trying to act like her being the beneficiary of patronage is some kind of scandal. Newsflash, most politicians appoint staffers/aides/patrons to commissions like those. Most politicians will endorse former staffer/aides when they seek office themselves.

Hell, Willie Brown is up there with Richard Daley when it comes to patronage politics and Harris' appointments are never cited as examples of his power.

Lmfao...she might have been a helluva Ada. Just line Barry Bonds was a helluva baseball player before he tool PEDs , but his career is still tainted because he decided to sully his own name. She's did the same by sexing someone to gain political power and favors , like appointees and access to donors and funding

I'm sorry if you're too stupid to understand what she did and how appointing her to any position was unethical and benefitted her and her future . I'm sure when she ran she listed every single one of those appointments as part of her experience and why she should be selected for the job . On top of that because they were lovers she was introduced to his inner circle and he vested time into ensuring she was elected by getting in good with donors and funding. Again if you're that slow that you can't admit this then I dunno what else to do
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intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
Lmfao...she might have been a helluva Ada. Just line Barry Bonds was a helluva baseball player before he tool PEDs , but his career is still tainted because he decided to sully his own name. She's did the same by sexing someone to gain political power and favors , like appointees and access to donors and funding

I'm sorry if you're too stupid to understand what she did and how appointing her to any position was unethical and benefitted her and her future . I'm sure when she ran she listed every single one of those appointments as part of her experience and why she should be selected for the job . On top of that because they were lovers she was introduced to his inner circle and he vested time into ensuring she was elected by getting in good with donors and funding. Again if you're that slow that you can't admit this then I dunno what else to do

So I'm supposed to take the your conjecture as a fact? You've done nothing but write fan-fics and display ignorance when it comes to municipal politics.

:patrice:I'm still trying to figure out why your dumbass quoted me. Care to explain?
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Aug 9, 2014
So I'm supposed to take the your conjecture as a fact? You've done nothing but write fan-fics and display ignorance when it comes to municipal politics.

:patrice:I'm still trying to figure out why your dumbass quoted me. Care to explain?


it came straight from the horses mouth - unlesss Willie is lying too

I guess it's all subjective when it doesn't align to the story you built in your head. Unfortunately the facts are out there and everyone knows what she did. Poor Willie being used by a woman 30 years he younger to transistion from a rich socialite to a political powerhouse.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad

it came straight from the horses mouth - unlesss Willie is lying too

I guess it's all subjective when it doesn't align to the story you built in your head. Unfortunately the facts are out there and everyone knows what she did. Poor Willie being used by a woman 30 years he younger to transistion from a rich socialite to a political powerhouse.

Since my previous posts already address your reiterated rubbish, let’s finish Willie Brown’s quote:
"I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians," he added.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A.," Brown wrote. "That’s politics for ya."

Willie Brown on Kamala Harris: 'We dated,' I 'influenced her career'

Hmm… He also appointed Gavin Newsom twice when he had little to no political experience. Wait, did Newsom also sex his way to the top? Hell, in Newsom’s case those appointments directly led into his mayoral candidacy. Is that what Brown meant by help? Those are rhetorical questions, some of us understand machine politics and patronage.

You need to stop watching Scandal it’s starting to warp your reality. As Brown said, he helped a number of politicians who then had to go and win their elections. Some of the politicians he helped didn’t amount to anything, while others did. Harris isn’t special and his treatment of her isn’t all that different than his treatment of Newsom.

Instead of wasting time cherrypicking quotes as a way to substantiate your claim, why don't you read up on OneWest Bank or who her donors? Or would those be beyond you scope?

Again, rhetorical questions.


Aug 9, 2014
Since my previous posts already address your reiterated rubbish, let’s finish Willie Brown’s quote:

Hmm… He also appointed Gavin Newsom twice when he had little to no political experience. Wait, did Newsom also sex his way to the top? Hell, in Newsom’s case those appointments directly led into his mayoral candidacy. Is that what Brown meant by help? Those are rhetorical questions, some of us understand machine politics and patronage.

You need to stop watching Scandal it’s starting to warp your reality. As Brown said, he helped a number of politicians who then had to go and win their elections. Some of the politicians he helped didn’t amount to anything, while others did. Harris isn’t special and his treatment of her isn’t all that different than his treatment of Newsom.

Instead of wasting time cherrypicking quotes as a way to substantiate your claim, why don't you read up on OneWest Bank or who her donors? Or would those be beyond you scope?

Again, rhetorical questions.

But the did sex kamala , you aren't refusing to admit that he helped her because he was fukking her . Once sex enters it, you cant just imagine the bias away. He could have helped a million people that has no impact on what she and he did and how she came up. I know you wish otherwise but that's what happened

He specifically stated he gave her appointments while engaged with her sexually ....thats all that needs to be said. You going back and forth trying to belittle this ordeal is what's wrong with politics

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
i have plenty of grievances with kamala harris, but that isnt one of them. shyt is just sexist
Oh I know. The point in me engaging with him was to demonstrate how unsubstantiated the claim is. I'm actually done engaging that argument because we've reached the point of diminishing returns.

But the did sex kamala , you aren't refusing to admit that he helped her because he was fukking her . Once sex enters it, you cant just imagine the bias away. He could have helped a million people that has no impact on what she and he did and how she came up. I know you wish otherwise but that's what happened

He specifically stated he gave her appointments while engaged with her sexually ....thats all that needs to be said. You going back and forth trying to belittle this ordeal is what's wrong with politics
You claimed she slept her way to the top. That's all I'm contesting.

Stating that implies the reason she became the DA, AG, or Senator is because she slept her way into at least one of those positions. Those appointments are the only example of her sleeping her way into anything. However, there is no evidence that those appointments launched her career as an attorney, which was her occupation prior to becoming a senator. In fact, those appointments were used in an ad against her during the general election for DA.

Again, let’s compare Harris to Gavin Newsom who is her contemporary. He just volunteered and fundraised for Willie’s reelection and had no experience working in the public sector. Willie appointed him twice and he served on one of those appointments until he was elected mayor. How does that differ from Harris? They were both beneficiaries of Willie’s patronage system (aka cronyism). The political difference is Harris was already qualified to become a DA, while Newsom gained useful credentials from his appointments to bolster his mayoral campaign.

So again, the idea she slept her way to the top is pure conjecture on your end. Since you cannot provide any evidence to substantiate your claim, I don’t see the need to take you seriously. Feel free to have the last word and be sure to look into OneWest Bank, that’s probably the next wave of the substantive critiques of her record.


Aug 9, 2014
Oh I know. The point in me engaging with him was to demonstrate how unsubstantiated the claim is. I'm actually done engaging that argument because we've reached the point of diminishing returns.

You claimed she slept her way to the top. That's all I'm contesting.

Stating that implies the reason she became the DA, AG, or Senator is because she slept her way into at least one of those positions. Those appointments are the only example of her sleeping her way into anything. However, there is no evidence that those appointments launched her career as an attorney, which was her occupation prior to becoming a senator. In fact, those appointments were used in an ad against her during the general election for DA.

Again, let’s compare Harris to Gavin Newsom who is her contemporary. He just volunteered and fundraised for Willie’s reelection and had no experience working in the public sector. Willie appointed him twice and he served on one of those appointments until he was elected mayor. How does that differ from Harris? They were both beneficiaries of Willie’s patronage system (aka cronyism). The political difference is Harris was already qualified to become a DA, while Newsom gained useful credentials from his appointments to bolster his mayoral campaign.

So again, the idea she slept her way to the top is pure conjecture on your end. Since you cannot provide any evidence to substantiate your claim, I don’t see the need to take you seriously. Feel free to have the last word and be sure to look into OneWest Bank, that’s probably the next wave of the substantive critiques of her record.

Bro again would Barry Bonds had broken the home run record if he didn't use PEDs? Maybe? But guess what he did, and they refuse to let him in the hall of fame because of that dark clouds. She slept her way into positions that launched her career .she slept her way into political support that got her elected. She had to do the work still and people had to vote her in but it was made all much easier when she took a man 30 years her elder as her sugar daddy and rode him to the top....literally

Someone mentioned sexist...if a guy did this with a woman 30+ years older ... he would be called all types of scum

You're right it is diminished returns, you keep saying the same thing ...but you can't answer the basic questions which is did Willie brown help her political career up to DA because they had a sexual relationship ? Yes or no. No more double speak and strawmen. I dont care if she ran a clean senate race without his direct help , people only know kamala Harris because she used Willie brown and at first sign of independence she married someone the opposite of Willie brown

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
Edit: Article to go with the video. I will add the transcript when I can locate one.

U.S Sen. Kamala Harris, a frontrunner in the burgeoning 2020 race for the Democratic nomination for president, is addressing criticisms of her criminal justice record and, more recently, her stance on reparations.

Harris told The Root that she supports reparations for black people, but that is not precisely what she told The Grio’s Natasha Alford after we spoke with her. For reparations, Harris said she supports the Lift Act, which would provide a tax credit for all families making up to $100,000. When Alford followed up by saying that’s a default benefit to black people but isn’t exactly reparations, Harris had this to say:

“If you look at the reality of who will benefit from certain policies, when you take into account that they are not starting on equal footing, it will directly benefit black children, black families, black homes-owners because the disparities are so significant,” she said. “So, if we focus on the specific issues that have resulted in the greatest disparities and we understand that is part of why we’re doing it.”

“Listen, the reality is also this: any policy that will benefit black people, will benefit all of society. Let’s be clear about that. Let’s really be clear about that. So, I’m not gonna sit here and say I’m going to do something that only benefits black people. No. because whatever benefits that black family will benefit that community and society as a whole and the country.”

Well, that’s not reparations. It’s more of a rising tide lifts all boats kinda logic. Take a listen to our interview to hear Harris explain her position more.

Julián Castro was more direct in his focus on “people who are the descendants of slaves.” He didn’t say “all people.” Big difference.

On a more promising note, Harris says she is open to seeing sex work decriminalized. For those who have criticized her support of SESTA (The Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017) and FOSTA (Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017), her willingness to explore decriminalization may be welcome news—or not.

In our interview, Harris also discussed why she feels Donald Trump is a racist (unlike presidential candidates Cory Booker or Castro, Harris flat out said Trump is a racist), and what it means to try and get votes from people who supported him despite his racist views. We also asked her to reflect on her time as a prosecutor.

This is one of many conversations we plan on having with Harris as the 2020 presidential campaign continues. Check out our full interview above and tell us what you think.

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