Avatar of the Green
cool story bro....get that cac outta my justice league movies tho...replace him with green arrow if its not gonna be stewart da GAWD
Come on, do you even read comics? Stewart is the weakest GL of all time. I'd pick any other GL over him to read. He is the obligatory token black superhero. Green Lantern the movie sucked but Hal still takes a steamer on Stewart's head.
Rayner, Gardner, Kilowog, Baz, Sinestro, Jade, the list goes on and on...oh and then there is bland ass John Stewart. Hal has done more in these recent cartoon movies than I remember Stewart doing in every season of the Justice League cartoon combined.
Recognize that he was created as a flat token black character and move on. There are plenty of dope black heroes throughout comics from both before John Stewart and after him.
But since I ruined him for you, here's a better character who would beat him in a fight, anyday, Tike Alicar aka the Anarchist

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