Watched this over the weekend...overall I enjoyed it. 
Things I liked:
Things I didn't like:

Things I liked:
-They gave Darkseid THAT WORK at the end 
-Probably the best animated Wonder Woman design I've seen
-Fight scenes in general were really well done
-Finally a movie where the writers don't worship Batman and think he's invincible
-Superman was actually kinda hard in this movie

-Probably the best animated Wonder Woman design I've seen
-Fight scenes in general were really well done
-Finally a movie where the writers don't worship Batman and think he's invincible
-Superman was actually kinda hard in this movie

Things I didn't like:
-Darkseid's design could've been better...too bulky
-Speaking of Darkseid, he really didn't get enough lines in the movie. He had some epic lines in the Justice League cartoon, but he barely even said anything in this movie outside of generic supervillain quotes.
-GL was kind of an ass...he was pretty annoying in this movie. At least Shazam had the excuse of being a kid.
-Batman's voice was meh.
-The part with Superman getting kidnapped just seemed like an excuse to get him out of the way for a while
-The plot was a little thin, in general
-Speaking of Darkseid, he really didn't get enough lines in the movie. He had some epic lines in the Justice League cartoon, but he barely even said anything in this movie outside of generic supervillain quotes.
-GL was kind of an ass...he was pretty annoying in this movie. At least Shazam had the excuse of being a kid.
-Batman's voice was meh.
-The part with Superman getting kidnapped just seemed like an excuse to get him out of the way for a while
-The plot was a little thin, in general