DC may still be finding their footing on film but when it comes to TV, they've held the crown for 20 plus years
I can't explain why other than its silly as hell but this scene with Lex Luthor as Flash always sticks out in my mind:
Both are on Netflix...just started watching them again..
You can tell Man of Steel took alot of their fight scenes from the Superman vs Captain Marvel episode.
classic in every sense of the world
favorite episodes were Grudge Match with all the women, the 'Crisis on two earth' episodes, star crossed, time travel, rebirth of Grundy etc All the episodes were good
Its amazing how much better DC animated films and series are compared to Marvel
The only Marvel series that holds a candle to this show or Batman TAS was X-men TAS (1994)
X men doesn't hold a candle to it breh. When is the last time you've watched it?:isthatall: I'd say Spectacular spider-man and Wolverine and the X Men come the closest but even they aren't that close
was already a grown ass man producing sperm when those shyts were on bruh