Boxing fundamentals
Technical strategy and ring tactics
Some sites I go to for refreshing my basics and things to practice alone or with a partner
For sparring, try not to get caught up trying to turn it into an actual fight. It never helps and sometimes causes more people to not want to spar again
You're going to have to openly communicate with them what level you are and what you're trying to work on, more often than not your partner will be happy to help you.
You may also have to consider talking to your coach if its okay to spar or work on mitts with him
Holding focus mitts for people:
Think of it as a game of Pat-a-cake, your just feeding them the mitts not stopping them.
Also just go slow, nothing wrong with going about it step by step before speeding up
Also for the website expert boxing, you can actually contact Johnny via email. He's pretty damn fast at responding
Hope this helps
Technical strategy and ring tactics
Some sites I go to for refreshing my basics and things to practice alone or with a partner
For sparring, try not to get caught up trying to turn it into an actual fight. It never helps and sometimes causes more people to not want to spar again
You're going to have to openly communicate with them what level you are and what you're trying to work on, more often than not your partner will be happy to help you.
You may also have to consider talking to your coach if its okay to spar or work on mitts with him
Holding focus mitts for people:
Think of it as a game of Pat-a-cake, your just feeding them the mitts not stopping them.
Also just go slow, nothing wrong with going about it step by step before speeding up
Also for the website expert boxing, you can actually contact Johnny via email. He's pretty damn fast at responding
Hope this helps