I didn't wanna see it at first but all the
posts I keep catching on fb got me like
I gotta see what all the fuss is about
Nobody knows where the piff is at?

the entire movie is a fantasy element, it could've still retained fantasy elements .
still mad about this a day later. the fans are hating it.
critics gave it 75^ on RT..fans 48.
Cinemascore of C
its gotten a "so-so" score on fandango with most of the recent reviews being "oh no" which is the lowest.
im not so much mad it wasnt accurate to the bible though that was disappointing, but they turned it into a fantasy movie and a shytty one at that. all those talented actors and director..what a fukking waste
won the box office but i bet word of mouth fukks it next weekend
You should've read the graphic novel first breh...you would've known exactly what you were getting yourself into.
I just saw it.
Fell asleep numerous times.
Review coming later.
how can you review it if you were sleep??
This movie is pissing off a lot of Bible-believing Christians because of the fallen angel rock giants and the partly deranged infanticidal Noah.
It's a shame because if they had stuck to the source material, it could've still retained fantasy elements (fallen angels with giant offspring) and depicted men, women, children, even infants, drowning in a way to elicit sympathy (might even cause some Christians to reevaluate their belief system and question what type of god would do that). Then Noah could have gotten drunk (which IS in the Bible) because of what he had to witness.
As it is, Aronofsky's vision alienates those who believe what's recorded in the Bible actually happened, so it won't be thought provoking to those who need to think the most. If it had been more faithful to the source, it could have had more impact. Unfortunately it'll be dismissed right out of the gate by the religious crowd.