Just saw James Bond, Skyfall


May 2, 2012
I want the best bond, I just don't see any white actors out there that I could see playing Bond after craig. Only one I could possibly think of is Tom Hardy.

I just think Idris Elba would be a badass bond :yeshrug:

I'd love it......but its never gonna happen...:heh:


Hollywood can't have this dude running around saving the world and knockin down all them bad ass model bytches on the big screen....:huhldup:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
I'd love it......but its never gonna happen...:heh:


Hollywood can't have this dude running around saving the world and knockin down all them bad ass model bytches on the big screen....:huhldup:
If it really all comes down to a race issue thats some bullshyt :upsetfavre:

even in that pic I could easily imagine him as bond. shyt would be ill.


May 2, 2012
If it really all comes down to a race issue thats some bullshyt :upsetfavre:

even in that pic I could easily imagine him as bond. shyt would be ill.

I could see him as Bond too (Idris got to lose some weight tho, sometimes he looks like that and other times he looks like an old ass man) but, like you said, its part racism, part monetary. I dont think its that white people in Hollywood just hate blacks, its just people like to watch characters that look like them and most of America/Europe is white, so they're naturally :ld: about movies where its "someone else" being the hero. Its not just blacks, when the last time we had an Indian/Asian A-list actor? This shyt is the same reason why they went and remade Dragonball Z then casted this dude to play Goku :skip: shyt is just :snoop:


That :ld:, it feeds into the box office. People dont connect with characters that dont look like them, so the movie flops. Most these movies make their money overseas, directors know people in Europe, Russia, the Middle East aint about to watch no movie with some black dude playing the part, so they're naturally :whoa: towards the whole idea. Its sad...


Jun 26, 2012
idris been the popular choice in the UK as well... from some of the polls they had showed. but i CANNOT see them go that route of a black bond. a black moneypenny is daring enough as it is!

but, TOM HARDY is someone i can believe could pull it off.

Silver Surfer

May 1, 2012
Idris is going to get it...they already have him in talks...the things is If his looks whole up, because we wont see him in it for about 5 years....

Craig has about 2 more films yet I believe


May 8, 2012
Just saw this piff :ooh:

That assault on Skyfall was on some Straw Dogs shyt :lawd:


May 7, 2012
If it really all comes down to a race issue thats some bullshyt :upsetfavre:

even in that pic I could easily imagine him as bond. shyt would be ill.

I could see him as Bond too (Idris got to lose some weight tho, sometimes he looks like that and other times he looks like an old ass man) but, like you said, its part racism, part monetary. I dont think its that white people in Hollywood just hate blacks, its just people like to watch characters that look like them and most of America/Europe is white, so they're naturally :ld: about movies where its "someone else" being the hero. Its not just blacks, when the last time we had an Indian/Asian A-list actor? This shyt is the same reason why they went and remade Dragonball Z then casted this dude to play Goku :skip: shyt is just :snoop:


That :ld:, it feeds into the box office. People dont connect with characters that dont look like them, so the movie flops. Most these movies make their money overseas, directors know people in Europe, Russia, the Middle East aint about to watch no movie with some black dude playing the part, so they're naturally :whoa: towards the whole idea. Its sad...

Nah breh, don't let hollywood fool you with that bullshyt "logic" of theirs when they try to justify screwing over black actors looking for work.

Will Smith almost wasn't cast for Independence Day because while the director wanted him for the role, the cac producers didn't. They felt a white guy would be better as the lead. Fortunately Will got the green light, and that shyt ended up grossing 500 million internationally and 800 mill overall.

With them kiddy disney movies... whether it be back in the day or in this pixar era, its always been white kids. but aint none of us (and i bet no white kids either) paid no mind to Aladdin and his bytch being arab when his flick first came out, and that shyt is one of the greatest Disney movies ever. More recently, that Princess and the Frog shyt came out (and at a time where hand-drawn kid movies were dead and played out) and that shyt still did 163 million internationally and 267 milly overall. A disney movie, with a black woman as a princess and standard of beauty, doing 250+ million with an animation style thats ancient history (literally)??

For kiddy male movies, they rebooted karate kid with a black kid and that shyt grossed 182 million internationally and 358 million total :yayo:

At the end of the day, despite how much hollywood and mainstream media tries to front to cover up their racist bullshyt, white folks in general aint any different than us (or anyone else) as far as who they'll watch for entertainment.

There's basically 2 types of successful superstar (male) actors. There's the genuine Alpha males: Quick witted, borderline a$$holes with a unique tone of mockery and sarcasm in their voice that just flows naturally for them. (Denzel, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, etc.. perhaps Robert Downey Jr. now). These guys may sometimes get accused of "always playing the same character" to a certain extent but people by and large go to their movies just to watch that very same character, regardless of what the movie is about (i.e. the context the character is in this time around).

Then you got the Beta's who really aren't shyt, no one really cares for them like that, but they often just benefit from 'drawing' the winning mega lottery ticket to play a role in a well-known and glorified franchise/genre. Outside of said franchise and the subsequent sequels/spin offs, aint no one be checking for them like that (or ever) because they aint shyt. I haven't watched any of their work, so call me biased here, but those two Twighlight cacs immediately come to mind, as well as orlando bloom. Tobey Maguire seems to be the poster child for this too, even tho he did get people to sit for some horse movie iir. Also that kid from Transformers, who easily could have been any other kid of any other ethnicity and it wouldn't have changed shyt as far as the box office numbers.

You swap out Paul Walker for Michael Ealy in that very first Fast and Furious movie with Vin Disel, and the end result doesn't change. Only thing that changes 10 years later is the amount of millions in Ealy's pockets.

But hollywood would rather just keep things white and blacks stereotyped. I guess its better for them to have black, hispanic, asian and white kids growing up thinking white males are the standard of masculinity and heroism, than having any more "will smith looking types" saving the world and banging bad foreign bytches


May 7, 2012
And based on these polls that people have mentioned... its funny how, apparently, white British people have no problem with a black British man playing their most famous (and historically white) British character... but if that were to happen no doubt they'll be some slew of angry white Americans on twitter or some shyt who have never watched Luther and don't even know who Idris is throwing a fit about "First Thor... now James Bond! This is fukkin bullshyt!!" :russ:


May 2, 2012
Nah breh, don't let hollywood fool you with that bullshyt "logic" of theirs when they try to justify screwing over black actors looking for work.

Will Smith almost wasn't cast for Independence Day because while the director wanted him for the role, the cac producers didn't. They felt a white guy would be better as the lead. Fortunately Will got the green light, and that shyt ended up grossing 500 million internationally and 800 mill overall.

With them kiddy disney movies... whether it be back in the day or in this pixar era, its always been white kids. but aint none of us (and i bet no white kids either) paid no mind to Aladdin and his bytch being arab when his flick first came out, and that shyt is one of the greatest Disney movies ever. More recently, that Princess and the Frog shyt came out (and at a time where hand-drawn kid movies were dead and played out) and that shyt still did 163 million internationally and 267 milly overall. A disney movie, with a black woman as a princess and standard of beauty, doing 250+ million with an animation style thats ancient history (literally)??

For kiddy male movies, they rebooted karate kid with a black kid and that shyt grossed 182 million internationally and 358 million total :yayo:

At the end of the day, despite how much hollywood and mainstream media tries to front to cover up their racist bullshyt, white folks in general aint any different than us (or anyone else) as far as who they'll watch for entertainment.

There's basically 2 types of successful superstar (male) actors. There's the genuine Alpha males: Quick witted, borderline a$$holes with a unique tone of mockery and sarcasm in their voice that just flows naturally for them. (Denzel, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, etc.. perhaps Robert Downey Jr. now). These guys may sometimes get accused of "always playing the same character" to a certain extent but people by and large go to their movies just to watch that very same character, regardless of what the movie is about (i.e. the context the character is in this time around).

Then you got the Beta's who really aren't shyt, no one really cares for them like that, but they often just benefit from 'drawing' the winning mega lottery ticket to play a role in a well-known and glorified franchise/genre. Outside of said franchise and the subsequent sequels/spin offs, aint no one be checking for them like that (or ever) because they aint shyt. I haven't watched any of their work, so call me biased here, but those two Twighlight cacs immediately come to mind, as well as orlando bloom. Tobey Maguire seems to be the poster child for this too, even tho he did get people to sit for some horse movie iir. Also that kid from Transformers, who easily could have been any other kid of any other ethnicity and it wouldn't have changed shyt as far as the box office numbers.

You swap out Paul Walker for Michael Ealy in that very first Fast and Furious movie with Vin Disel, and the end result doesn't change. Only thing that changes 10 years later is the amount of millions in Ealy's pockets.

But hollywood would rather just keep things white and blacks stereotyped. I guess its better for them to have black, hispanic, asian and white kids growing up thinking white males are the standard of masculinity and heroism, than having any more "will smith looking types" saving the world and banging bad foreign bytches

Damn, you right :myman:

I was tryna give them the benefit of the doubt but, damn...I cant even argue with that :smh: