Idk breh...
We need to be mindful of the downside of cold approaching and how it effects our ego as men...
I'm "cute" (been told) and ripped, but I know at the end of the day that's only gonna get me but so far...
Yea its only 20 seconds but rejection is powerful, even coming from someone who means nothing to you.. And if you're being rejected over and over I don't care who you are ugly cute sexy ripped whatever its gonna eventually have an effect on you psychologically and how you see yourself. ...How people feel about you shouldn't matter but how YOU FEEL ABOUT YOU MATTERS...
I feel you. Which is probably why the key thing is to have your life together and have things going for yourself.
Many people let how their love/dating life is doing be a mirror of how valuable they are and how they are doing - which makes sense in a world obsessed with relationships.
So when you don't really have much going for yourself and you out there cold approaching 11 people in a row a day and getting 14 x no - that's no confidence boost.
The key element is that you are approaching not just with the concept of 'I want something from you and it's sex' but with the knowledge of 'I find you attractive and I have something to offer - beyond the whole sexual aspect of this - namely, I got confidence because my life tells me I'm doing something with it'. Now that it is sexy to people when someone has their stuff together, is no coincidence, but you need to derive confidence from you first.
Rejection sucks, it's the worst for everybody. Nobody wants to get a no. But a no is better than asking yourself what would've happened. And who knows, perhaps after a while of cold approaching and getting shot down you're like 'I'ma focus on getting my things together' and in doing so, meet someone with similar interests.. and bam.
How you feel about you matters - is super true, and because of that - don't be an actor and spit game and stuff, be YOU and make sure YOU is awesome and feels great. That is attractive.