For anybody that wants to learn, it's not too late:
When I started, I was working full time so I couldn't go to school, and couldn't do a bootcamp, but I ran across Odin, which is a free self-learning class. You must have discipline to do it, because you won't be on any type of timeframe or schedule, and you won't have anybody standing over you making you do it. Also, the fact that you don't have to spend money for it could be a double edged sword, because you can procrastinate, thinking that "well it ain't like I paid for it."
But if you can remain disciplined and focused, you can do this. I closed the door on my business for a couple years, and I started working less hours, so that I could have the time to do this. I spent weekends learning, stayed up late at night learning. And now 3 years later I'm here.
I'm not saying I know everything. In programming/tech, you are always going to be learning.
But that's the fun part. Leggooooooo