Neo. The Only. The One.
Sorta, kinda...maybe not. People in my small network know i'm looking but haven't been able to plug me with connects. I'm very anti- social media so not gonna jump on linkedin and be on mytip
I think part of the issue is im quite private and wont put my business out there to get sympathy interview calls.
This ain't part of the problem, breh, I think it's the whole problem.

I spent months searching for something and couldn't find anything but when I started reaching out to people and letting them know my situation, I got a lot of help. One tech career coach chic even redid my resume for me for free and other folks kept their ear to the ground to let me know when something opened up at their companies.
You gotta talk to people breh. And yes you have to use LinkedIn.
I'll even add you and you can start adding people from my network.
You know if you promise not to doxx me cause you see the rapist/pedo/tranny brigade on the coli is trying to take me down right now.