Rap Guerilla
just saw this piff today 
its as if that movie brett ratner directed never happened, thank goodness
cuz that shyt was trash.
I wonder why they cut all the rogue scenes out tho???? hell, halle berry and iceman didn't really get enough time IMO
once again, it was a wolverine movie. but it seems as if all these movies are tho. hopefully we don't get any more spinoff wolverine movies and they go straight to the next xmen.
I was in an all black theatre, and after the credits, I said kinda loud something referring to how in the hell is apacolypse a white man in black ass egypt, and I had mad heads in there agreeing with me

its as if that movie brett ratner directed never happened, thank goodness

cuz that shyt was trash.
I wonder why they cut all the rogue scenes out tho???? hell, halle berry and iceman didn't really get enough time IMO

once again, it was a wolverine movie. but it seems as if all these movies are tho. hopefully we don't get any more spinoff wolverine movies and they go straight to the next xmen.
I was in an all black theatre, and after the credits, I said kinda loud something referring to how in the hell is apacolypse a white man in black ass egypt, and I had mad heads in there agreeing with me