Just found out my son has a girlfriend...


May 6, 2012
little dude probably looking at his dad sleeping on the couch like :snoop:.

worst part is that he's probably all :what:at you for snitching on him too (eventhough you kinda had to...) he'll still look at you like a damn snitch/simp.


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
I cant remember the last time a hoe spent 200 on me if ever, I might have to wait 12 yrs and date her


Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
I appreciate all the feedback, just wanted to give an update for those who may be interested:

We(me, wife) went up to the school this morning to return the items & meet with the principal, dean & guidance counselor. I explained it to them the same I explained it to my wife & you guys. What they told me was kinda disturbing, come to find out her giving my son gifts wasn't an isolated incident. The principal went on to explain to me that they have had problems with this particular little girl on different instances bringing money to school & giving it away. They wouldn't get into all the specifics(which I understand) but one thing they did tell me was on one occurrence last year, her art teacher saw her giving out money to different kids in class.

I'm not a braggadocio, but I make excellent money but if $20.00 was missing out of my money I would find out why. I don't know what this little girl's parents do for a living but it's kinda crazy that they can't miss lots of money gone at one time. Obviously the baby doesn't have a concept of money & I blame the parents 100%. I don't know what the school can do legally but they did say they will take "swift & stern action" because it's happening too much.

Next week we have open house so I'll get the meet the little girl & the parents. I won't bring up this incident because I don't think it's appropriate. But I did have a talk with my son & I explained to him to not accept gifts from people just to be their friend or in this case girlfriend. He's only 6 but I think he understands but it's a bad situation for a young kid to be in. I do feel sorry for the little girl, I hope her parents do something because she can get extorted by older kids or the teachers can take money from her.

Also I've read a lot of comments basically saying I'm a punk because I mentioned sleeping on the couch. Let me clarify something, yesterday when I told my wife about this I was basically :blessed:the whole time & that's why she got upset because I wasn't taking it serious & was kinda saluting my son, thats why she was so upset. My wife has NEVER made me sleep on the couch or told me I can't sleep in the bed. If you guys clearly read my first post I said I would probably have to sleep on the couch or basically have hear her talk about the incident all night in bed while I'm trying to sleep, that's all. I think my comment( about sleeping on the couch) was taken way out of context. We have a great friendship & terrific marriage.

And finally for the poster @TRBM, you said it's not adding up if I've been married for 2 months with a 6yr old son. I don't understand what you don't understand. We've been together for almost 9yrs, we were engaged for 3 of those & decided when we had everything together & finished school with careers that we should get married, hope that answers your question.

I don't know what that the "get married brehs" means on here & I don't know how many of yall are actually married.But what I do know is when you're married, arguing with your significant other is like going to war. You have to pick & choose your battles because everyday you have to wake up to that same person until you die so you want things to go as smooth as possible.
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The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
No disrespect but money gift cards at 6 years old b?:comeon:

Not trying to call :duck: but how would this 6 yr old get her hands on a $50 bill and gift cards...

If it were my son, I would feel a bit proud but I.would think there is something sinister going on...

Are we REALLY sure there is a 6 yr old girl in the picture? Our is there something Mir that your son isn't telling you...

You need to investigate ASAP
May 15, 2012
What you need to do is take that lil nikka out and show him the game.

One day when he thinks he's goin to school be like "Nah man, you kicking with me today, you gonna see how the big man does it". Take him to the barbershop gettin him a lil cut. Take him to get some nice clothes. Ya'll cruise around, you put him on to some real game. Tell him how girls be, and how hoes be and most definitely how a man should be. Spend the day with your seed, then at the end of the day be like "dont tell moms about this."

I wish my dad did this:to:

But we let the fire teach us, I am my dad:birdman:


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
wait till negs is back breh


Well one thing about me is that I HATE to argue. Usually I'd rather concede the point(even if I'm right) because I don't like going back & forth with people. My wife is very firery & the polar opposite of me, she loves to debate, argue, etc.. And she gets really upset when I don't argue back. And like this situation, even if I agree with her now she'll say I'm just being dismissive to get her shut up so really I can't win.

It's probably best if I just be quiet & let pass it over & let her handle it tomorrow. She gave me a different perspective on how to look at it so we'll see what happens. Right now it's just 6pm so hopefully she'll forgive me so I can sleep in the bed tonight.

Btw it's not like I can't sleep in the bed if I wanted too but when we have disagreements it ends up being an all night dialogue & I have work tomorrow, dont wanna hear her mouth all night when she's upset. Been married for two months now, this is our first little disagreement...

If y'all are totally opposite how the hell y'all hook up in the first place? She sounds controlling as fukk

1.)Congrats on your son not being a fakkit.

2.) It's clear that girl has no father figure in her life.

3.) You need to keep ya bytch in check. Don't let her run the house
dap, then undap when i found it was a post from "Black Nasty" :dead:

:laff: Got damn that's a fukked up nickname
What you need to do is take that lil nikka out and show him the game.

One day when he thinks he's goin to school be like "Nah man, you kicking with me today, you gonna see how the big man does it". Take him to the barbershop gettin him a lil cut. Take him to get some nice clothes. Ya'll cruise around, you put him on to some real game. Tell him how girls be, and how hoes be and most definitely how a man should be. Spend the day with your seed, then at the end of the day be like "dont tell moms about this."

In fact you should copped them cards like "dont tell moms about this, ima givem back to the principle at school",and kept them shyts for yourself.

Telling his son about how hoes are? :wtf: Breh the kid is 6. This is how the younger generations are gettin' to be so fukked up. No need to fill a small child's mind with stuff like this. Definitely need to wait till the kid turns 15 or 16 for that.


May 14, 2012
Nah, when i was young my older fam (grand folks and aunties and uncles) used to call me lil man. They'd tell me I was gonna be a good man and find a woman like grandma who was smart and sweet and could cook. shyt like that. It was likely jokes and banter but it instilled good principles. Tellin me I don't need a woman who's gonna take my cookies or toys and run off. Today I equate cookies and toys as money and other shyt. I ain't no simp, they ain't gettin nothin. Any lady round me bring her own


If y'all are totally opposite how the hell y'all hook up in the first place? She sounds controlling as fukk


:laff: Got damn that's a fukked up nickname

Telling his son about how hoes are? :wtf: Breh the kid is 6. This is how the younger generations are gettin' to be so fukked up. No need to fill a small child's mind with stuff like this. Definitely need to wait till the kid turns 15 or 16 for that.


Come Home With Me
May 2, 2012
a BRONX Slum by I-87 NORTH
I appreciate all the feedback, just wanted to give an update for those who may be interested:

We(me, wife) went up to the school this morning to return the items & meet with the principal, dean & guidance counselor. I explained it to them the same I explained it to my wife & you guys. What they told me was kinda disturbing, come to find out her giving my son gifts wasn't an isolated incident. The principal went on to explain to me that they have had problems with this particular little girl on different instances bringing money to school & giving it away. They wouldn't get into all the specifics(which I understand) but one thing they did tell me was on one occurrence last year, her art teacher saw her giving out money to different kids in class.

I'm not a braggadocio, but I make excellent money but if $20.00 was missing out of my money I would find out why. I don't know what this little girl's parents do for a living but it's kinda crazy that they can't miss lots of money gone at one time. Obviously the baby doesn't have a concept of money & I blame the parents 100%. I don't know what the school can do legally but they did say they will take "swift & stern action" because it's happening too much.

Next week we have open house so I'll get the meet the little girl & the parents. I won't bring up this incident because I don't think it's appropriate. But I did have a talk with my son & I explained to him to not accept gifts from people just to be their friend or in this case girlfriend. He's only 6 but I think he understands but it's a bad situation for a young kid to be in. I do feel sorry for the little girl, I hope her parents do something because she can get extorted by older kids or the teachers can take money from her.

Also I've read a lot of comments basically saying I'm a punk because I mentioned sleeping on the couch. Let me clarify something, yesterday when I told my wife about this I was basically :blessed:the whole time & that's why she got upset because I wasn't taking it serious & was kinda saluting my son, thats why she was so upset. My wife has NEVER made me sleep on the couch or told me I can't sleep in the bed. If you guys clearly read my first post I said I would probably have to sleep on the couch or basically have hear her talk about the incident all night in bed while I'm trying to sleep, that's all. I think my comment( about sleeping on the couch) was taken way out of context. We have a great friendship & terrific marriage.

And finally for the poster @TRBM, you said it's not adding up if I've been married for 2 months with a 6yr old son. I don't understand what you don't understand. We've been together for almost 9yrs, we were engaged for 3 of those & decided when we had everything together & finished school with careers that we should get married, hope that answers your question.

I don't know what that the "get married brehs" means on here & I don't know how many of yall are actually married.But what I do know is when you're married, arguing with your significant other is like going to war. You have to pick & choose your battles because everyday you have to wake up to that same person until you die so you want things to go as smooth as possible.

nikka coppin pleas :dead: :russ: